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For things like APIs, Rails has https://github.com/rails-api/rails-api, an excellent project.

I've taken a look at it. It does not really use the Rails 3 architecture (Russian Doll Pattern) to its fullest potential. I have written https://github.com/intermodal/intermodal back in 2010 to demonstrate it, and have put that code into production.

There are some people trying to revive Rails-API. I have already sent them an email begging them to steal ideas from Intermodal. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rails-api-core/LoJap...

Maybe they will, maybe they won't. I got a polite brush-off so I doubt they really looked at it, but since I am exiting, whatever.

In writing Intermodal, I've had to muck around with some of the guts of Rails. I've found that Rails 3.0 very much follows the principle of Russian Doll Pattern, but Rails 3.1 onwards started moving away from it. There are baked-in assumptions in the code for a template-driven app. This is where the Rails leadership is focused on.

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