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So I did Dev Bootcamp: we learned the basics of programming in 8 weeks and covered a lot of guides and such. This is what I would recommend:

Start with http://www.codecademy.com/ for learning basic HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Then I'd recommend learning Ruby as a programmer. It's easy and fun to learn, there's a lot of demand for jobs (good jobs from startups to big companies to consultancies) so you can find a job pretty easily and there's a great community of people willing to help you out with it. Here's some resources for learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails:

http://tryruby.org/ (15 minutes beginner tutorial)

http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/ruby_in_100_minut... (basic intro to Ruby to read)

http://rubymonk.com/ (interactive learning ruby exercises)

http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/eventmanager.html (Ruby project dealing with CSV files)

http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/jstwitter.html (Ruby project integrating with twitter)

http://www.codeschool.com/courses/try-git (git tutorial, very important for web development with others)

http://railsforzombies.org/ (basic intro to rails)

http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ (Rails project to build a Twitter site- long and intense but VERY worth it)

http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/ (more tutorials and info on Rails along with Ruby)

http://railscasts.com/ (more advanced stuff on Rails, covers some basic stuff as well, video plus text)

http://www.rubyquiz.com/ (Ruby exercises to try with answers from others-these are more advanced)

More text based:

http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ (read these to really understand Rails)

Books to read: Agile Web Development with Rails (newest edition, considered THE book on Rails)

Programming Ruby (considered THE book on Ruby) The Rspec Book (about testing, super important to learn, AO3 gives free copies to coders there)

Metaprogramming Ruby (great for understanding the intricacies of Ruby and how to bend it to your will)

Crafting Rails Applications by Jose Valim (great for understanding how Rails really works, more advanced)

The MOST important part is after a week or so (or less) of reading and practicing tutorials in the like, find something you're passionate and try to build it. Ask for help from other programmers, Rubyists love to help and try to find RL meetups if you can.

Good luck!

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