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Show HN: Compare salaries, tax, & living costs globally (takehomepay.city)
20 points by bentoboxop 3 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
Hi HN -

Like many in tech, I've thought about relocating to different cities. But comparing salaries, income tax, housing costs, and overall cost of living is hard. It's hard to know where you'd actually save up more money.

So I built a site to make it easier. It's my first HN project, hope you find it useful.

Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!

This is cool! I'd be interested to see it include more jurisdictions (I'm from Guernsey which is low tax but high rent, and I wonder how that evens out.)

Would be cool if I could just input salary in USD once and see the total savings in every city, a bit more like a spreadsheet

Australian dollars are AUD$, not A$.


I'm not sure if A$ is something else, but it looked weird to me.

The page isn't working for me, apparently I'm getting a timeout on the 4 parallel requests to "https://geofyi.onrender.com/cities"

Thanks for the report! Just deployed a hot fix. Let me know if you still see any issues.

Seems to be working now, thanks!

Would you be able to add Madrid and Barcelona (both in Spain) please? I see many european cities but not those, sadly

Yes we will add it soon :)

Really helpful tool, kudos for building this.

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