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Looking for Technical Co-Founder
15 points by RachelAronow 5 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I spent 15 years in high-end kitchens, from Michelin-starred restaurants to leading culinary operations for tech companies. While my knife skills are sharp, my true passion has always been finding ways to make kitchens run smarter. I've experienced firsthand how outdated tech holds back this industry I love, which is why I taught myself to code and built WasteWise's MVP.

I'm looking for a technical co-founder who's not just brilliant with CV/AI/ML and full-stack development, but who gets excited about transforming an ancient industry. Someone who sees the beauty in using computer vision to count lettuce heads (and eventually do much more). Ideally, you love food almost as much as you love coding, and you're ready to build something that will give chefs their lives back while tackling a $1.5T waste problem. Bonus points if you can handle spicy food - we'll be spending a lot of time in kitchens!

Just a note, considered travel to China and India to see SOTA kitchen automation? (This is sman armchair suggestion, I'm not from industry FYI).

I believe biryani robot machines are a thing...

Its slept on in the West most likely due to moral or tradition.

Check out YC cofounder matching: https://www.ycombinator.com/cofounder-matching

I met quite a lot of ambitious people in there. Many don't read the forums. Tech people get 1-2 emails a day, probably more if in the US. Non-tech might have to hunt a bit, but it's a good idea and you should get some responses.

I love the idea, love food (did a food startup for a year), and love the enthusiasm. But sounds like you're on the opposite side of the world for what's not a remote friendly idea and I've got too many commitments at the moment. Best of luck!

Hey muzani! Thank you for your insights and confidence. I am on co-founder match! I have had great conversations with incredible people. I pitched on HN to hasten my search because I am looking for a pretty special team with specialized skills and the user empathy to compliment the user profiles within the food and beverage industry.

If you ever want to talk shop, feel free to hit me up. I am always interested in what other people are creating.

I bring coding, engineering, and accounting skills. Your MVP sounds good. The waste problem is real.

Get an account at bluedwarf.top and DM me there (also "dapperdrake").

Email addresses posted here sometimes attract spam. This way we both keep our inboxes clean.

Hey dapperdrake, you can find me on linkedin in with the same name.

Claude AI is your technical co-founder.

Please DM me at


I hope there’s an Optimus like Robot development item in your backlog. Good luck with your endeavour.

There will be. I'm pretty optimistic about the problem I am solving. More so, willing to learn from experts in the process.

Optimus is incredible.

Can’t wait to have a group of three robots to start solving problems. The opportunities are literally endless.

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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