Hi HN!
I've been fed up with search results so much that I decided to make a giant blocklist to remove garbage links by using uBlacklist.
I browsed other blocklists and wasn't very satisfied from what exists now; the goal of this one is to be super organized and transparent, explaining why each site was blocked via issues. Contributions welcome!
Even though around 100 domains are blocked so far, I already noticed a big improvement in casual searches. You'd be surprised how some AI generated websites can dominate the #1 page on DuckDuckGo.
The problem seems worse on "alternative" search engines, e.g. DuckDuckGo and Kagi, which both use Bing. It's been driving me back to Google.
A blocklist seems like a losing proposition, unless, like adblock filter lists, it balloons to tens of thousands of entries and gets updated constantly.
Unfortunately, this kind of blocklist is highly subjective. This list blocks MSN.com! That's hardly what I would have chosen.