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Ask HN: is Javascript on the CLI/webserver D.O.A?
1 point by dmorgan on Oct 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite
a) What happened to the idea of Javascript on the server?

I mean, Node.js has been a (relatively) big success, but it's mostly fit for specific kinds of applications (evented, live updating, etc, the kind of things you'd use Tornado or Twister for). So, while it's nice you can use Node.js for when the situation call for it, but what about the other 90% of web programming, that we perform in Python, Ruby, PHP, etc? Where is a Javascript container for generic web based programming, one to rival RoR or at least Sinatra/Flask (and NOT be evented / callback-based)?

b) What happened to the idea of Javascript on the command line, as a general purpose scripting language? It might not be a perfect language, but it's used by millions, it's probably the fastest dynamic language, with four very fast JITed implementations, and ES6 fixes a lot of pain points. IIRC, Common JS was an effort to use it for general purpose scripting. What happened to that?

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