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Show HN: I made a site to highlight and anotate YouTube videos (tubepen.com)
2 points by n0vella 33 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hi HN! I made this because I missed to highlight and anotate on videos, just as I do on a book.

With TubePen, you can highlight and annotate directly on videos, saving notes at specific timestamps for easy revisiting. Simple and fast to use, with no forced AI implementation.

I would really love to hear your feedback and improve this app together. It's only one coffee per month.

You can just replace youtube by tubepen on a url and you can start highlighting. Example:

Replace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHe0bXAIuk0 By: https://www.tubepen.com/watch?v=PHe0bXAIuk0

Here is a medium post with some screenshots also: https://medium.com/@n0vella/introducing-tubepen-highlight-an...

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