And this would be _very_ good for Texas. Unlike Delaware, Texas charges the franchise tax as a percentage of taxable margin. This means Texas could impose almost 600M in tax on Meta if my napkin math is right. In Delaware the franchise tax would be capped at 250K IIRC. Given the amounts involved, I wonder what kind of concessions they're getting in return.
Texas will change this is they think they can catch lightning and get mass conversions from Delaware. Delaware played a very dangerous game by trying to have any limiting principle on the incentive structure for executives. I can't think of any other group who would fight harder against this. Play stupid games and get stupid prizes
When enough of tech bros move to Texas - is there any chance we can we start referring to tech bros who live in Texas as "Texas tech bros" instead of "Silicon Valley tech bros"?
Like Peter Thiel hasn't lived in Silicon Valley for seemingly a decade now but he's still referred to by the media as a Silicon Valley tech bro when he's actually just a billionaire who happened to live in Silicon Valley for awhile.