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go to the root project in the shell, stop rails server if it's running and type: bundle install

then start the server again: rails server

If he is running under Pow, there's no reason to be running 'script/server' or 'rails server'. That's what Pow does for you.

As with nearly all Rack application servers I know of, you can simply restart the application by creating/updating 'tmp/restart.txt' from your Rails root. Unix's `touch` command does this nicely. With Pow specifically, you can also create '~/.pow/restart.txt' (or '~/Library/Application Support/Pow/Hosts/restart.txt', since it's the same location) and that will force Pow to reload itself.

I didn't know abut 'restart.txt' that's awesome!

Also, I've tried that and I'm still getting the same old "Action Controller: Exception..." error. Specifically I have a MySQL error, yet no 'better_errors' showing.

I've already executed 'bundle install' too.

If you just want to restart a single pow app - in the directory of the rails app run `touch tmp/restart`.

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