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Are status rules really so simple?

No. You can study this for years and still be mystified. I don't think anyone has figured all of it out.

Can it not also sometimes raise status to be accommodating, because it shows you can afford it?

Generosity is different from being accommodating. You have to have a mission and purpose and not let it slide for trivialities. Generosity means you help people out, but on your terms. You do things for them because it is genuinely good for them. Accommodating means you drop your own needs and wants to do their chores. Doing someone else's low-yield work does not (in general) make you attractive. Of course, there are exceptions.

Should I really be bulldozing onwards just to assert my status?

No. That would be an extremely low-status move. "Asserting" high status by being a dick means you don't have it.

What about the gift economy, where the people giving the most gifts has the highest status (examples: open source, science, feasts in archaic societies)

Again, that's generosity.

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