Over the years I’ve
spent a lot of time talking engineers and managers out of using serverless AWS options for various reasons. I’ve found that most non-infra focused engineers and managers see serverless marketed as “simpler” and “cheaper”.
It’s often the opposite, but most people don’t see that until after they’ve built their infrastructure around that, get locked in, and then start seeing the surprise bills, difficult to diagnose system failures, and hard-limitations start rolling in.
A bit of early skepticism, and alternative solutions with a long-term perspective in mind, often go a long way.
I've seen successful serverless designs but the complexity gets pushed out of code and into service configuration / integration (it becomes arch spaghetti). These systems are difficult to properly test until deployed to cloud. Also, yeah, total vendor lock in. It works for some teams but is not my preference.
If you have a low traffic or % of server ultiziation such as B2B applications. "Full Container on Serverless" can be insanely cheap. Such as FastAPI, Django, Rails etc running all of these on Lambda when you've only got a few hits during the day and almost none at night, is very cost effective.
We do this at current job for most of our internal tools. Not a setup I would choose on my own, but serviceable. Using a simple handler function that uses mangum [0] to translate the event into a request compatible with FastAPI, it mostly Just Works TM the same in AWS as it does locally. The trade off comes with a bit harder troubleshooting and there are some cases where it can be difficult to reproduce a bug locally because of the different server architectures.
What it's also surprising is people getting excited and "certified" on AWS (and attending AWS conferences, lol), job postings requiring you to "know" AWS for a developer position. Why on earth do I have to know AWS to develop software? Isn't it that supposed to be covered by DevOps or sysadmins? If one word could define AWS that would be: overengineer. The industry definitely does not need all that machinery to build things, probably a fraction of what is offered and way way simpler.
Because if you hire a DevOps after the original meaning then he needs to know AWS (assuming that’s the cloud vendor the company posting is using) DevOps means develop and operate. That was the raging new concept. Since actual sysadmin work of setting up hardware is no longer needed when hosting on AWS. So the developer takes the part of hosting and operation. But now that cloud infrastructure became so damn complicated and all, most DevOps define the dev as developing and maintaining the Zoo of tools and configurations. No time for actual development of the product. This is handled by another team. And we are back full circle to the times before DevOps. Our company still runs the old style of the definition and it is manageable.
Because the roles are increasingly blurring, and require both the dev and the ops knowledge. AWS gives you a lot of power if you buy into it, but of course that comes with a whole set of tradeoffs. There won’t be less cloud in the future, no matter personal feelings about it.
Our team kinda thinks the same thing about serverless but despite that we have some things built with it. And the paradoxical thing is that this issues have just never materialized, the serverless stuff is overwhelmingly the most stable part of our application. It's kinda weird and we don't fully trust it but empirically serverless works as advertised.
My experience - system went down every time we have significant load. Reasons were various, but all triggered by load. Switched to ECS + Aurora - problem gone, bill has slightly increased.
As with many of these things, I've seen it time and time again; the initial setup can be simple, perhaps that's a good thing for an org that needs to get moving quickly, but very soon you start to see the limitations and the more advanced stuff just isn't possible and now you're stuck, locked in so have to rebuild from the ground up.
Sometimes you have to do the (over) engineering part yourself, so that someone else isn't making the decisions on your behalf.
Just a counterpoint. But my experience has been the opposite.
Taking a legacy application that runs on a single server and is struggling to scale with spaghetti of config files all over the box and security issues that have gone unpatched because no one wants to touch the box as it’s too dangerous to change anything, as everything is intertwined. No backups or unverified backups. No redundancy. No reproducible environments so things work on local but not on remote. Takes devs days to pin the issues.
Then break it down and replace with individual fully managed AWS services that can scale independently and I don’t need to worry about upgrades.
Yeah, the total bill for services is usually higher. But that’s because now there’s actually someone (AWS) maintaining each service, rather than completely neglecting it.
They key to all this is to use IaC such as AWS CDK to have code be the single source of truth. No ClickOps!
I mostly understand what you’re saying and I hope I didn’t come across as saying serverless is *never* a good idea.
In my experience it’s just very often not the best choice. I will always keep an open mind about solutions, but serverless often comes with many shortcomings that teams don’t notice until it’s too late. I’ve seen it happen enough times that I feel I must keep a healthy dose of skepticism when anyone proposes changing a small part of stack for serverless options.
I’ve been working with AWS for about 8 years now and have worked on supporting dozens of projects across 5 different orgs ranging from small 5-person shops to 1000+ people. I have only seen a handful of cases where serverless makes sense.
> Taking a legacy application that runs on a single server and is struggling to scale with spaghetti of config files all over the box and security issues that have gone unpatched because no one wants to touch the box as it’s too dangerous to change anything, as everything is intertwined. No backups or unverified backups. No redundancy. No reproducible environments so things work on local but not on remote. Takes devs days to pin the issues.
All of these issues are easily possible with many serverless options. What it really sounds like is your org went from a legacy architecture that built up a ton of tech debt over the course of years and had no one owning the basics (ie backups) to a new one with less tech debt since it was built specifically around current issues you were facing. In 3-5 years I wouldn’t be surprised to hear the pendulum swinging back in the other direction as staffing and resources change hands and new requirements emerge.
I see these articles on HN enough almost always end up agreeing. My gross over simplification of this problem is:
The sweet spot for AWS seemingly is US$300-$3k/mth.
At that low end, you can get a mix of basic-but-okay DB, web servers, caching, CDN and maybe a few Lambdas all with logging/x-ray. All you'll need to run a good site/service w/ low-medium traffic and solid reliability. At around $3k/mth, you likely know whether you're in AWS to stay (using many services) or are eyeing the self hosting route.
Side projects really need to optimize under this $5-50/mth and that's just too low on AWS. The expensive foot-guns are just too risky.
That’s still way too much. In my previous job I ran the site on $10 a month dual core cpu. It had decent traffic, live status updates, a live stream during 2 hours of the day, a successful e-commerce shop. The site was getting thousands of visits an hour and I was always surprised at how much bandwidth we would chew. It even survived a could have ddos attacks without issues. I also cached the hell out of it with memcached.
My past two previous projects have been on $5 vps with out issue. Some one really tried to bring one of them down with a ddos but gave up when it didn’t work.
A $5 VPS can take you very far if your project is well optimized.
Our biggest expense isn't cpu/bandwidth, it's data. S3 (that includes snapshots/backups), databases, and memory. So your experience aligns with mine for AWS, even though we spend magnitudes more.
We had a lot of data too, everyday we produced at least two hours of video, it would get encoded to the various formats we needed (broadcast and web), store the archive on our local server (which did a lot of backend tasks as well) and host them on Youtube/Facebook for the audience. We also had a 3rd party partner for the livestream on the site. All of that took a massive load off our web server.
If we had to have all of that on the cloud it would have been a lot more expensive.
I've been doing web dev for at least 15 years now so I kind of grew up with the technologies. The thing that helped me the most was building stuff from scratch in my personal projects to learn what is actually happening behind the scenes and see if there is a better way of doing it.
The problem with frameworks/cms/etc is they are trying to solve everybody's problem but aren't really optimized to solve your specific problem if you have one.
At that lower end you get two of these machines, https://www.hetzner.com/sb/#price_from=100, plus another hundred bucks per month for fun and CDN and some DDOS protection if that's your thing and a backup solution. Pick a 256 GB RAM machine and one with 3-4 TB SSD.
It'll reliably cost exactly that and you'll be able to handle quite a lot of traffic. Probably enough that the same load would land you around 3k/month on AWS or GCP or whatever.
For 3k/month you can get hundreds of cores and 1-2 TB RAM on a couple of machines physically separated in a redundant data center setup. That's with markup from the data center selling it to you and the credit cost. After two-three years you own the hardware and can sell it if you want. A rig like this makes it rather easy to build HA-systems, have your devs experiment a bit with Ansible and keepalived and ProxySQL and they'll figure it out.
The beauty of Unix-like systems is that they're trivially discoverable and well documented. The clown platforms are not, and if your systems go down for whatever reason it's typically much harder and more labour intensive to get them back up again when they're clowned. This is especially the case if they get transfered to new management, e.g. due to bankruptcy proceedings. Paying a premium to get locked-in is a bad deal, unless you're the kind of organisation that is likely to also have mainframes in production.
There's a "sweet spot" between startup and enterprise where the cloud makes zero sense.
Startups will benefit from the cloud, as it allows them to easily scale, and maintain infrastructure that would otherwise be very costly.
Then at some point, around 50-100 employees (depending on business), it makes more sense to have a server park sitting at home, and you probably have the revenue to hire a couple of system administrators to handle stuff.
Then you have enterprise customers with 500+ employees, who have compliance and governance to follow, who maybe has huge spikes during a month (banks for one experience a lot more load during payday), which you will have to pay for in your local server farm, but you can dynamically scale in a cloud data center.
Not that you can just "throw everything in the cloud", it still requires planning for the best cost optimizing, but once you reach enterprise level you can probably afford a couple of cloud architects or similar to facilitate this.
Owning your servers works best if your load is stable and predictable.
If you make a mobile game that becomes an overnight success and your DAU goes from 10k to 1M you need the capacity TO-DAY. Not in a week or two when you can get more servers to the colocation facility your stuff is in and get them configured and added to the cluster.
If your stuff is built on AWS, it'll just scale up automatically and most likely nobody notices except for your AWS bill - but the revenue from the game will more than make up for it.
For that cost, you can get multiple production regions (for failover), dev/alpha/beta environments, a reasonable amount of CDN traffic, a bunch of databases and some halo services (like X-Ray/CloudWatch).
You have to be joking, there are massive Number of household name companies spending orders of magnitude more, on cloud. Companies that can afford to dedicated finOps people
Truth is, most web projects made today can run on a raspberry pi or mini PC and be just fine. If you have enough users that you need to scale to more machines, you'll be in a position to know what to do to handle it, or hire someone who does.
Seems like a pointless thing to talk about, "most web projects today". You don't know what specific requirements people have, and people have been making "web projects" with limited resources since the web started.
Yet, for some reason, I see this repeated everywhere, always. Does it make the people who repeat it feel better? Are they actually informing anyone of anything? Who knows.
The implied refutation of "You don't know what specific requirements people have" is that there will be people with specific requirements that a Pi/Mini PC obviously doesn't meet.
> You don't know what specific requirements people have
This is actually pretty apparent if you camp a web forum. People seem to either need a raspberry pi or a data center: this is the typical web-app vs mmorpg divide amongst possible computational fantasies people have. Questioning what motives people have is very sensible.
I might be biased since I posted the comment, but I don't think it's pointless :)
It's worth repeating, if only to raise awareness among devs that modern computers are _extremely_ fast. You can start a new one with commodity hardware and it will probably serve your needs for the lifetime of the project. If your project gets so popular/successful that you need more than a single machine, then I would hope by that point you know how to move it onto a cluster of machines, or into the cloud if the economics make sense.
I say "most web projects" because it's true - most web projects are simple CRUD apps in slightly different forms. Sure, there are some up-and-comers using AI to burn half a data center to produce fake comments and images for internet forums. Those won't run on a Pi or single mini PC. But people are making _so_ many web apps that will never see more than a few hundred or thousand users. Those don't need multi-instance load-balanced highly-available infinite-scaling systems to serve their users needs. That usually just adds cost and complexity until you're at a point where you _really_ need it.
Not only that, people always assume that you need complicated dependencies if they use AWS and compare any of the other company's stack with their raspberry pi. They can use AWS lightsail just fine for $5 if they just need a VM.
lightsail is just an EC2 instance plus storage. Its pretty much just a VPS. No extra locking. Its what I push people determined to use AWS because of the branding towards.
That's fair too, those $5 a month machines can also serve you well as long as you can limit bandwidth charges if you suddenly end up with a lot of traffic.
It depends. If you want a service that doesn't have downtime because of a hardware issue, then you should have at least 2 machines. And then, you probably want to do deployments in a way where you spin up 2 new machines and then, only once confirmed that the deployment works, shut down the old 2.
That is super easy to do on AWS (and many other providers) but not so easy (or even impossible) anymore when you do things on-prem.
EDIT: due to the replies, let me clarify; this is not an argument for AWS specifically but for services that make it easy to spin up machines and that handle deployments and failover for you.
Also, there are more reasons to have more than one machine, e.g. being able to deploy with zero downtime and therefore without having to think when to deploy and what to do if a deployment fails etc.
Most web projects can tolerate an hour of scheduled downtime a week and the occasional (< 1/year) unscheduled hour of downtime to replace broken hardware. Running on a single machine with 2 disks in RAID1 right up until the point where the ~50 hours of downtime a year equal one engineer's salary in lost revenue makes sense if you pick a DC that will sell/rent you replacement hardware and do replacements for you. Just make sure you have offsite backups in case the DC burns down. If your office/home is near a well stocked computer store, most web projects can skip the DC altogether and just put the server in the closet under the stairs or whatever. The company will likely die before the server does anyways.
> Most web projects can tolerate an hour of scheduled downtime a week and the occasional (< 1/year) unscheduled hour of downtime to replace broken hardware.
An hour? What happens if it breaks while I'm on vacation and no one is there to take care?
Nah, that argument might work sometimes but not in general.
Yes, an hour. In practice, most scheduled maintenance will take closer to a minute than the full scheduled hour. If it's good enough for the government and the bank, it's probably good enough for you.
What happens if you're on vacation and something breaks is that you call/email the DC and ask them to replace what's broken, same as if you were not on vacation. In my experience most DCs will have the replacement done in less than 30 min from receiving the ticket, good ones will do it in under 15. If the project is ran by more than one person, simply don't all take a vacation at the same time. Worst case scenario you point DNS to a free static page host that reads "Server broke. Working on a fix, check back tomorrow." (or the appropriate corporate-PR phrasing of the same if applicable) while you wait for the computer store to open so you can buy a new one.
Even if you are once-in-a-lifetime unlucky and the damn thing breaks while you're on vacation and for some reason your monitoring fails to notify you, big whoop. You can probably get away with just apologizing for the inconvenience and moving on. If a week long outage is enough to make or break your business, your business isn't gonna work out anyway.
This applies to practically all web projects from the home page of the pizza place on the corner of your street to 100-employee e-commerce sites. If a single machine can run it, it can probably run on a single machine. Use the dumbest tool that will get the job done, switch to a smarter tool when it won't.
> If a week long outage is enough to make or break your business, your business isn't gonna work out anyway.
If your business has an SLA with its customers, having a week long outage is going to break your business.
Some contracts I saw had a 15 minute reaction time where you had to acknowledge the issue, and after 1 hour of downtime there are penalties. The same contract also required redundancy (of hardware, internet lines as well as location for the DCs). We could not have hosted that on a Raspi, or a single machine.
I don't think reducing the scale issue to "you ain't gonna need it" is right. Obviously to most projects it's not gonna be needed. But when it does and you need to grow, you'll be happy you have a redundant infrastructure that you can spin up/down easily instead of having to call your DC to ask for more hardware to be installed.
"If your business has an SLA with its customers" then you also need a paid SLA with Amazon and now we're talking about the 100k annually cost range where you can also afford to hire freelancers to babysit your sever while you're gone.
Maybe for the author of the blog post, about his personal projects. But the user I replied to seemed to indicate even "100-employee e-commerce sites" don't need any redundancy for their website, which I disagree with.
Even just setting up and documenting all the things you mentioned is already taking so much time and effort, that I'd rather pay a few more bucks for a HA system...
Revenue, not profit. Many small shops voluntarily turn off their website for some weeks so that the employees can take a Christmas break. So it seems like the business can handle a week offline.
Super easy? Getting that setup for the first time from zero knowledge will probably take a few days. And that's before understanding all the intricacies like your AWS bill, the hidden costs of cloud, properly securing IAM and setting up your VPC etc etc
Not once in my entire career have I seen people successfully avail themselves of the cloud's purported benefits. I have, however, seen a lot of happy account managers in Las Vegas during Re:Invent, oh yes.
It is exactly as easy, or easier, to do this in proxmox than it is in AWS console, and would have a price breakeven point of less than a year (you only need two physical nodes).
No, you most definitely can just spin up/down containers on a raspberry pi or mini PC as well.
This is what I objected to:
> And then, you probably want to do deployments in a way where you spin up 2 new machines and then, only once confirmed that the deployment works, shut down the old 2.
You don't need to spin up more machines or shut down machines. As long as you ensure you have the headroom you spin up containers and shut down containers. By doing that, it's also relatively easy to set up hybrid setups where you can handle load-spikes by scaling into EC2 or similar if you should ever need to.
> As long as you ensure you have the headroom you spin up containers and shut down containers.
Are you very sure you are not introducing potential additional problems with that approach? Because if you do, then I wouldn't say it's "not needed" to spin more additional machines - it would depend on those additional problems.
Yes, I am, very much sure of that, based on 20 years of experience deploying containers that way, and nearly the same length of experience using cloud instances. They are equivalent in complexity. It is purely down to how you want to host things and whether cost matters to you - the managed approach is consistently significantly cheaper for all but the very, very smallest environments where factors like discounts and free tiers play in.
It’s as if an entire generation of tech workers are utterly unaware that these have been solved problems for decades.
You put two machines behind HAProxy with keepalived. If you want to do a new deployment, you can spin up new machines in the same manner, and cut them over (or any of the many other ways to accomplish this).
AWS isn’t inventing any of the HA stuff they offer; they’re taking existing technologies and packaging them.
I was replying to your comment, not the other. But sure, get 4 RPis if you want. You could also be using containers on them, and not need to swap whole computers. Or run each app in its own chroot jail. Or run VMs. There are many, many ways to accomplish this goal.
Most web projects can afford to be down for a bit. Even the big guys have outages fairly often. It's not like AWS is always running smoothly either, and there are so many "_ is down" posts on HN alone.
I do agree that your projects should be designed to be well contained and easy to create a new instance of it, though.
Just a blue green! But I agree somewhat. Single machine running Docker compose is pretty decent. Pets! Not cattle. (I'd rather care for a dog than a 100 sheep)
I just went down the rabbit hole of trying to host a small app for free(ish) on cloud solutions, only to remember that I have a 2GB fiber line and a raspberry pi sitting idle - if it ever gets so popular that I outgrow this, it'll be a nice problem to have.
You're absolutely right. A little off-topic, but I've seen a similar problem on the on-prem side of things. Their server setups are a lot of the time completely overblown "because this is what the nice vendor recommended, they are great partners!"
Awesome, your 5 node Nutanix setup with 15 whole VMs is peaking at 5% of its total compute, 5% of its RAM, and 8% of its disk. Granted, I do work with medium sized businesses in the manufacturing sector, but so many get tricked into thinking they need 5 9s, when 3 is enough, and their setup isn't even providing 5 anyway because nothing else is downstream. Then 5 years later their warranty is up and they scrap it all and replace. It's crazy.
Kills me how many businesses contract this shit out and get tricked into spending a million on infra when they could just run 2 servers and pay a mid level engineer to manage it. "Not in the budget." Yeah, I wonder why.
You could set up a DMZ if you're concerned. But even if someone gets on my LAN, it's not the end of the world. They could send goatse to my Chromecast, I guess.
Yeah but OTOH I’ve just set up a vm host + guest on a N100 minipc for home assistant (migrating from a bare metal pi 4) and while I’m happy with the result, I’ve spent more hours than I’d like or planned to get it working reliably vs click ‘make a vm please’ and have it waiting for an ssh connection after a coffee break.
(Started with proxmox but the installer’s kernel doesn’t have the Ethernet driver and they don’t provide WiFi because it’s stupid for the installed system - but they allow upgrading to a kernel which supports my adapter, so got a bit catch 22’d. Moved to Ubuntu server that would stop booting after creating a bridge interface because ‘waiting for network. no timeout’ and then a few more interesting issues.)
> One app gave me trouble - a Python Flask app. It had several complicated dependencies including OpenCV, Numpy, and Matplotlib. My belief is that this had more to do with the complex nature of the libraries and less to do with NFS.
It has to do with the allround lunacy that surrounds the python ecosystem the moment you step outside the stdlib nursery. I picked up python because I wanted to contribute to a project. Was immediately met with ** of the first order.
After decades of C-like languages, I like (some of) the syntax. But I hate the ecosystem and having to ride a bullock cart after cruising in a plane. The language is slow. So all the critical work is done in C/Rust. And then you write python bindings for your library. Once that is available, you can "program in python."
The dependencies are a nightmare, particularly if you do anything LLM-related. Some libraries simply won't work with newer versions of the interpreter. After decades of Java, this came as a big surprise.
If it were not for uv, I might have given up on the language altogether.
Personally I use lightsail on AWS and cloudflare cause there is always an off ramp to try some of the fancy stuff but then you can always go back to just using cheap VMs behind cloudflare. You can also put it all behind a VPC and you can use CDK/CloudFormation so that’s also nice.
I gave up on using GCP even though the products like BigQuery are way better just because I got burned too many times like with the Google Domains -> Squarespace transition.
I’m thinking of switching back to a bare metal provider now like Vultr or DO (would love to know what people are using these days I haven’t used bare metal providers since ~2012).
Also, completely unrelated does anyone know what the best scraping proxy is these days for side projects (data journalism, archiving etc.)?
I think they define emergency a bit more widely than we are used to with other providers. For urgent change of router I was notified almost 2 months in advance.
For "real" unplaned emergencies I had in total like 5min of downtime last year, when some other router died.
I've used NearlyFreeSpeech for years (as registrar & DNS), and I've loved their service. Their site is plain, and you just trade money for a plain, simple product, with basically 0 bullshit between you and that exchange. Their site is so refreshing in today's landscape of upsells and other corporate dark patterns.
The article implicates AWS, but AFAICT the other major cloud, GCP, behaves similarly. The docs for "budget alerts"[1] do call it out directly,
> Setting a budget does not automatically cap Google Cloud or Google Maps Platform usage or spending. Budgets trigger alerts to inform you of how your usage costs are trending over time. Budget alert emails might prompt you to take action to control your costs, but they don't automatically prevent the use or billing of your services when the budget amount or threshold rules are met or exceeded.
But still. But wait, you say, those docs go on to suggest,
> One option to automatically control spending is to use budget notifications to programmatically disable Cloud Billing on a project.
And the linked page states,
> Following the steps in this capping example doesn't guarantee that you won't spend more than your budget.
sigh "Over-Engineered Messes", TFA hits it on the nose.
There's also limiting API usage, but that's on requests … not on cost.
I avoid it all for personal stuff.
At work, we pipe all these cloud bills into a BigQuery account which then pipes into graphs in Grafana, which all tells us that engineers have no idea what the actual horsepower of 3 GHz * 32 cores is when they request a bajillion more cores.
It's probably also reasonably categorized as an "Over-Engineered Mess".
(We also import Azure's billing data, and boy do they make that obnoxious. CSV files dumping into a bucket, and they might go back & edit CSVs, or drop new ones, and if there is there a schema for those CSV files … I've yet to find it. Some columns you might think were guaranteed non-"" are not. Dates in American. Severely denormalized. Etc.)
Enshittification at cloud providers guarantees that in order for some department to hit the numbers ownership demands, an ever increasing number of customers must get screwed with overage bills.
The cloud products could be created with hard stops, but the vendors choose not to do so. It's a constant, exhausting fight to engineer projects to avoid the risk of business-destroying overages when those projects don't need to scale infinitely — e.g. when it wouldn't be great if some misbehaving, malicious AI bot takes down the site but that's still better than the alternative of serving some insane number of requests and paying for the traffic.
I am self hosting on a NAS at home, with Cloudflare in front (which does the most of the work) and Cloudflare tunnels to avoid exposing anything directly. The tunnel communicates with various Docker instances depending on the services.
It works flawlessly for now, and costs almost zero, since the NAS is always on in any case, and Cloudflare is free.
These are all small projects of course, but two of them stayed on HN frontpage for a day and didn't break a sweat.
In AWS you could have quite complex things as stuff like Lambda and EC2 have free tiers.
But it's also not really relevant to the main point of the article which is the risk of large surprise bills from eg runaway feedback loops and DoS attacks.
That is pretty cool. I tend to default to AWS, luckily not too expensive for my side projects (about $15/month) - nothing accessible to the public though so my cost is relatively predictable.
That said, I do wish you could hard shutdown at a certain budget limit.. but guess that is not in AWS’s best interested.
The worst case for a traffic spike on some hard-limited service is the service becoming unavailable. The worst case for a traffic spike on an unlimited service is financial calamity.
No - most cloud providers are postpaid, you use their services and then get a bill at the end of the month.
Making your payment method invalid doesn't absolve you of this debt and will just result in being sent to collections and/or sued if the total is large enough.
I was using Azure for a cloud windows desktop which I need rarely, for using something like itunes or kobo to download books. It cost ~$5 a month.
One day windows update bricks the system (hanging while trying to revert some security patch), and over a couple months from time to time I try random janky official azure recovery tools and voodoo from user forums with people who don't really know what they're doing either.
I notice my bill has crept up to several hundred dollars a month. Each of the recovery tools was cloning the system + disks, and I ended up with a bunch of disks that chewed up my bill.
I raised a support ticket and they refunded part of it with a bit of "you're a bad person", but wow... although the primary lesson I got here is that I never want to use windows again.
A perfectly workable N100 box runs you like $150 (that's on the expensive side I'd say). If you can find a cheap Windows key or maybe get a box with an OEM license it'll be an even better deal.
> I never want to use windows again.
Can't blame you :) I'm nearing the point of never wanting to use any computer again.
I’m using FreeBSD on an oldish (2019) office laptop. While the desktop is duct tape (bspwm) it’s a better experience than my M1 MBA for the usual workflow.
What I don't like about macOS is system components opacity, low UX customization (animation, windows management), The fact that UI elements are scaled as a whole with the desktop (can't change fonts to sensible values, unless the monitor is retina),... It's the console experience for a desktop computer.
AWS definitely has its place, but for personal projects, the complexity and cost risk can be overkill. The horror stories of surprise bills are real—misconfigured services, forgotten instances, and unexpected data transfer fees can add up fast. Even with alerts, by the time you notice, it’s often too late.
For those who need AWS but want to avoid these surprises, there are ways to keep costs in check. Cost allocation tags, savings plans, and budget alerts help, but they require ongoing effort. Tools like SpendShrink.com can automate cost analysis and highlight savings opportunities before they become an issue.
It’s great to see more people looking for simpler hosting solutions, but for those who do need AWS, better cost visibility is a must.
What kind of AWS setup leads to surprise bills? If your blog ends up on front page of HN how much is the traffic spike going to cost? $100? $1000? $10000?
Ofc I've seen the horror stories of recursive lambdas causing 1M+ in compute costs but for a small site I'm unsure what kind of issues we're talking about here...
If pages are mostly static doesn't a CDN make most of this go away?
> What kind of AWS setup leads to surprise bills? If your blog ends up on front page of HN how much is the traffic spike going to cost? $100? $1000? $10000?
Wait! You just answered your own question, no?! Yes, the surprise is the amount on the bill. If I expect to pay 10$ for monthly, then 100 is about a year's worth I did not plan for, and 1000$ is a ton I never want to having to plan for.
Most developers aren't sysadmins and most sysadmins don't work closely with their developers.
After you factor that in most of the disasters of this type involving the cloud or home spun rust are easily explained away.
The former are missing skills that should have been beet into them by any decent education and the later is normally overwhelmed and in need of a team to replace them.
AWS isn’t and has never been economical for side projects or hobby tinkering, unless you specifically want to tinker with AWS.
I’m a big AWS fan. I’d recommend any company of decent size to use AWS. But seriously, if your project is just a personal blog or some rails app you tinker with on the weekend, just get a $5/mo instance on Digital Ocean or a raspberry pi.
People don’t pick a stack for their personal projects solely because it’s the most rational for their use case, but also to gather experience in said stack, so they can stay up-to-date or gather the experience to work in places that using that stack would make sense.
It is similar with resume-driven architectures: let’s build an architecture of the place I want to work, instead of the one for where I do work.
I've long given up on the idea of growing or developing my skills at work[0], and so hobby projects are my only real opportunity to stay current.
[0] I won't go into detail here, but it mostly boils down to me working in a specialisation where what skills employers think they need is usually very different to what they actually utilise. If I get laid off tomorrow, I still need to pass an interview somewhere else.
My hobby project has been running using the free tier of AWS Lambda and DynamoDB for well over half a decade now.
I kinda want to move it to a self-hosted solution, but it's been working fine so far so why bother. Might need to log in and see if I need to update something someday.
My understanding is that free tier is awesome but if you have (for example) a massive traffic spike there's no real way to avoid paying for all the egress unless you go cap in hand to AWS support (who, to be fair, are usually pretty reasonable).
There are some mitigating things you can do, set limits on various resources and billing / budgeting alerts but fundamentally I don't think there's an easy way to avoid being on the hook for unexpected costs.
Theoretically you could have lambdas that react to billing alerts and shut things down but I've never seen anyone set that up.
Seeing as the free tier only lasts for a year, it seems fair to discount it. If it was free in perpetuity (below some use threshold) that'd be one thing, but it isn't.
I like that the service he recommends, NearlyFreeSpeech, will host anything that is legal. But they do require your real identity info. Is there a way to anonymously host websites today?
I am lucky I have access to a company AWS account, otherwise I would never have started to learn their ecosystem. I cannot afford the personal risk of a massive unexpected bill.
I think it's fairly obvious why people try to escape aws. What is far less clear is why folks try to embrace their own solutions when this clearly ain't their forte
I don't think "surprise bills" is a good reason to avoid AWS. Yes, you avoid them on other providers by doing simple bare-metal Linux boxes. But doing a bare-metal Linux box with no other services is also fixed-cost at AWS. You only get into tricky to determine in advance variable costs when you string together a bunch of AWS's extra services in ways that you don't understand well or don't/can't set limits on.
On the other hand, doing single bare-metal boxes being much more complex and usually more expensive is a good reason to skip AWS for simple projects. In addition to the profusion of instance types and billing/usage options.
I also think the lack of options on limiting max billing for flexible services is pretty reasonable actually. For most of them, there's no single obvious reasonable thing to do when the money hits the limit. Storage costs money too, but I don't think much of anyone really wants to have their data get deleted when the cost hits the limit, for example.
Simple is in the eye of the beholder I guess, and the article writer had issues migrating, check notes, a Python app.
That said while cost limiting vps option like lightsail exists on aws, they are on the high end of cost. Sure you get a good chunk of cpu time compared to the 15$ a year vps from questionable providers, but it's hard to beat that on price, especially for single user experiments.
I wouldn't store sensitive or pii data there, but most web sites aren't a ecommerce or a social either. And while I'm a huge aws fan, my minecraft and factorio servers and openwebui deployment are on some such cheap host at a discount provider. And never went down once. Or they did but I wasn't looking, which is the same tbh for single user stuff.
Don't know the AWS prices, but a bate metal box on Azure (or a VM) is exponentially more expensive than the same thing on literally any other provider. If you need only a VM to self-host, go anywhere else and you pay a fraction of Azure.
> I also think the lack of options on limiting max billing for flexible services is pretty reasonable actually.
It's really scummy. There's no reason not to allow me to set, eg, a 5-10x normal spend hard limit where they shut things off. For things like lambdas with accidental reflection (stop lambdaing), someone using your bandwidth to serve files (stop serving), a bug in a your Athena scripts that downloads a far broader date range than expected (stop all athena), etc.
Ironically, NearlyFreeSpeech still didn't exactly provide the "simple monthly max spend option" you were looking for, because now you're maintaining multiple prepaid accounts. It's silly that online services won't provide a billable account with a hard max.
You can simply configure a single account, or multiple accounts, as you wish. You link sites to accounts so you can control both spending and risk (commonly you don't want site-A slashdotting to affect site-B). With a single account you can limit your financial exposure across multiple sites.
Perhaps refrain from commenting about things you are ignorant about.
I've been a NearlyFreeSpeech customer for many years and its a great service that I can highly recommend.
It’s often the opposite, but most people don’t see that until after they’ve built their infrastructure around that, get locked in, and then start seeing the surprise bills, difficult to diagnose system failures, and hard-limitations start rolling in.
A bit of early skepticism, and alternative solutions with a long-term perspective in mind, often go a long way.