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Coyote Time: What Games Can Teach Us About Forgiveness in Learning (bsu.edu)
20 points by CharlesW 3 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Coyote time is an essential part of human existence, as we are not robots and cannot perfectly perform an action the same exact way every single time we do it. Sometimes we make mistakes no matter how well we are focused, no matter how well we know what we're doing in our desired tasks. Sure, knowledge and experience are a mitigating factor - the more you know and the more you do something, the more confident you are and the fewer mistakes you will make.

Anyone who decides that no forgiveness is needed in a situation is a person who is, knowingly or otherwise, attempting to deny you a slice of your humanity. Don't be that person. Let your people be people.

I find that analogies are a useful Coyote Time thing. They're always wrong but often useful. A good teacher can help come up with a different, better analogy. A great teacher can help direct your attention to a more fitting interpretation of the same analogy that you originally gave.

I enjoyed the article cited within this one about Celeste’s (unspoken/explained) leeway with its controls and how they contribute to a good feeling platformer.

Since I came to comment the exact same thing, here's that article:


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