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I recall an article along those same lines. If I'm correct, it outlined this culture of rich, dcurtis-like backpackers who spend $50 on a five piece flatware set and live out of their suitcases. They insist their culture is one of minimalism and perfection, but it's actually just wanton consumerism.

Now, I don't think dcurtis meant this post to hate on shoddy, mass-produced items, and I wouldn't even say it comes across this way. It's the fact that most people don't have the luxury to invest the time and money in picking out the very best of everything they own. Most people get a decent set of flatware, a decent towel, and a decent backpack because we have non-materialistic things we need to invest our time and money in.

I know a lot of people who waste their money on 60" tv's, three video game consoles (and an endless assortment of games they play once or twice), they stock their house with 5x as much flatware and towels as they need, all from Walmart, just "in case" they have that many guests. Not to mention their 6 bookshelves from Ikea to put all their stuff on.

They would do well to consider this philosophy. I have, since long before this was written, and it's an ongoing learning experience with endless rewards.

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