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> the rate of PC shipments is still increasing.

Gartner and IDC: PC shipments tumbled over 8 percent in Q3[1]

That's the second consecutive quarter of negative global growth.[2]

>> The consumer PC market has cratered since the iPad

> There are a lot more PCs sold per quarter than iPads

I don't think 'since the iPad' meant losing out solely to iPad sales.

[1] http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/10/gartner-and-idc-pc-shipme...

[2] http://www.consumerit.eu/index.php?option=com_content&vi...

So the quarter before a major new Windows OS release, the number of computers sold decreased? Earth shattering

You're grasping at straws, Windows is not going anywhere in a hurry. You may not like it, but to ignore this fact is to ignore reality.

I guess you missed the part where demand for this hugely anticipated OS release is looking decidedly weak?[0][1][2]

(I love that after telling one person they don't know what they're talking about, while making obviously false claims yourself, you continue to lecture about 'reality'.)

BTW, I'm not posting in support of Lewisham's thesis, so I have no need for straws.

[0] TFA

[1] http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2012/12/03/Why-Window...

[2] http://news.investors.com/technology/101612-629557-intel-bea...

> while making obviously false claims yourself

What claims have I made that are false?

So after a couple of weak quarters, PC sales are what, twice the rate of tablets? 3 times?

Go ahead, try to pretend that Windows is no longer relevant - but if you want to actually understand the market, which is what I thought this website was for, then you can't support ridiculous claims like "Windows PC sales have cratered since the iPad was released".

I'm downvoting you because your tone is unnecessarily hostile. You are making a defensible point. You don't need to be so caustic to do it, nor simply ignore what points people are making in return; there are far more potent arguments available to you than just trying to pretend noibl didn't score a legitimate point by pointing out the market is indeed shrinking when you said growing, and then trying to sneak the goalposts somewhere else.

Maybe I was too hostile, but Nobl was trying to move the goalposts himself from the initial "Windows PC sales have cratered since the iPad", to "PC sales have shrunk in the latest quarter". I was getting annoyed and trying to bring it back to the original point.

> What claims have I made that are false?

You said they're growing. They're shrinking.

I'm out.

They shrunk in one quarter. There are some early indications that by some measures they might have shrunk in Q4 as well. You know full well that the statement you are trying to defend, that "Windows 8 PC sales have cratered since the iPad" is indefensible.

I know I said I was done but since you keep harping on the point, I'll just leave this here:


It shows global PC sales flat since the start of 2010. The iPad debuted in April 2010.

So that would have been a decent theory before the Windows 8 release. But if people were delaying purchases because of the upcoming Windows 8 release, there should have been a sales spike by now as all that pent-up demand gets satisfied. And the impression I'm getting from the news (including the original article) doesn't support such a spike...

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