Wow. Doubling down eh? At this point I have to assume you’re trolling because I struggle to believe anyone could be this obviously racist and/or stupid.
The US is a mix of ethnic Europeans, Africans, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Asians, including ethnic Chinese, Malay and Indian people, and many others besides that.
That's a melting pot.
Singapore is described as "a mix of ethnic Chinese, Malay and Indian people".
That's not a melting pot.
Those are two different things. I don't care one bit if you think it is racist or stupid to point out the difference.
I know this goes against your deeply held beliefs but race is socially constructed. I've heard Americans refer to Italians, Turks and Slavic - and even Roma people - as "white" but tell a German that and they'll look at you with confusion. Tell them that Hispanics are more foreign to you, a white American, than Spaniards are to them, a white German and they'll just think you've lost the plot. Heck, go and tell a Japanese person they're interchangeable with Malaysians and Indians and see how they feel about it. Even throwing Indians and East Asians in one racial category seems frankly insane to me as a European for reasons that should be obvious if you've ever seen them let alone talked to them (and even superficial racism you can use to group all "black" people together doesn't explain it as a Punjab Indian person and a Han Chinese person share no obvious visual features).
China, Malaysia and India are culturally and ethnically extremely different. Heck, India and China alone span enough area to cover extremely distinct ethnic and cultural groups themselves. The reason "white" Americans think they're a distinct unified group from "Africans", "Hispanics", "Asians" and so on is that the US largely eroded the cultural differences over the centuries to the point "cultural origin" has become more of a costume than a meaningful identity - if you're an American descendent of German settlers, you're an American, not a German and Germans (except for the most ideologically driven völkisch nationalists) will humor you but never see you as "one of them" more than any other foreigner.
You know what Africans call a black American? American. You know what Asians call an Asian American? American. The US is a melting pot, alright, but it is a racially segregated one and that's what makes you think the races matter. The US dragged itself kicking and streaming to the point where it even acknowledged black people as actual people and abolished all the mandatory racial seggregation laws that were put in place by white Americans who felt icky about having to share space with former Untermenschen slaves. The Chinese specifically were the first group of people the US actively tried to prevent from immigrating (which was later expanded to all people from East Asia).
You're also ignoring that Singapore is only half the size of Texas while having a similar number of people living in it. The US has had a wide range of immigrants but they tended to cluster in different places. Comparing Singapore and the US is apples to oranges but not because you think Asian people are a coherent group outside of racial shenanigans. I know this isn't very "politically correct" for me to say but: Yes, your racism is intellectually insulting but it has also successfully impaired your comprehension of demographics, sociology and ethnic groups to that point that you're not even wrong[0].