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Worth repeating: every intern ever anywhere should blog a summarizing post like this at the end of their internship.

Not only does it have obvious and enormous personal benefits for Jamie, but it's galvanizing for the team to look back and read through just how much has been accomplished in a few months (I'm proudly on Jamie's team, am speaking firsthand).

Most interns cannot disclose implementation specifics and code like this. A lot of us work on larger business-facing projects. This type of blog post is pretty specific to the style of development he's doing (a bunch of small open-source web widgets and scripts).

Especially when it happens so that you are working in Space or Defense industry...

I look forward to the opportunity to do this throughout my next internship in January.

Unfortunately, if I wrote such a post for the internship I just finished, I'd have to omit parts of it. Even though the company I worked for published a "Diary of a Summer Intern" series throughout the summer. :(

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