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Hmmm... well games these days come on a DVD with 2 gigs of graphics. How could a JavaScript game streaming over the web do something like that??? PC games with high end graphics and gamers have pretty much driven PC sales/upgrades for the last decade. I really doubt that gaming enthusiasts are going to be happy with their FPS going into the toilet and loading times taking 5 minutes to download all the textures.

Are we going backwards in terms of technology?

Lets make a distinction here. Javascript is fine for phone games and puzzle games. That is about it. Same reasons why embedded chips are STILL programmed using 35 year old assembly/C and always will be. It is the right tool for the job that wins.

Hype can be a very bad thing for technology. I realize that web developers are creating quite a clamor with their aspirations of becoming game developers (better money, more fun, and higher status among peers) but the real game devs are going to blow you and your toys away (you are using the wrong tool for the job). Basic programmers did this in the 80s and we all know what happened to that LOL.

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