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You can live your life without phones, internet, buses, cars or any kind of modern technology.

And yes you will need them only if you have used them. Because people around a century back didn't need them.

You can still live in a jungle. But the question is, should you?

You can give yourself up to the Google ecosystem and live happily inside GMail, GCal, GDocs etc. You can do the same thing with Apple or Microsoft, but you can't easily mix and match between them.

You can pledge yourself to a single programming language. You can live and breathe Java all day and become a master of it and its tools and world views.

But the question is, should you? Should you give up the richness and flexibility of all that is out there and hedge your bets in ONE technology stack and ONE IDE?

Vim and Emacs and ST2 are language agnostic. The Unix command line is language agnostic. In fact, it is text editor agnostic, too. You can mix and match the tools and languages you like.

IDEs with all their richness are fairly confined to a very narrow set of languages and methodologies and ways of thinking about problems.

Both choices offer different benefits and different downsides. Make your choice wisely.

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