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It's funny. I spent a while yesterday trying to find a free easy and secure way for anyone to publish static websites, but couldn't find anything that was like the Dropbox public folder option. And now Google comes out with this...

I guess I'll have to update my post http://www.zappable.com/2012/11/the-zappable-guide-to-findin...

> couldn't find anything that was like the Dropbox public folder option

With http://www.site44.com/ you can use Dropbox for webhosting.

That looks interesting. Thanks.

Just use github pages, it's free, secure and easy to use.

I'm a software developer and I find it hard to use. The documentation isn't so great. If "I" find it hard, imagine what a layman would feel like?

I don't think Github pages is easy to use.

I linked to it in my chart, but it might be hard to use for someone with no experience.

Second decision box: the word "need" is duplicated.

Left exit from first decision box: should say '90s, not 90'ss.

Thanks, I updated it. Now I just need a way for people to find it..

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