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Universal problem solving flowchart (cvmountain.com)
2 points by KiwiCoder on Nov 28, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

While I know a lot of people do it, I think this is a terrible, terrible, terrible advice. You inspire people to became copypaste programmers, which is not a very good thing. Googling is fine, but using random code with random tweaks in production code is one of the worst things you can do. "How does this work?" "I don't know I found it on SO and changed some variables!" "So...how do we fix/improve it?"

This sort of behaviour will not only produce bad code but also will limit your mind, being able to solve problems is probably on of the main abilities of a programmer. If your rely on google you will not keep your mind trained! And what if google one day does not have the answer?

Don't get me wrong finding code on google can help but it's far from the universal problem solving! Better googling some documentation!

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