Jupiter Health | Program conversational AI | Unique data assets | Unstructured queries to a structured data answer
Interested in working with a unique dataset in healthcare (HC)?
We are an NY- and SF-based start-up making it easier to find direct pay healthcare, outside of the traditional insurance system. We are building the largest dataset of direct pay rates in the US.
To help consumers find the right service, we need a conversational AI program that can get users from the unstructured ways that people begin to articulate their health needs (symptoms, needs, type of doctor, etc.), to the specific service from our dataset that they need by asking follow-ups and making the correct determination.
E.g., from “I think I might have the flu” to a virtual urgent care visit, or from “I need an MRI” to an MRI of the chest, one view, with contrast.
We are looking for a highly talented individual interested in this problem who can take it on for us. Please shoot us an email if that may be you! hello@jupiterplans.com