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Not an ex-Googler, but I would ask if "cool" is a metric that you should use as a decision point for choosing whether or not you are accepting any job.

Here are some things that you might want to ask yourself during the decision making process:

* Did I meet my future coworkers? Did my gut have any red flags about any of them?

* Did the prospective work I'm applying for interest me?

* Did the work environment / culture of the team I'm going working with appeal to me? Work environments and subcultures can vary wildly by department in large companies, so sometimes the company's overall reputation may not be representative of the sub-environment you're being recruited into.

* If "career path" is important to me, does the company offer that for the position I'm being recruited for?

* Will I learn anything by being there?

* Does the overall structure and the way the company works fit in with what I'm used to? This is highly personal - what fits one person may not fit another.

"Cool" is a deliberately vague metric to get people to talk about what they like/don't like.

Your other questions are good and I certainly won't neglect them.

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