It's like everyone forgets that App Tracking Transparency (ATT) was supposed to put Meta out of business. By many accounts, Meta's ad targeting is even better now than before ATT. It's been reported that AI is what saved their ad targeting.
The OSS goodwill is just a side effect and a way to undermine companies who are not using AI to effectively make profits today.
Cheaper/more efficient is absolutely great for Meta. If they can lower their capex it would be an instant bump to their bottom line.
Thanks, but I don't really see how these articles support the claim that their ad network is more efficient. As you note, the first article has a single anecdata point about it actually being 10-15% worse, while the second one basically says 'trust me bro'. Also of note from the second article is the fact that the ad spend would actually increase.
Of course, if businesses are gullible enough to believe facebook when it fudges up some brand lift metrics without having a real impact on conversions, that's their choice. Trusting facebook to report any analytics is how you take your business behind the barn and help it pivot to video.
The OSS goodwill is just a side effect and a way to undermine companies who are not using AI to effectively make profits today.
Cheaper/more efficient is absolutely great for Meta. If they can lower their capex it would be an instant bump to their bottom line.