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https://twitter.com/dingfengquek/status/239451710278483970 (13119) Removed tweet protection.

It's a pretty interesting game to master - the challenge isn't in hand-eye projectile-estimation/control. While that's important, it seems pretty easy to reach a satisfactory amount (as long as one doesn't need to cross the edge of the screen and wrap-around, which the human brain doesn't seem to handle well).

The parameter to optimize, at least at scores of 8k to 13k, is to quickly evaluate the best upward paths to take.

I've tried 5 games, all which ended above 6k, which ended when I hesitated on the path. Curiously, it isn't the situations where only 1 path is available where I lose. It is the situations when two somewhat equal paths exists, and I hesitate. At areas with white blocks, where the jumping height required to reach the next block is maxed, and the next block is horizontally displaced, there's very little time to think.

Hitting springs are the worst, as it changes the screen very rapidly, making it very hard to assess the situation (3 losses to this). The next worst is a series of whites at max height, which results in a high upwards speed (1 loss to this). Last loss was due to dropping a bag of chips.


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