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Doom, the Gallery Experience (bobatealee.itch.io)
580 points by anigbrowl 7 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments

The eight medals (had to peek at the source to confirm a couple of them):

rot13 for spoilers: Svaqvat nyy vafvtugf (cerfhznoyl vagrenpgvat jvgu nyy negvsnpgf), cvpxvat hc nyy vgrzf, chepunfvat gur pbeerpg vgrzf gb fcraq nyy zbarl (999 qbyynef), svaqvat nyy guerr frpergf, trggvat gb gur rkvg dhvpxyl (<20 frpbaqf), qevaxvat 64 tynffrf bs jvar, trggvat gb gur rkvg fybjyl (>15 zvahgrf), pbzcyrgvat gur tnzr jvgu "Qbbz Zhfvp" ghearq ba

Here’s a recorded video of someone else playing it, for anyone interested to see what it’s about and how it looks:


It's nice and that but I still feel there should be a way to shoot people.

Should I stop going to art galleries?

And for those who missed the big blue button, you can sip the wine in your browser, no download needed.

Worked very well with Firefox for Android.

After having just returned from Paris and visiting the Louvre, seems I should be body surfing over hordes of museum attendees all taking photos of art with their cellphones at some level.

Clicking on each piece in the museum for a close-up is brilliant.

This is exactly the kind of silliness that I needed before going back to work today.

Shameless plug, but I'd just like to point out this was actually made in our game creation software Construct 3! (https://www.construct.net)

It's mainly focused on 2D, but we have been adding some 3D features over the years that can handle retro-style content like this, although I'd speculate this is based on some kind of raycasting technique rather than true 3D.

Cool. After all these years, we finally have an example that answers 'But can it run Doom' with a clear No.

thats a shame, I had wanted to get the iwad for my collection

I mean, it wouldn't be DOOM if it weren't raycast :)

I'm actually surprised that this wasn't just running (a port of) the original DOOM engine – or maybe it does, at least the renderer? I don't know if that's possible with Construct.

Doom doesn't use raycasting, it uses binary space partitioning.

From the description it seems to be a DOOM clone. Physics feels a bit off, but all the little details may trick you into believing that it's the real thing.

Doom uses both: binary space partitioning to find the visible surfaces then casting rays to draw the textures.

There is no need to cast rays when you have divided the space into convex polygons. If you know all the vertices of a convex polygon and two of them form a visible wall, you can determine the texture column and height of the screen space wall column by means of interpolation. This is what the Doom engine does.

The PC version of Wolfenstein 3D used a more straight forward ray casting approach, but I think the SNES port was Id's first use of BSP.

It doesn't. Doom uses BSP to precisely determine which columns of textures it needs to render.

It's faster than raycasting, so this was even used in Wolf3D port to GBA.

Yeah is fast and cheap because the BSP tree is created after the level mapped out. It's also why "Will it run DOOM?!" is a thing.

For further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_engine#Binary_space_parti... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_space_partitioning#Appl...

An easy tell is walking up to a painting or even looking at the pillars you see from your starting position: you'll notice that the vertical lines aren't perfectly perpendicular to the horizontal lines in screen space, because the camera is pointed slightly upwards. In Doom, walls are rendered as strips of screen columns, and the pitch of the camera angle looks like it's perfectly parallel to the horizontal plane as a result.

You can sort of implement looking up and down with minor modifications to the Doom engine, and this was implemented in Heretic, but because of the nature of the renderer, vertical lines in the world remain vertical lines in screen space even when you pitch the camera, so it looks somewhat distorted in a way that's very characteristic of the post-Doom "2.5D" engines.


This might be the first "virtual meeting environment" I've wanted to invite people to.

Who wouldn't attend this instead of a luma or something virtal conferency.

Or collect all the food samples at a virtual costco.

The graphics leave enough to the imagination and for conversation.

Need to get webrtc pushing into it.

It gives an uneasy feeling. I guess my mind expect something to pop up that I need to shoot.

Or at least spill wine in their face

There is a Just Stop Oil version where you can throw a bucket of orange paint over the paintings /s

It would be awesome if you could play as The Joker and "improve" all the paintings.

Imagine the efficiencies gained over the years if, for all of these kind of ideas (online galleries, games, real estate agent online viewings, etc, etc), we had just open-sourced the Doom UI ... the front page of all online 3D interaction ... I think we'd be a step forward in our evolution!

The wine glass is chef's-kiss ...

* grabs a BFG9000 ahead of entering an online Open House *

1997 would have been an ideal year for this to happen (except for the sound engine): https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM/blob/a77dfb96cb91780ca33...

A couple of recommendations for those who've just found that they enjoy virtual art galleries:

Occupy White Walls - https://www.oww.io/

Museum of Other Realities - https://www.museumor.com/

VRChat also hosts a number of worlds that function as galleries. Strange Pear recently had a stall at VKet (https://www.ozpearsall.art/strange-pear).

If only imps were transformed into tux- and monocle-wearing patrons.

"Quite." shoots fireball

Hilarious! On Firefox on Linux, it's constantly turning to the right slightly... maybe cause I pregamed too hard?

If you go full screen the drift stops

This type of experience was literally the main driver of me getting a Quest 2 at the beginning of covid. Its remarkable how FEW experience there are like this out there.

You bought a Quest 2 to enjoy satirical retro game mods?

To enjoy virtual museum experiences

Love the glass of wine.

It's a rather cheeky little vintage.

I'll be happy just as long as it doesn't taste like orange drink fermented under a radiator.

The beer is better. lol

In case you didn't check it yet, comment section is a small goldmine.

Some hilarious comments on the project page, but I'll repost my favorite

>sip and stare

A BFG easter egg that destroys the paintings would be a welcome addition.

I absolutely love this!

It was fun to get to 100% completion and find all the secrets!

great work!

as others have mentioned, it's surprising this isn't an actual doom wad.

the choice of objects is also surprising to me: these are masterpieces from the met, rather than the 'contemporary art' slop i would associate with the (per the readme) 'wonderfully pretentious world of gallery openings'.

I didn't know this was missing in my life. I might need to go to a real museum.

Just occurred to me that this should have been Wolfenstein, the Gallery Experience because the (stolen) art would be more at home in those spaces rather than the gates of Hell or Phobos or whatever. ;)

If you know what you are doing, you can get a PBR rather than just wine

it takes between 0 and 100 years for game tech to find its way into serious software. Doom seems a great platform to build the next generation of office software. Lets say the goal is to have employees continue to work in their free time for free, say till 1-2 am. Games accomplish this effortlessly. One more bug to fix to banish the ceo to The Dungeon of Noobs for 38 hours and two to win the employee of the month body armor.

Try using Shazam on the music, interesting result..

I've found the random cash available in the gallery pretty inviting but the mixing of beer and wine was offensive XD

Great job guys, that was awesome!

Nice work, hopefully someone ports this to a .wad

There is some visibility issue on mobile. Things are only visible at a certain angle or distance. Otherwise it's just white.

On IPhone (ios 18) it works perfectly. What are you using?

Chrome on Android 14 (Pixel 4a).

Also doesn't work correctly for me on Chrome Android 13 on a 4a. Missing terrain.

But it works on Firefox! :)

Worked fine on an old Samsung S20+, running Android 13.

The open comments on the page sarcastically critiquing the game as art is the cherry on the top.

See also Bubsy 3D: Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective.


From the creators of Sonic Dreams Collection!

Where's the museum with wine? This is missing from society. Where do I find this?

Not museums on public days but galleries, especially during openings of new expositions, with admission by invitation.

Museums, galleries, or any other art-related places with wads of cash lying around are pure fantasy though. Alas.

> wads

This is not a WAD, though

Heh, what's a Doom level if it's not a WAD?

Yeah, that's what the post means. This is not a Doom level.

Nice, awesome way to get some culture through to the Roblox generation. and fun reminiscing for the parents on the countless hours spent battling pixelated demons.

bug report -> Missing back button on the options screen, unable to change any options or return back to the main menu

fyi it's not intuitive but you can right click to go back from there

how did you create those 8bit style graphics of the exhibits?

Looks like heavily pixellated 24-bit art to me.

Player character is constantly spinning clockwise if mouse input is enabled


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