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Centurion - A SASS & CSS3 Responsive Web Framework That Scales With Your Device (jhough10.github.com)
23 points by Hirvesh on Dec 24, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

I'd strongly suggest re-working this to remove the grid layout styling from the HTML. It inhibits the ability to properly control the layout for different sizes.

Recommended reading: http://framelessgrid.com/, http://wail.es/post/really-responsive-design (disclosure - I wrote this), http://wail.es/opendaws/ (an example of the idea)

I have to say that I am pretty happy to see some CSS frameworks are embracing SASS, but one thing that Bootstrap has is a large community of pre-made templates that are fairly easy to modify. I wish there was a slightly better ecosystem for the alternatives. I would totally do it except that I am a) a terrible designer, and b) I don't want to commit code base to alternatives that may not go anywhere. I don't mean that as a stab against this framework: I'm just not the early adapter type when it comes to new technologies. I really hope a viable alternative to Bootstrap comes along soon. The real challenge will be creating something that doesn't "look" like a Bootstrap or, in this case, a Centurion design.

Is it just me or is The Grid example page broken? This is how it looks on Safari on iOS 6.0.1 on iPad mini: http://imgur.com/3lIns It looks similar albeit smaller on latest Chrome on Samsung Galaxy S3.

Nice, but why does it overflow the viewport between 920 and 950px? Is it deliberate?

Edit: This only happens if you resize the window, it never overflows when setting device width

via: http://www.functionn.in/2012/12/centurion-sass-css3-responsi... [Check out www.functionn.in for more web resources].

It's a new responsive framework with the latest bells & whistles, worth taking a look at if you're into SASS and RWD.

Licensed under GPL.

Just a quick FYI if you didn't notice, "tsaking" might need a minor correction ;)

Thank you for the heads up! Corrected :-)

I guess this shows how few people actually look at the source code. There's no Sass in the repo, just the compiled CSS.

It feels very bootstrappy. Is there any major advantage to using this vs responsive bootstrap?

You can read the author's thought on the 'why' of this framework here: http://www.justinhough.com/writing-the-journey/centurion-3-a... - it seems to have same features as Bootstrap, just more lightweight imo.

That doesn't really justify using it for me at least. If I need light, I can pick and chose my exact components for bootstrap.

FYI, it's "Sass" not "SASS".

Another shity CSS framework that doesn't do anything better than adding code overhead to your project. Go ahead people use Bootstrap everywhere then wonder why your product fails in the market. It's better to write some clean, yet minimal CSS than use any kind of framework for CSS. Do you need responsive designs? Just use @media at the end of your CSS file to restyle some of the elements for different screen widths or just hide them. That's all you have to do!

Lots of wisdom here, people.

Did your app fail in the market? It's your CSS framework. Write your CSS by hand and win over the hearts and respect of your users.

Reminds me of that time my app failed on the market because I left `// Generated by CoffeeScript` in my JS source files and became publicly scorned by my customers for taking shortcuts. I'd write a post-mortem but I'm too busy porting my Rails app to Rack to escape framework overhead like an adult.

I have been using Bootstrap for this entire year on various projects at work. Nobody complained because I was using Bootstrap. In fact, I actually got a lot of compliments about how well the projects looked. The fact is, outside Hacker News, nobody cares if you're using Bootstrap. They care if your project doesn't look horrible, and more importantly, they care if your project works.

Now sure, I could learn CSS and do all the stuff you put in the last four sentences. But designing a good-looking style with all the components I needed - grids, buttons, navbars, modal dialogs - would take far longer than unzipping Bootstrap, dropping it in my assets folder, and actually writing the bloody code. Especially since I walked out of the office Friday after emailing my supervisor a two-and-a-half page list of stuff I wanted to get done this year but couldn't.

You do care about overhead though, right? Bootstrap adds so much unnecessary code you will never use... which is fine for prototyping and bootstrapping, but not for production apps.

That's fine, but then you do pruning of the elements you don't need. It's a lot easier to prune than to create every single time. I think the overhead added by Bootstrap is easily covered in the amount of boilerplate coding you get to skip.

So you're going to add something only to prune out 85%? It's not likely youre going to keep any of the same styling, button styling, modal styling, etc...

I like the approach of just using one of the numerous form boilerplates to make your forms pretty (most time-consuming task I think), and roll the rest from scratch. You can make an entire site responsive in not much CSS at all.

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