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Foursquare designer launches Sunrise, the new must-have daily email (thenextweb.com)
13 points by camilleroux on Sept 5, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Simple and great service! I read it every morning. I know it's critical to keep it simple and easy to read, though I'd love to have the weather forecast for the day as well.

Love it. The only thing missing for me (and i've been using it for a while, happy to see it here!) is a preview of the next day events.

We've been thinking about it. We might too it at some point, that's a great idea.

Hey! Happy to see Sunrise on HN. I've made it with @jeremylv, hope you'll find it useful! - @pierrevalade

I'm using it and it's always a pleasure to have this morning email !

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