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Ask HN: Solo developer building a product? Show us your work and get feedback
17 points by mgl 5 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments
Are you an indie hacker building a product?

Show your work, and we’ll share our initial feedback!

Please, let’s make it a positive, constructive thread.

I _hate_ that I'm so pessimistic and suspicious, and I know how important early feedback and quality technical feedback can be - BUT - I could never feel comfortable sharing a budding product in a forum full of serial founders, hungry entrepreneurs and developers that are likely in the same or overlapping spaces. The only exception would be if it was a dev tool or painkiller app where the readers here were likely the intended market.

Kudos to the people that do though - these kinds of threads are very interesting to read.

I'm building Provisor: situational awareness for event organizers. See your team on the map; and position & collaborate in real-time. Like ATAK, but much simpler to use.


For fun, I made a Javascript library that implements most of the Date and String functions found in various SQL dialects. We have the home page https://www.ddginc-usa.com//dbFunctions.htm and a Playground for play and Documentation. I posted this on Show HN about a week ago and received minimal response.

Brazil´s Farms, Rural Environmental Register data map.

+300Gb data updated monthly, for $7 besides what was already at home (internet, hardware).

ETL + Database + API in a raspberry pi 4. Frontend at Stremlit.io


Not exactly a "product" but yes, recently added an uptime notifier service in the sea of 1000s of these services.


Trying to keep it simple and tiny for now, would like to know what others think

I wanted to build something like this, you managed to make the ux 10 times more awesome than I could have imagined, well done

I like it, nice and simple. I guess we could do a script ourselves, but $1 makes sense and I'd probably donate if it catches downtime a few times. It probably acts as a quick test too, in case we break something while pushing to production at 8 PM.

It's not especially technical, but here's what I'm working on currently: https://www.howbazaar.gg/

It's a companion website for an upcoming game called The Bazaar, https://playthebazaar.com/

I'm hoping to become the wowhead for this game. Players use my website to theorycraft about the game both as they're playing and when they're idly musing.

It took me about three weeks to build what you see linked above and I get ~12k tracked pageviews per day, trending slightly upward right now. A lot of the effort was being the first mover and marketing aggressively to Reddit/Discord/Twitch until it spread readily by word of mouth. It's not a very defensible moat aside from being a household name, at least at the moment.

Crossing my fingers the traffic triples when the game exits beta, but who knows. I need to start running AdSense on it to recoup the Vercel costs, clean up the mobile UI, and implement some features that lesser known competitors have that I've been too lazy to follow up on.

It's certainly the project I've been least passionate about and yet have had the most success with relative to amount of effort committed. Funny how that works.

Just built Convoseek, a tool that allows users aggregate their chat messages across multiple platforms and search them using semantic search/AI.


Solo developers, indie hackers: Submit your work to https://news.ycombinator.com/show where other users can give feedback. (mgl: many already submitted projects await feedback)

I'm building a internal tools engine partially inspired by Interval (RIP).

It will be completely open source from the start and support many languages other than JS.

It is in the very early stage of development, but it would be nice to know if anyone other than me is interested, and if you have any tips on what bothered you in other similar tools or things you would want on it.


I built a simple daily email that emails you the latest remote jobs for specific positions such as backend, front, devops, mobile and security engineers: https://bloomberry.com/remote-jobs/

At first, I wanted to build a full-fledged search engine but that endeavor was too ambitious, so for now it's just a simple daily email sent to your inbox every morning :)

I'm probably the target market for this, but something about this feel shady.

There seems to be a lot going on this page. Why is there a search or sidebar? The recent posts contain clickbait like "Why I threw away your resume (from the world’s crankiest recruiter)". Bloomberry feels a bit like a Bloomberg, it triggers that kind of 'be careful' response when clicking on the link, and it doesn't help that it has a screenshot of possible jobs instead of the actual jobs. The best way to get emails is to remove the distractions and not let people navigate all over the place.

Anyway the fact you posted this on HN with the smiley and don't have a history of spamming makes it seem legit, so I'll sign up.

Gotcha, I awkwardly wanted to combine a blog and a place to post jobs, and was too lazy to put up a separate site. Anyway hope you find it useful!

Yup, I'm surprised by the quality of the list too. Day 1: Autodesk, stripe (spain), zoom, but also plenty of junior roles, contracts paying $100+/hr. Lots of companies I never would have considered. Finding mobile jobs and hiring for mobile is also very difficult for many people, glad it's there.

You might want to drop a donation box there too in case we find jobs.

It seems really hard to get feedback by using ShowHN, I tried a few times but didnt get any. Anyway, I build a cool platform that combines Shopify/Wordpress and Airtable features into one, it is at https://sitegui.com. I'd appreciate some feedbacks as we are new.

I think Show HN is more for complete products.

Also for the website, I think it's a little overdone with the animation and color. The screenshots are not enticing and doesn't explain how the product makes life easier. It feels like it's made in Claude+v0. Sorry, but it reduces confidence that it's been thought through.

Low code is a bit of a turn off these days in the AI generation - it's just faster to plug in AI and get it to modify plaintext rather than drag and drop or deal with forms.

The "Build your first application with App Builder!" is not clearly clickable. You can add an underline to make it look more like a link or make it look like a button.

Videos could be shortened quite a bit - I don't need to see the typing. You shouldn't be doing a demo; you should be selling the product. Sometimes that means skipping over things, but you can put full videos in a documentation page and such.

5-30-close. 5 seconds to catch attention, then 30 seconds, then they'll actually ask questions. That 5 seconds is in your design, name, hero image and so on. The 30 seconds is a skim, screenshots, etc. Then people might actually click the videos and read the text.

You made great points. Thanks a lot! I should focus on 1 or 2 selling points instead of just showing all the features. Will keep the 5-30-close in check for the next update.

Maybe HN could do something to incentivize giving feedback?

Something like more karma for participation in "Show HN" thread (and a karma cost for contributing to political posts)? Because it is true that right now it is easy to forget that every HN users have some unstated duty to contribute feedback to shown projects.

Just thinking out oud, but wouldn't it be useful if users also had some "field-of-interest/expertise" that ShowHN submitters could tag in their projects, that would somehow draw the attention of those potentially interrested in it? Because personnaly, one of the things that prevent me from browsing ShowHN more often is that most of the time I don't feel that I have anything of value to contribute ("Meh, your new javascript framework to automatize lense composition for svelte in amazon-lambda looks nice, but I noticed that typo in your homepage").

Unfortunately most Show HN threads are not shown on Show HN, they are shown in /shownew and /new for a short amount of time before other new threads arrive. To be shown in Show HN they must pass some unknown thresholds (upvotes???). I believe not many HNers visit /shownew and the chance to get upvotes on /new is quite slim due to the amount of new threads coming in. I know there must be some mechanism to prevent spamming but the current one also suppresses the exposure of Show HN threads and they are often buried in /shownew without much exposure/feedback.

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