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No vanilla registration? I don't really want this linked to my Facebook or Twitter account. I also didn't see what the prize for "winning" is.

I'm happy to add that but this is the first request :) the prize is a mystery prize (but I also own a sweet shop so you could take a guess ;) )

Mystery prizes are good, too! Maybe adding "mystery" in the copy somewhere would help clarify that. Or change "prize" to "surprise." In any case, it seems like a neat idea and it's well-executed for a 1-day project.

I just ended up on your sweet website and now I'm purchasing too much candy. What have you done? :-( This interactive pick n mixer is way too much fun.

Consider this a second request ;) I don't have neither accounts, but would really like to register; it seems very interesting.

Fourth request. Seems like a cool idea, but not cool enough for me to have to create an account on either of those two services.

I'll make the third request in a comment since you can't see the upvotes.

And a fourth

I would like regular registration too. I signed up with a test Facebook account I use at work - not preferable.

In for vanilla registration. I don't have either of the two services you allow.

+1 for independent registration

One benefit of not having vanilla registration is that you're more or less going to have all unique users. One could imagine gaming the system using multiple accounts.

Assuming people don't have multiple Twitter accounts.

or they login via twitter then refer the facebook account.. not that I've seen that happen already.

Having 2 or 3 twitter accounts is not a big deal for his site. Creating 10000 vanilla accounts would be. Adding that kind of anti-spam methods is a lot of work and not easy to get right.

IP throtterling. now if they create the accounts on unique IP's then you have somebody who is overly dedicated. It is when the reward is less than the effort to cheat that you have a workable system of protection. Beyond that there is no golden solution without costly verification process's.

Twitter and facebook accounts are about as unique as an email address, any gaming of the system is just as easy.

Precisely. I'm not entirely sure how deep your site goes, but assuming it's like the actual stock market, one could potentially game the system by creating two separate accounts and making a series of investments with one, and by shorting those exact same investments on the other; One of the accounts is guaranteed to go up.

but the other goes down by the same amount... right?

Correct, but the idea is that you'd just throw away the account that goes down.

Here's a fifth

6th here

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