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Ada for the C++ or Java Developer – Concurrency (adacore.com)
10 points by LiamPowell 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I saw some discussion about channels in Go recently and thought people may like to see what they're based on, especially with so many people developing new languages recently. In my opinion the Ada version is much nicer, but I'm biased by the fact that I write code in Ada every day.

There's also a number of features here which are not present in Go, namely:

- Entry families.

- The ability to attach a precondition to an entry or an accept statement in a select.

- in and out parameters as part of the same entry.

> I write code in Ada every day.

What is your development environment setup?

Just Emacs with LSP and ada-mode. The emergence of LSP means that you can use just about any popular editor and get a decent experience, although there are a few nice things in ada-mode like auto-capitalisation.

cool, thanks. I found this recent discussion of what IDE's folks like to use: https://www.reddit.com/r/ada/comments/1gn68c0/best_ide_for_a...

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