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Show HN: GateOMatic – Ring 10 phones at once from your gate/buzzer instead of 1 (thegateomatic.com)
3 points by bilalasd 6 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Hi guys, I’m the maker of GateOMatic.

GateOMatic makes old-school gate buzzers smarter by letting up to 10 phones ring at the same time when someone enters your gate code. No more missed visitors or deliveries because the call went to the wrong person.

You get a local phone number assigned to you account that forwards all the calls.

You can enable of disable any phones in your account instantly from the dashboard.

Right now we are offering 50% off forever!

Please check it out and let me know how it works

This is an interesting service, it's Twilio in the back or something custom?

The main page has generic theme vibes and needs a little better full product branding, colors don't complement each other, it just looks lazily slapped together, IMO.

BTW, you use "Gate-O-Matic" and "GateOMatic" at different times, something you might want to standardize on.

Thank you for the comment. It is twilio backend and nextjs based front end. Essentially it’s just a call forwarding service but I am planning to add more gate/buzzer related features

I am not very good with front end, it is something I need to work on.

Interesting idea, any reason for the number - 10. And what happens when many people answer or does it stop once the first person answers?

ps. Well done on building something and launching it!

There is no reason for number 10, it could very well be 15 or 20. O just chose a number instead of saying multiple of many. It stops once someone picks up a call. I will put that info in the landing page.

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