There is another real-world version of this in the US healthcare system, where doctor offices are using domain-specific LLMs to craft multi-page medical approval requests for procedures that cover every known loophole insurer’s use to deny, which are then being reviewed by ML-powered algorithms at the insurance company looking for any way to deny and delay the claim approval.
In other words we have a bona fide AI arms race between doctors and insurers with patient outcomes and profits in play. Wild stuff and nothing I could have ever imagined would be an applied use of ML research from earlier in my career.
Interesting. My next door neighbor ten years ago was a lawyer a couple years out of law school. He discovered that he could pour through hundreds of medical charts a day and find cases where the doctor under billed the insurance company. He would then sue the insurance company, settle, and split the profits with the doctor. More or less he was mining the charts.
He would sometimes pull up next door with a half dozen tote boxes overflowing with medical records. He would say "hey, dataviz1000, can you help me get these into the house?" He once asked me if I wanted a new job helping him go through all the charts. I don't get involved with illegal activities and I was earning more not breaking the law elsewhere. He did hire a young woman who graduated law school and was still working on passing the bar. Since they have married and started a family.
Yes, HIPAA laws got broken! Yes, this guy made 10s of millions in a few short years.
There are no good guys in this story.
Probably would make a good start up using LLM and bringing the process into compliance with HIPAA. There is probably several billion dollars in insurance companies that have been under billed.
You have garbled that story. When a provider under bills an insurer that is not grounds for a lawsuit. At most the provider can submit a revised claim if it's still within the time limit.
And it's not necessarily a HIPAA violation to outsource medical billing and chart review as long as there is a proper BAA in place, and everyone follows the Security/Privacy Rules. Many small provider organizations pay outside services to ensure they bill at the highest allowable level.
With HIPAA you have to track and store the information every person who touches or reads the medical chart. The issue was more to do with random people reading medical charts.
It isn't difficult to bring the process into compliance. I offered to make an app which would have been easy because there was a predefined workflow that can be diagrammed on a sequence chart in about 10 steps. There were a couple interactions between the lawyer and the doctor. Then a step where the insurance company is notified. Then a lawsuit filed if not paid. At one point, I was researching how to store data in HIPAA compliance in the cloud. It was about 2 years later when AWS provided HIPAA compliant EC2 instances. I offered to build the app for $10,000. Having random people pour over private medical charts and undocumented and haphazard communication between the lawyers, insurance company, and doctors through email and text messages was a mess.
> The lawyer looking over the records was probably fine. Him paying his neighbor to help him look through them is more questionable.
I don't think so. The "paying" part is important - the neighbour becomes an employee for the duration of the work, which is fine, as then there's a contract between the employer and employee which includes, even if only implicitly, that the employers data is not to be exfiltrated.
If he were simply sharing it with his neighbour for shits and giggles that would be a different story.
If there is anything true in this article "What Are The Requirements For Storing Physical HIPAA Documents"[0], laws were broken. But, I'm not a lawyer, what do I know?
Honestly no piece of this makes any sense, from the thinking this is illegal somehow, to the lawyer jumping to sue because a doctor underbilled (judges would tired of this very quickly, court isn't an automated process to use to threaten people after youve made a mistake)
Checked with a doctor and they said the same and couldn't puzzle out a benign misunderstanding that was right - they pointed out that even if you meant the lawyer sued if the insurance company refused to pay, the economics would be all fucky on the splitting, because now the lawyer does have to go to court, no automated easy money, much less millions.
There was a discrepancy in medical coding. The lawyer was looking for something very specific in the medical charts.
I searched for "how long does a doctor have to bill you in florida" and the a top result was this gem, "A doctor in Fort Lauderdale I saw in 2020 contacted me to tell me that there was a /"billing error/" 3 years ago that they now want paid. What can I do?" That sounds about right.
I don't know the specific details about the lawyer was doing.
Humans use tiny amounts of energy compared to even a smartphone. And they consume the vast majority of that energy regardless of whether they're lounging in bed or pouring over medical records.
I remembered there was some analogy about a person doing some work walking, with an average diet, versus using an internal combustion engine. In terms of carbon emissions.
The engine came up more favorably.
Turns out, eating any meat and industrial agriculture transportation are really heavy.
I think you may be thinking of the question, "how much greenhouse gas does it take to move a human X miles if they are self-powered versus using an ICE?"
> our estimates suggest that the net emissions associated with the ‘fuel’ required for driving, walking, and cycling may be comparable in some settings
With the caveat that they're looking at *per-mile* emissions, and nobody in the developed world is walking 60 miles to and from work every day.
However there's an important clarification to your recollection.
- You're correct that eating meat (and dairy) is very carbon-intensive.
- You're not correct that agricultural transportation is significant. It doesn't even make it into the paper above, as far as I could find. Agricultural transportation, even things like flying blueberries to California from Chile, is negligible compared to the carbon cost of food.
This sounds like a false equivalency to me... why are you comparing humans and their support networks... but the engine doesn't also get the same comparison? What about the factories that make them for example? All the gas station infrastructure etc.?
It will take me some time to dig up with all the noise around AI, but this reminds me of a paper published around 2018 or so that explored the possibility of two such AI forming an accidental trust by optimizing around each other. For example, if the denying AI used frequency of denied claims as a heuristic for success, and the AI drafting claims used the claim amount for the same, then the two bots may unknowingly strike a deal where the AI drafting claims lets smaller claims get frequently denied to increase the odds of larger claims.
Note: not saying these metrics are what would be used, just giving examples of antithetical heuristics that could play together.
I feel that this sort of autonomous agent co-optimization may happen more often over time as humans step farther away from the loop, and lead to some pretty weird outcomes with nobody around to go "wait what the f---- are we doing?"
I'm on the hunt, but no luck. I've tried a myriad of search terms to dig it up, but none are able to surface the paper through all the vaporware and blog pieces on competitive AI.
It’s so bizarre to me that this uniquely US phenomenon of for-profit-middlemen inserted into the healthcare system has resulted in an adverserial relationship between the sick person and the “healthcare provider”.
I put that air quotes because insurance companies don’t actually provide health care. They provide insurance. That’s a financial product, not a medical one.
It often goes unsaid, but America, on a cultural and political level, is really ideologically fixated on a distinction between working and non-working individuals, and, in a far deeper sense, whether an individual "deserves" healthcare or not. This makes access to healthcare intricately connected to class, wealth, and income, in America. That's why access to healthcare is seen as a product in and of itself. You can either afford it ("you've earned it"), or you go into debt for it ("you have to earn it"), or you simply have no expectation of ever paying for it ("you cheated the system").
The entire conversation is often dominated by these ideas in a way that often makes talking about healthcare with Americans baffling to people that come from many single-payer or universal systems.
To a degree. You have to keep in mind that a hospital emergency room isn't legally permitted to turn you away even if you can't pay under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.
So the wealthy and insured are covered. The lowest rungs and those that don't care and will just run away are covered. It's mostly lower / middle lower class that this really hurts, ironically.
> The lowest rungs and those that don't care and will just run away are covered.
They're really not. They are only entitled to "stabilizing care".
I work as a paramedic. We have had situations with "frequent fliers" where when we've called the hospital to give a report as we are transporting, the hospital will say "let us know when you're here", and when we've done so, there's literally been a physician come out to the ambulance.
"Hey, X, what's happening?"
"I got a lot of fluid in my gut (he had ascites)."
"Okay, well, that's not new, and it looks like you have an appointment for having that fluid drawn in two days."
"Oh, okay."
"Anything else bothering you?"
"Alright, we're good then." Gives us a nod.
"We're going in then?"
"Uh, no. You have been by a physician, you're stable, you're good to go, you can jump off their gurney and head home now."
Which is harsh - but also this person at this point was being transported 4+ times _per day_.
But EMTALA only requires acute stabilizing care, not definitive management.
I think your premise is flawed. In America, the access-to-healthcare versus income curve is U-shaped.
If you have literally no income (or your income is entirely "off the books"), then you qualify for medicaid; everything is covered with no premiums, copays, or deductibles. At a middle-class level of income, you're probably looking at either a comparatively shitty ACA marketplace plan, or a comparatively shitty employer-provided HDHP plan. At an upper-class level of income, you can afford top-of-the-line healthcare.
I get this feeling a lot. For example the UK typically has unlimited paid sick days for salaried jobs, while I have heard of US employees pooling together and "donating" sick days to someone. The UK has a ton of benefits for the sick, unemployed, single mothers, carers etc. in the US I am sure those exist but I get the sense that charity is supposed to play more of a role.
FYI it’s not common to allow sick days to be transferable.
TBH I think in the US it’s more than anything about how much more competitive industries here are vs in the UK. If X company feels it’s worth the extra cost by allowing unlimited PTO and 2 years of parental leave, etc. the worry is that X will be trounced by Y Company, who is ruthless enough to not offer those things and as such has much cheaper labor costs.
If you take an industry like retail, those companies have a point - Walmart and Amazon offer low benefits compared to what companies once offered. Their lower prices are part of how they killed off most of the department stores and put the rest on life support.
And if you think about a highly paid job, even though our fringe benefits suck compared to Europe style, my impression is that US salaries are higher for equivalent jobs, enough that it makes up for it. So we value the money more than we would the benefits, apparently. Only problem is you can’t use all that money to buy more time with your family (except for by taking breaks between jobs, if you’re good at saving!)
From the summary of the data[1] being relied upon in that report:
> The number of people economically inactive because of long-term sickness has risen to over 2.5 million people, an increase of over 400,000 since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
> Over 1.35 million (53%) of those inactive because of long-term sickness reported that they had depression, bad nerves or anxiety in Quarter 1 2023, with the majority (over 1 million) reporting it as a secondary health condition rather than their main one.
Bad nerves and anxiety could be a reason for a tiny number of people, but those numbers are huge, and if you think I'm lacking compassion for this, hearing what whistleblowers say regarding the way assessments are done[2] may be relevant:
> Sickness benefit assessments via telephone (rather than in-person visit) are now routine and it's not always necessary to provide proof of a sick note. In the film, Michael Houston, a former assessor, is asked how well it's possible to discern, over the phone, if someone should qualify for full sickness benefit. "Not very," he replied, "which is one of the things that ethically and morally I didn't really feel comfortable with."
That's not even the half of it, and that website has stories of people trapped in the system.
I mean your employment can't technically be terminated because you are taking sick days, unless it's whatever qualifies as long term illness (18 or 28 weeks I forget).
Technically they are not obligated to continue to pay you and the govt sick pay is like 100 quid per week.
in the us they can fire you the day you don't show up
Be aware that in many single-payer systems, insurance is also tied to working (or unemployment / retirement / pensions).
In my opinion, this is actually the reason for why we have so little innovation in Europe.
Mandatory, single-payer insurance very significantly raises the cost to be self-employed / have a sole proprietorship, which you practically need to run any side project that you want to eventually make money from. This means that if you launch a startup, you either need it to be profitable on day one, or you're vasting significant amounts of your money, not just your time.
> Be aware that in many single-payer systems, insurance is also tied to working (or unemployment / retirement / pensions).
This is true.
> This means that if you launch a startup, you either need it to be profitable on day one, or you're vasting significant amounts of your money, not just your time.
This is a false dichotomy. First of all, even ignoring health-care, you're still spending money on housing, food, electricity etc. If you're not employed and your startup is not profitable, you're paying money out of pocket to live.
Second of all, even in the USA, you are still going to pay for health insurance even if you are currently founding a startup. You could argue you are allowed to gamble that our health is good enough that you don't need health insurance for a few years, but that's just tossing coins. You could just as well not pay your taxes in the EU for a year or two, and gamble that the authorities will not catch on right away.
I don’t get it, why is a self-employed person paying so much more than others for single payer healthcare where you are? That sounds exactly like the USA where those not employed as a normal full-time employee pay the most for equivalent insurance, so people here definitely do stay at their regular jobs instead of quitting to found a startup. Insurance outside of those group plans is even more expensive than the already shocking normal cost, and of course normal full time employment (what we call W-2 jobs) usually provides a generous healthcare subsidy.
Because healthcare is often paid per "working relationship", so if you work for a company and are doing something on the side, you have to pay twice, and the second fee comes out of your pocket.
Living in America, I have never met anyone who doesn't think our health care system is a complete mess. That includes doctors, nurses, people who work in HR, and people on both sides of the political spectrum. There is however disagreement about how it should be fixed. But from what I've seen that disagreement isn't about whether people who don't get insurance from their employer "cheated the system", it's about whether the system should be controlled by the state or private companies.
Not unique to the US. This develops to a certain extent everywhere private insurance is sold. It is a completely logical consequence of the insurance company raking in the most when selling you insurance for everything that won't happen, and deny you any coverage for stuff that will happen. At that point, it is a mystery to me why so many people still think free market theory works for healthcare.
in Japan where the government sets the prices, dentists do things over 3 visits that dentists in other places would do in 1 because then they can bill the government set price 3 times instead of one
There are certainly problems in the healthcare systems in other countries. I don’t think there’s any perfect system. But if you ask me, “you have to go to the dentist 3 times” is a much better problem than “even people with health insurance go bankrupt regularly as a result of getting ill and needing medical care”.
The US government spends a similar amount of money per person on healthcare as other western countries do. But unlike Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan and so on, people don’t even get free healthcare in exchange for all that tax money. The system is deeply flawed. I don’t know anything about the Japanese healthcare system, but I’d still choose to be sick in Japan than America any day of the week.
I'm sure you could offer the Japanese dentist 10% of what the procedure would cost in the US and they would do it in one trip.
It cost about 25% of US prices to fly to Costa Rica, stay at a resort, and get the procedure done in a top notch facility. And that's if you just need 1 root canal and crown. If you need even more done the savings move closer to 90%.
And that is a really nice places. You could drive to Mexico and get it done at a decent place for comparatively nothing.
My dental work in Cancun was under $30K including flights from Seattle and 10 days at a higher end hotel (Westin), for work I was quoted up to $65K for in the US.
In my view, the root cause of the bizarreness is that medical care is one of a few enterprises that are inherently social in nature, and is therefore a prima facie exception to the common wisdom that free markets create the most positive outcomes for the largest number of people. Because in the US we are taught from a young age that private sector capitalism is "all there is", we end up tying ourselves into knots trying to solve medical care using the wrong toolset.
Somebody is paying for it. If not insurance companies, then the people through the government.
As a citizen of a country with socialized health care, I will tell you the politicians promise the world but when the bill comes they can't seem to find their way out of the room fast enough.
The only way to avoid this adversarial relationship is to pay for it yourself. No insurance, no government, nothing. That means vast amounts of people will not be able to afford even a doctor's private practice.
It's sad but the bitter truth is nobody really wants to pay for other people's health care either. They only say they do because it wins them votes or clients. They all can't leave the room fast enough when the bill actually comes. Politicians have other far grander things they'd rather do with all that taxpayer money, and that's when they're not corrupt and pocketing it. Insurers obviously want profit. They're all betting you won't actually need all that fancy schmancy health care they promised you. They're literally banking on it.
In my experience, people barely want to pay for their own health care. They "want" to but start appealing to the altruism of their fellow man the second the bill comes. In my country, doctors are shamed every day because of our "oath" to help others. People act like we are their slaves, not even entitled to payment for services rendered. The good doctor is the one who pursues medicine as a hobby, who walks the earth helping others in need, with no needs of his own to tend to. The good doctor somehow absorbs the costs of it all. Including the costs of the cures involved. Especially the opportunity costs.
People are not prepared for the soulless utilitarianism of public health care. The bitter truth is there aren't enough medical resources for everybody. You must pick and choose who gets that fancy MRI scan. If you pick right you kill people. If you pick wrong you kill even more people. You have hundreds of millions of citizens, how do you help as many as possible as much as possible with the resources available? Decentralization via hundreds of basic clinics and hospitals turns out to be better than centralizing everything into one well equipped giga hospital. It's not about any one guy. It's about saving costs now so that you can help more people later. That's what primary care is all about. Saving costs, by promoting healthy lifestyles which means less sick people later in life where treatment is more expensive. It's about money, about resources.
But people don't want that. Good lifestyles are hard to lead, they require sacrifices. They want to do whatever they want, then go to the doctors when they get sick, then they want others to pay for whatever's necessary to fix it, and they want it fixed good as new. They are like consumers who don't want to pay for the services they need. Nobody wants to pay for it, even the people who directly need the services.
The political boogeyman was that government bureaucrats would be the members of “death panels” if we went full socialized healthcare industry, but in practice we already have death panels in health insurance claims adjusters and (less maliciously) doctors on transplant review boards.
My mother beat cancer. Insurance paid for follow up testing every 2 years. I tried to convince her to pay out of pocket and do it every year but she said 'they know best'. My mom did not beat cancer the second time when it came back and too much time elapsed between screenings.
I know 'pro status quo' people will say online anecdotes are all lies and not relevant, but there are a heck of a lot of people with a lot of animosity to the current system and it's 'for profit death panels'. I think it would be easier to swallow if it were societal chosen death panels over failed doctors (that can't make it so they go work for the insurance company) or random AIs doing the decision making.
With a socialized healthcare system the system would have delays and you'd get the screening every 2.5 years, even if it was scheduled for every 2 years. Because of wait lists.
To be fair, it's impossible to know of it matters :)
I moved back to Europe from the US. And I can certainly feel that healthcare is slower, less eager to jump and investigate everything.
But on the other hand, in the US you most certainly risk talking your self into procedures you don't need!
I live in Australia, and I don’t pay for private health insurance. Last year after travelling to Egypt I ended up in hospital with some gut related issue. I was let straight in from the emergency room. The doctors were great. I stayed overnight in one of the wards hooked up to machines and all that.
I was discharged the next day. I didn’t pay a cent. I didn’t even see a bill. I don’t think they made one.
I keep hearing stories from Americans about wait times in other countries. I’m sure it happens, but I’ve never seen it myself. My experiences with the medical system here has been pretty universally excellent.
When I was in America I was very impressed with how proactive everything is. My insurer paid for yearly physical exams. I’d never done that before. It’s certainly possible I would have even better health outcomes in America. But, I’m way happier here. And I’m a lot less stressed than I was when I lived in the Bay Area. That counts for a lot.
Pretty much all developed countries do fairly well on rapid access to emergency care. The queues are more of an issue with elective care. Socialized healthcare systems generally impose artificial supply limits to hold down costs, which is why we often see affluent Canadians come to the USA as medical tourists to skip the queue for certain procedures like MRI scans. While socialized systems might be better overall, there are certain drawbacks.
Outside of certain screenings, there is no proven benefit to yearly physical exams for healthy adults. It's a waste of resources and doesn't improve patient outcomes. Some people seem to want those annual exams, but they aren't justified on an evidence-based medicine basis.
> Pretty much all developed countries do fairly well on rapid access to emergency care.
I was talking to a taxi driver in SF a few years ago. He said he was in a car accident once, and his car rolled and flipped upside down. The police & an ambulance showed up. Even though he seemed mostly ok they still wanted take him to hospital. But he couldn't afford the ambulance or the hospital - without health insurance, it would have bankrupted him. So he told them all to get lost.
In telling the story, he got kind of angry about it - I think he was mad how pushy the police and ambulance people were about the whole thing.
Thats vaguely horrifying to me. A man who was just in a car accident should never be put in a situation like this. If you're wealthy in america, yeah - you get top notch medical treatment. But I'm not sure I'd call that a successful system for emergency care.
I'm not claiming it's successful, just that people can generally get rapid access to high quality emergency medical care. Paying for it afterwards is a separate issue, and changes are needed there.
The No Surprises Act did give many consumers significant protection against excessive ER bills.
I live in Québec, Canada and my wife had breast cancer and her periodic scan happened at a 4 months interval. When they detected oligometastasis on her spine she had radiotherapy 2 weeks after the biopsy.
The only thing not covered by the gouvernement is a drugs called kisqali that sucessfully keep her alive (may it continue to works). If I did not had gold plated drugs insurances, the public alternative was weekly chemo (taxol or taxotere i dont remember).
People need to be reasonable and know when to DNR. 85 yrs old with massive health problems has a stroke and falls over...DNR. Not here. We jump them back to life, deny their claim and stick them in a facility. Now they are babling and drooling all day and the trust fails to kick in so the people grandma was taking care of financially wait patiently while someone with POA drains grandmas bank accounts and sells off her houses that said people were going to live in (all in violation of her wishes and planning) to pay medicare.
Well, docs have seen this coming from miles away. I don't think anyone having substantial experience in clinical medicine is surprised by those developments, unfortunately. But it doesn't stop here. Insurance companies will be (are) building models to overcome legal barriers. Imagine: you're 20 and healthy, but located somewhere suggesting a higher risk of developing some chronic disease in the future ? Then no insurance covering this particular condition, for you specifically. A real-world application of the 'fuck you in particular' meme. This of course extends to all sorts of sensitive matters, such as your ethnicity, sexual preferences, etc.
Now this is a really scary application of AI, but you won't hear those wanting AI regulation such as Musk complain about that, right?
That's one reason (among many) the preexisting condition part of ACA is so important.
Without it, health insurance companies would have every incentive to do what car insurance companies do -- buy profiles and records from third parties and use those to adjust rates and willingness to insure.
E.g. the obvious step of buying genetic information from 23andme, because it isn't covered by HIPAA
I'd feel a lot better with customer-centric privacy protections around the collector and storer, a la HIPAA.
Instead of regulating only some of the uses.
HHS already had to administratively extend to cover gaps (we'll see how that goes, post-Chevron) and Congress attempted to repeal it for workplace purposes in 2017.
And there's still the gray market question about 23andme -> Equifax-alike packaging it into a blended proprietary risk score -> insurance companies using that (of course 'without knowing that genetic information was included').
The year is 2035. To cut costs, both insurance companies and providers removed the human from the loop long ago setting off an adversarial process between the LLMs on both sides. Medical insurance claims are now written in an ever changing format that resembles no human language. United Healthcare has just announced a $10 billion project including a multi gigawatt data center to train its own foundational model to keep ahead in the arms race. UNH stock is up 5% on the announcement.
The naïveté of I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream is that it would be something as pedestrian as nuclear war that the globe-spanning hate machine would be built to manage. Now we know what AM would really have been built to do.
The real fun starts when they start writing the insurance contracts that are only meant to be readable by ML algorithms. Imagine thousands (millions?) of contract pages written in practically incomprehensible language, designed by an ML algorithm to contain clever loopholes that are difficult to detect by an adversarial algorithm.
This piqued my interest too. I found a few adjacent papers but couldn't find a source that made as comprehensive of a claim.
The closest were:
- "In constant battle with insurers, doctors reach for a cudgel: AI" from NYT (via Salt Lake Tribune), 2024 July, which is mostly on doctors using law-compliant LLMs to draft prior authorizations and has a passing one-graf mention of insurers likely doing the same:
"Large Language Models to Help Appeal Denied Radiotherapy Services" from JCO Clinical Cancer Information, 2024 Sept. (abstract only; full-text paywalled)
Make healthcare insurance be actual insurance: as in, not a gateway to treatment conditions that are entirely lifestyle driven.
Once patients are responsible for the bill and the large middle layer admin crud is taken off the table, medical inflation almost disappears. Take this example of a for-profit facility vs non-profit hospitals [1]
Ideally this happens once environmental factors are fixed or drastically reduced so diet and lack of time are "choice-driven" instead of "needs driven" as health determinants (you do have subsidies at the lowest end, but that cannot go on forever).
How do you delineate between conditions that are "lifestyle driven" and not? When you develop a problem with your body it doesn't come with a receipt listing the cause.
I've personally had postural issues that were for many years simply attributed to poor discipline. It later turned out that I have a connective tissue disorder that was destroying the joints in my body.
All you I can see your proposition doing is giving insurures another reason to decline potentially legitimate claims. Your case would be more rational if you were arguing for no insurance at all.
Medical authorities make a list, and people applying for insurance answer lifestyle questions like "do you smoke?", "do you exercise?" etc and they have an initial exam.
It's not that hard. In the example you've given you could sue the doctors for misdiagnosis, or if research showed that a condition had been mislabelled, people would receive compensation. It doesn't seem any more onerous than any of the other negotiations over conditions and treatments that go on in any medical industry and legislature anywhere in the world.
Statistical methods can be used to assess the risk of each.
> I believe it’s pretty widely accepted that some component of addiction and substance abuse is genetic / hereditary. The same is true of depression.
High risk people should:
a) have most costly insurance against those things
b) be given help to avoid those things, which
c) could be used to reduce the cost of their premiums
Men are more prone to violence and also more likely to be victims of violence, and this is largely biological (hence the huge disparity between the sexes) - would that be some sort of excuse? Should men and women pay the same for the same relevant insurance even though they present wildly different risks of both perpetrating and befalling violence? That would be unfair.
I'm firmly in the "you are responsible for your life as an adult" camp. From a family of smokers thus making you more likely to be a smoker? Don't smoke. History of alcoholism in your family? Don't drink… need I go on?
One can smoke and have a condition that is not caused by smoking, just like one can avoid exercising and have a condition that is not caused by insufficient exercise. You can't compile a list of facts about a person's life and use that to deterministicly attribute the cause of given conditions.
Does having one vice deny a person for life from having coverage for any disease which my potentially be caused by that vice? How long must a person partake in this vice to be denied coverage for life (i.e. is it okay to smoke for a few years then quit?)
Your example also has the problem of measuring the "lifestyle questions" being presented. How would you prove a person isn't exercising enough? If I know it will get me denied I'm not going to self report. We would need some sort of invasive "health audit" industry to insure compliance with insurance requirements. A physical exam at the start of insurance doesn't solve this, because like I said, the existing issues could have been caused by any number of problems.
Your dismissal of my specific example is silly - I don't want to sue a doctor for misdiagnosing a relatively common issue. Connective tissue disorders are not that rare, and I'm far from unique. Do you want to live in a society where we have to fight tooth and nail to get basic care for problems on the basis that we might have caused them ourselves?
> You can't compile a list of facts about a person's life and use that to deterministicly attribute the cause of given conditions.
That is just not the case, and I shouldn't have to point out such basics on HN.
> A physical exam at the start of insurance doesn't solve this, because like I said, the existing issues could have been caused by any number of problems.
And yet I have to… People do a thing called "collecting data", on a large scale, and then they apply the lessons learnt from that data to calculate statistical risk. An imperfect system but, strangely enough, very effective (when not interfered with, as in the US health system).
Of course, you are welcome to open a car insurance company and offer everyone the same insurance for the same price and watch as young men and previously uninsurable people flock to your service. Maybe you'll get lucky and won't have to pay out more than you take in. All the best with that.
> Your example also has the problem of measuring the "lifestyle questions" being presented. How would you prove a person isn't exercising enough? If I know it will get me denied I'm not going to self report.
And then the insurance company can decide what level of fraud it will tolerate (something HN has discussed previously[0], and the linked article[1] is enlightening) and thus adjust its costs, and perhaps premiums.
> Your dismissal of my specific example is silly - I don't want to sue a doctor for misdiagnosing a relatively common issue.
If it's not a problem then don't sue. If it is, that is what the court system is for (or whatever system doctors and medical companies would put in place to avoid going to court).
You don't, but you provide lower insurance prices to those who can demonstrate a healthy lifestyle.
You wouldn't even need too much surveillance to do this. Give people a yearly "fitness checkup" to encourage physical exercise, monitor weight to encourage healthy eating habits, do periodic drug tests to discourage drug use etc.
If you combined this with a (privacy preserving) fitness band that would monitor your vitals, and only send a list of premiums you're eligible for, you could do even better.
You'd have to account for preconditions that make it hard/impossible to exercise, but this would work for most people.
Any actual, real-world implementation of such a thing would 1) not be privacy preserving (except in the "we pinky promise we're not going to use this data!" kind of deal), and 2) would inevitably expand the definition of "unhealthy lifestyle" over time as a way to exclude undesirables from the system and thereby leave more resources for those who remain.
My father has fallen for one fraud after another these last few years. It’s disgusting. Anything in the direction of solving this would be doing the lord’s work.
I’m in DE and have filed a criminal complaint about a company that runs fake personal ads targeting the elderly:
When an elderly person calls, they schedule an appointment at the person’s home. Then, over several hours, they talk them into signing a 3,000 EUR contract for an objectively useless service (getting contact data of 7 or so random people over a period of several weeks).
The guy running this scheme has been doing it since the 1990s. We know they did > 40 Million Euros in the last 10 years alone.
We filed the complaint a year ago and police and district attorney have done nothing so far. At the same time, the criminal himself has sued journalists who have covered the story multiple times.
Seems like the criminals are more resourceful than those who are getting paid to stop them.
The solution is for all foreign wire transfers to be insured and reversible which would drive up the cost of doing business with countries home to scammers.
That’s just going to drive more fraud to the receiver’s side. For example, one can pay for goods and receive them, then reverse the payment.
This already is a huge percentage of fraud that businesses have to deal with, and there is a large industry built around preventing it.
Fighting fraud (and other crimes) requires vigilance from all parties.
How would that help? How would you prove to the insurer that you were scammed out of the money and are not in fact pulling the opposite scam (that is, paying someone for a good/service, and then clawing the money back afterwards)?
Insured against what? (The bank is already liable if the account is breached). These scam transfers are intentional acts authorized by the account holders. A company can't be held liable for the stupidity of its customers.
Banks should be liable, there is often insufficient ways to validate who you're transferring money to.
Sometimes the bank interface will tell you name and address, after you type in numbers, but who validates this?
My bank (in Denmark) sometimes sends me emails from an domain that isn't their primary domain.
The bank uses a login system that is provided by the state. In theory it's a good idea, but you sign-in on domains that are not owned identity authority. Like I sign-in on the bank website, instead of sign-in by redirecting from the bank to a trusted domain owned by the identity authority (how like OIDC flows usually work).
Sure the login flow still involves an app, but my point is:
There is a lot of bad practices around. These should incur liability.
Just start looking at what domains emails are sent from. And complain if they are not the primary domain of the entity contacting you, you'll get tired real soon.
I agree, and in the US banks are already liable if an unauthorized person gains access to your funds. But what I'm saying is that most of the scams that OP is talking about just aren't done that way. It's just a scammer that tricks them into sending money.
It's just old fashioned con man stuff but over email or phone. And of you're dumb enough to believe that the only way the IRS (US tax agency) is willing to accept payment is by Visa gift card (and yes this is actually a common scam here) it's just not your bank's problem.
Lots of government websites are extremely sketchy and redirect you to a sketchy payment gateway, often the payment gateway is on some weird domain.
If I make a payment using my visa card, how is it that I'm not just redirected to, and that's the only place I enter card credentials?
Like how OpenID works.
I'm sure there are reasons, probably legacy reasons :)
But it's still weird that payment uses a third-party domain I can't verify. Often called something sketchy.
The way these scams work is to get someone to intentionally send money, usually through gift cards or wire transfer to an account.
Some of the common schemes are to pretend these are taxes that they didn't pay ("you owe the IRS a huge amount, send this money and all the penalties won't be applied immediately"), sometimes it's urgent money needed for a loved one (a common one is "your son/daughter just hit someone with their car, send money to this lawyer to try and save them from prison"), sometimes it's promises of future riches (such as the infamous Nigerian Prince who will send his fortune to you if only you send a little money first).
It's a funny thought on the surface, but the people working these scams are typically slaves, more or less. I'd rather go after their slavers than waste electricity to waste their time.
This is not attacking the people on the phone, it's attacking the whole operation. The person on the phone is going to be on the phone regardless of whether they're talking to an AI or a victim. The AI is merely talking on the phone, not abusing the caller in any way (other than perhaps eating into their commission).
I also think it's extremely simplistic to call the people making the calls "slaves". A lot of the time, they are in facr the perpetrators. Even when they are part of a more organized operation, they (1) are likely paid per successful scam, so they are co-interested in hurting you, and (2) fully aware they are scaring and stealing from someone.
So I wouldn't call these people slaves, I'd call them low-level criminals.
If there's no money in slavery there won't be any slaves. Yes, they'll get moved onto other things but this is currently the most profitable slavery operation available so that seems like a good place to start.
It's sad you're downvoted, because you're right. So called "anti-scammers" who make a fortune on Youtube or that Reddit apparently considers heroes, are in effect preying on the poor. The real culprits are the bosses, not the ones doing the phone calls.
This is actually a hilarious scenario. Anthropomorphize TTS with Indian accents to entrap the other AI agent into thinking they are a real human. DDOS their o1 API calls by soft jail breaking prompts using complex programming questions disguised as typical Microsoft support issues.
A lot of human activity is exactly this, especially in the realm of marketing, so maybe AI getting trapped in the same nonsense would finally make people understand how stupid and absurd this is.
> Conversations with the characters quickly went sideways when some users peppered them with questions including who created and developed the AI. Liv, for instance, said that her creator team included zero Black people and was predominantly white and male. It was a “pretty glaring omission given my identity”, the bot wrote in response to a question from the Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah.
This is probably true, but the AI almost certainly hallucinated these facts.
I hate the journalists pretending that ML is regurgitating facts instead of just random tokens. The ML model doesn't know who programmed it and can't know because that wasn't in the training data.
I hate the game reviewers pretending that games are providing entertainment instead of just random numbers in RAM and random pixels on the screen. The game doesn't know who programmed it and can't know because that wasn't in its source code.
I'm Scandinavian and not invested in the American culture wars and I still got a good chuckle out of how bad an idea this was. Who on earth could've thought it was a good idea to get an AI to pretend to be a black queer mother of two? I'm sure it'll piss off a lot of anti-woke people, but really, how on earth did the issues with this not become obvious for the team? I'm not sure if the AI knows who trained it (and I wonder how they did it) but the team can't have included a lot of common sense or real world experience for them to do something so fundementally stupid.
I'm baffled that they didn't even try to hide the fact these profiles are artificial but outright add that bleak gray text saying "AI managed by Meta". I mean, did we reach some checkpoint here where reality is blurred with fiction? Do we now treat these generated personas on par with real humans?
Honestly, I don't think meta can go any lower from this point in order to get the user engagement with their silly plaything that facebook has become.
> I mean, did we reach some checkpoint here where reality is blurred with fiction?
Yes, the first interactive synthetic pop culture icon is probably the Vocaloid Hakune Mitsu, circa 2007, and she has lots of fans who know exactly who and what she is. I am not surprised Meta wants in on the "influencer" action with synthetic personas: no commissions to be paid, they can create a persona for every possible niche for a marginal cost.
The technology is not there yet, we've barely progressed from Tay in terms of corporates' ability to prevent their AIs from saying things that cause bad PR. AI is definitely coming for influencers, the economics are just too good
> Who on earth could've thought it was a good idea to get an AI to pretend to be a black queer mother of two?
I would think that the obvious use of AI Facebook profiles would be to train them on someone who actually existed in the real world. Take someone like Jimmy Carter, train an LLM on everything he's ever said, and then let people interact with that.
But I imagine there are legal reasons they can't do this?
The article indicates that it was one of 28 personas created by meta. However, the reporters in between the story and you, thought that one would be interesting to you and so promoted it's relevance. In actuality, if you rolled a dice of potential human traits 28 times, this could be a statistically normal combination
Can you explain why it is you think that makes it any better? I can think of no argument that would make this particular persona anything but a tremendously stupid idea. Even if it was one in a thousand personas it would almost certainly be found and singled out by articles like this one.
> how on earth did the issues with this not become obvious for the team?
I haven't reviewed the context of all 28. But if "the team" were trying to do this rationally: perhaps they'd use census data to weight human characteristics and roll 28 dice. We might not expect more than one of 28 to end up as "queer black mom" but it's not necessarily "woke bait" or "rage bait" for one of 28 to land on those squares. Perhaps it was a logical way of assigning traits?
I don't think it's woke or rage bait. As I said I think it's no real world experience and no common sense and I'm frankly amazed that nobody in a SoMe/advertisement organisation didn't consider how the world would react.
I'm not sure if you're joking but your comment expresses it backwards - according to the op article, meta made 28 such bots. One of those bots had the insta profile tagline "queer black mom". In between meta's creation of the 28 and the story arriving on your dinner plate, someone decided to focus the coverage on that one of 28. They thought it would be interesting to people and clearly were right
I'm not OP and I have no idea what the actual odds are. But, well, only 15% of Americans are black to start with, and obviously only half of those are women - and at that point we're already down to 1 in 14. So, unless every other black woman is a queer mom, there's no way it's 1 in 28.
If you were trying to mimic a distribution of Instagram users, and you rolled the dice 28 times, it's not unreasonable that this combination of traits could be expected one twenty eighth of the time.
Maybe everyone of the 28 AI "people" represents one of the team members, but that doesn't make it any less of a bad idea in my eyes. As a father of girls I've seen full well how representation matters in media, but I suspect that AI "people" is the one area where people will want as little representation as possible.
If you’re meta and you have to defend the AI by admitting “it’s not really intelligent and everything it says is bullshit”, that’s not a position of strength.
Particularly when it's likely that despite the AI bullshitting in the absence of data on its creators, it's also incidentally true that the "black queer momma" persona is a few lines of behavioural stereotypes composed by white male programmers without any particular experience of black queer mommas.
I dont think that necessarily applies when you could easily make a training set from some actual black American people’s writings on the internet or book, or even an individual that self identified that way and train on all their writings around the internet, and result in those same stereotypes when you ask an AI to create such a profile
You dont need a black American engineer or product manager to say “I approve this message” or “halt! my representation is more important here and this product would never fly” as they are just not person the data set was trained on, even if you asked an AI to just create the byline on the profile for such a character
its weirder, and more racially insensitive, for people to be vicariously offended on behalf of the group and still not understand the group. In this case, the engineer or product manager or other decision maker wouldnt have the same background as the person that would call themselves “momma”, let alone it not mattering at all, if you can regurgitate that from a training set
I mean, sure, some programmers with very little experience of queer black mommas could, hypothetically, be so good at curating information from the internet and carrying out training exercises that they created a persona that convincingly represents a queer black momma. Do we think this is what happened in this instance?
In which, ironically, the bot called it a "glaring omission"
the bot is echoing sentiments of comment sections it was trained on and had no idea of its origins
its acting aware and sensitive but only has information about the tech sector as a whole
my critique is about how the standards being applied are dumb all the way down. the standards are not actually that enlightened even if there was more representation congruent with the race/identity being caricatured as representation. nullifying the whole criticism.
the training set is the only thing thats important with a language model. and its just a symptom of dead internet theory, as even the persona’s byline was probably generated by a different language model.
well, yeah, I acknowledged the bot has no idea of its actual origins in my first post. the point is that at some point some actual product manager thought that creating this persona (probably a generic training set plus a few lines of human-authored stereotypes as prompt) and releasing it to the public as an authentic, representative personality was a good idea. Unlike the product manager, the bot's bullshitting was context aware enough to express the sentiment that this was a bit embarrassing
If the intent is to make a recognizable caricature and apply labels to it (cough stereotype), you don't have someone draw themselves. And it's really looking like stereotyping is their intent.
I'm not sure we get to both complain that bots are trained by "white males" and at the same time complain that big tech abuse H1B visas for cheap compliant labourers.
Huh? On the balance of probabilities, why would this be the "most certain" option? I think that logic only works on the HN scale of "works in my ChatGPT window" or "bad outcome, so hallucinated".
Do they not have anyone sensible left in the room? Like, you’d expect that at some point someone would have said ‘these are comically terrible, we cannot allow them to see the light of day’.
It's like people have already forgotten why people used the non-human beings in Westworld. One of the first things we're going to use them for is amusement and having them represent anything sentimental or sensitive is going to make them a target like this. It was irresponsible.
There's something essentially wrong with Meta and Google where they can do tech but not products anymore. I'd argue it's because the honest human desire that drives a product dies or is refined out of initiatives by the time it gets through the optimization process of their org structure. Nothing is going to survive there unless it's an arbitrage or using leverage on the user, and the things that survive are uncanny and weird because they are no longer expressions of something someone wants.
These avatars ticked all the boxes, but when they arrived, people laughed at them because objectively they were bureaucratic abominations.
> There's something essentially wrong with Meta and Google where they can do tech but not products anymore. I'd argue it's because the honest human desire that drives a product dies or is refined out of initiatives by the time it gets through the optimization process of their org structure.
This is a really nice insight. I hadn’t put it together this way before. It’s similar to design-by-committee, or movie script-by-committee (like Disney-era Star Wars movies, or a Netflix focus-group-driven script). The layers of bureaucratic filter have rubbed off all human influence, and all that’s left is naked profit motive.
The worst thing IMO would be if LLMs became able to convincingly fake these emotions. They’d become emotional pillows for the inhuman manipulative ambitions of their parent orgs.
Imo it's due to people have a hard time separating the worth of their idea with their self-worth. So criticism of their 'baby' breeds negative sentiment which creates a challenging political environment for criticism, which would need to be ameliorated by strong organizational culture.
I think the commenter is saying, with a brain trust, you don't share organizational structure or hierarchy. Neither party has enough interaction for a political environment to form. You can be offended, but you won't see them again and you're not forced to implement their ideas
> I wonder why so few companies employ Pixar’s Brain Trust method
It doesn't scale. That model hasn't been utilized at Pixar lately - whatsm was the last good/hit Pixar movie that wasn't a sequel or side-quel? Like most companies, Pixar relies on a few great products or ideas, and then doubling/tripling down on them, to make sure the graph grows up and to the right for shareholders.
Mainly because they ousted Lassiter for being to critical of the crap that was being put in front of him. They framed it in other ways publically, but I'm pretty sure he was getting in the way of others taking the company in a direction that didn't prioritize quality.
Oh, I can think of very few exec I’ve worked with in tech who would willingly expose their team to public criticism, for fear that it would blow back on them. I’ve seen execs pay heavy prices for a team making a mistake in public. It’s stupid, but some orgs run that way.
> There's something essentially wrong with Meta and Google where they can do tech but not products anymore.
Because AI is the hype thing and adding AI to your thing makes the stock price go up, because investors and stock evaluators don't know what AI is, nor do they care. They just know it's the hot thing and what you put in your product to make it look better to Wall St.
Meta AI, Google AI summaries, Apple Intelligence are all hilariously half-baked features designed to connect users with ChatGPT so the line goes brrrrrrr. Them being helpful, useful products that solve problems for users is a distant, distant next place to that.
> It's like people have already forgotten why people used the non-human beings in Westworld
This is fiction though. Perhaps we didn't forget about that fake thing and we're critiquing this real thing that exists. How can you take a demonstrative position on "what we're going to use them for" and defend it with someone's contrived story?
> because objectively they were bureaucratic abominations
Yes, this is why criticism of this real thing isn't countered by claiming people "forgot" what occurred in a fantasy script about things that don't exist.
this misunderstands what fiction is. for people with the capacity, it's a tool for reasoning about hypotheticals and counterfactuals. sometimes its fun, but mostly it's serious.
for the people who get it fiction is a public discourse about possibilities. to me seeing it as arbitrary would be like watching golf and thinking it's random. there's a literal mindedness or incapacity for abstraction I can't apprehend in that.
The problem with using fiction as a discourse about possibilities is that fiction is governed by the rules of the author's mind, not the rules of reality. So the fidelity of the model being used to drive the discourse is directly dependent on the congruence between the author's internal model of the world and reality, which can often be deceptively far apart. This is especially bad when the subject is entertaining, because most of us read fiction for entertainment, not logical discourse. So we create scenarios that are entertaining rather than realistic. And the better the author is the more subtle the differences are, but that doesn't mean they go away. It feels like a somewhat common experience in my life that I'm discussing some topic with somebody, and I have subject matter expertise based on actual lived experience, and as the conversation goes on I discover that all of my conversation partner's thinking about the subject was done in the context of a fictional world which misses key elements of the real world that lead to very different conclusions and outcomes.
This is not to totally discard fiction as a way of reasoning. With regard to hypotheticals beyond our current reach it is often the only way to reason. So it's valuable, but we have to keep in mind that a story is just a story. Hard experience trumps fictional logic any day. And I can't assume that the same events in real life will lead to the same outcomes from a story.
The point is that a fictional story is just one of a host of possibilities, so you can't base decisions off what happens in it rather than the other n-1 possibilities.
Fiction is a story that an author wants to tell, for whatever reason. It doesn't necessarily follow rational rules, it follows the rules of story telling. Fictional people do things because it makes the story more interesting, not because they have some internal logic to their actions.
Agree, fiction and narrative is a fundamental method of human reasoning, one of the first and oldest.
I think a lot of people are reacting to this are missing some of the point - fictions may not literally model reality, but what makes certain fiction memorable is it shines light on some under-expressed aspect of reality, which sticks with us when we encounter a similar pattern in our lives. Whether its also serving entertainment purposes or the author's pet peeves is beside the point, because that is not the part of the fiction to be taken seriously.
We have all sorts of relevant quotes about this:
> all models are wrong, some are useful
> truth is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations
> We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know how to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. - Picasso
Aside from the obvious perception-is-reality aspect of fiction, it's especially important to take fiction seriously these days because the tech world is eyeing the many gray areas between fiction and reality as the next frontier for expansion. These avatars are a perfect example of this attempt to acquire more of the territory of human experience; not just the material reality but the many possible directions our hearts and drives may take us. If we dismiss fiction as something to take less seriously than 'reality', rather than something to be understood in a different way than rational analysis (and with its own skill tree), then we cede this territory to those that know how to wield it against us.
You should think this way about a particular thing because this one movie portrayed it that way, and if you don't it's because you forgot that this movie portrayed it that way according to its creators will, thoughts, ideas, motivated reasoning, worldview, not compelling.
It's pretty obvious to me that the creative choices and ideas of certain people do not imply any demonstrative truth about reality just because they exist because there is not a direct connection between the two; someone can write or film or render whatever they want, even completely contradictory versions of the same topic. What if for example someone did watch that or any other thing and simply disagreed? Think the creators got it wrong?
> public discourse about possibilities. to me seeing it as arbitrary
It's not arbitrary. It can certainly be self-serving, it can be propaganda, it can be a good guess or a well-meaning statement about reality, or speculative fiction but also wrong. It's just the emphatic certainty in how you presented this media creation as proof of something inherently connected to truth about a complex future debatable quality of reality, as even a fictional account about history or the present day or politics suffers from obvious fundamental disconnects from being regarded as "truth", proof or evidence of anything. Again, different people can make multiple contradictory or competing portrayals of a certain concept or topic. This is no different than someone telling you what they believe about a thing; it's not "therefore true" as such, especially in the form of a prediction about the future.
you've found a way to use dinosaur DNA in eggs to genetically engineer a medium sized dinosaur back into existence. you've got a bunch of samples in your apparatus, and you go away and come back to find out they've hatched and disappearared.
someone says to you, at least the fences will keep them in. and you say, "what fences?" and when they say, "didn't you see jurrasic park?" your answer is, "why would I see that, it's fiction, and who cares it's just a 90's kids movie"
I think Google and others are too distracted in collecting enterprise coin at the moment. They have a perfectly good consumer product in NotebookLM, but at the moment it has the quality of something an intern made.
As someone who's built something like it in their free time as a hobby project (, could I ask what would make it a professional product vs something an intern came up with? Looking for insights I could possibly apply/learn from to implement in my own project.
One of my goals with my project I ended up taking on was to match/exceed NotebookLMs feature set, to ensure that an open source version would be available to people for free, with ownership of their data.
I'm going to challenge you to put that first screenshot into ChatGPT/Claude and ask them why it looks like something an intern came up with vs a professional product.
I'm not saying that as a slight or an insult, but right now the screenshot looks like a Gradio space someone would use to prove out the underlying tech of a professional product, not a professional product (unless you literally mean professionals are your target users as opposed to consumers).
I think an LLM would be able to very quickly tell you what most product builders would tell you at this stage.
Also one of the key enablers of NotebookLM is SoundStorm style parallel generation. Afaik no open source project has reached that milestone, have they?
I don't think you understand the context, the person I was replying to was making that comment about NotebookLM. I'm fully well aware of how my UI looks, the whole reason I'm using Gradio for right now is that it is a single person project that isn't a product for sale. Not quite an intern, but same amount of funding.
The current UI is a placeholder, because the idea is to migrate to an API first design so users can have whatever kind of UI they'd like.
SoundStorm/Podcast creation is one of the big draws, but I would question as to whether its one of its most-used features, considering hallucinations and shallowness.
I guess I really don't understand the context because even with this clarification it's not clear what you're asking past "what does it take to add polish to my nascent project", when the reality is by the nature of it's nascent state no one is going to be able to give you more than surface level advice (which the LLM can provide pretty effectively, and in a more tailored way than we random commenters can. Isn't that fact kind of the underlying of your own project?)
> SoundStorm/Podcast creation is one of the big draws, but I would question as to whether its one of its most-used features, considering hallucinations and shallowness.
You're questioning the one single feature that drove its entire success in distribution? Most people don't know any features except the podcast feature.
If your goal is to address the more underlying concept of getting across knowledge in a quicker more readily absorbed format using LLMs, there's already an insane amount of competition and noise.
The podcast thing was the only reason NotebookLM cut through that noise, so the question shouldn't be "is it one of the most used features" (due to the way conversion rates work it will be btw, it might not be the most used feature by people who stay but obviously the feature that's highest in the funnel drawing people in will be your most used feature) but imo the more relevant question is "is it one of the most important features", and the answer is yes.
You’re making assumptions about my original question. I wished to know their opinion on what made NotebookLM ‘look like an Intern’s project. If what they shared was something I agreed with and relevant than sure I would apply it to my project but I already have plans for improving my project to my own standards.
Thanks for sharing your perspective though, I will keep it in mind. I disagree regarding podcasts being a ‘big thing’ past the initial honeymoon phase. I do think that custom generated audio is also a big thing and the podcasting is the first exposure a lot of people have had with that level of quality, and since it’s free and everyone already has a Google account, it makes it much easier for it to viral.
plans for improving my project to my own standards.
That’s roughly the implication of my original comment. Many developers, including you, have a higher standard. I’m not gonna use something that looks like an intern slapped a few REST calls together with MUI.
It’s 2025 dude, I can build that in an afternoon. They have to take the product a lot more seriously.
Google’s lack of taste on this front will be the success of another competing product (perhaps even yours).
NotebookLM is more than just podcast generation. I came into the middle of consulting project where there were already dozens of artifacts - SOWs, transcripts from discovery sessions, client provided documentation etc.
I loaded them all up into NotebookLM.
I started asking it questions after uploading it all to NotebookLM like I would if I were starting from scratch with a customer. It answered the questions with citations.
And to hopefully deflect the usual objections - we already use GSuite as a corporate standard, NotebookLM is specifically allowed and it doesn’t train on your data.
Why would you say that? I used it as a study guide. Super useful. Stuff like uploading 8 hours of audio and asking it: “Generate an outline of topics that the instructor said were important to remember.
> There's something essentially wrong with Meta and Google where they can do tech but not products anymore.
I'm listening to "Masters of Doom" on Audible. It's about the creation of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, etc. Great book.
Something that's interesting about it, is that Id Software seemed to largely reject the idea of having a game where the players 'connected' to the characters or the story. They were laser focused on:
* Carmack creating a game engine that was the best in the world
* Romero and crew making the gameplay as fun as possible
But it sounded like they had folks on the team who wanted to make a story where the players could 'connect' with the protagonist. He was fired.
Some dude named "Tom."
Facebook, weirdly enough, seems to have the issue. Which is particularly odd considering that's their product!
I haven't played games in ages, but when I saw "Half Life" for the first time, it felt nearly as "revolutionary" to me as Wolfenstein 3D was.
I feel like the way Romero and Carmack wanted to make the player "connect" with the game was different than what Tom had in mind (from reading the book).
Tom wanted elaborate lore and story-telling, while the rest wanted to make the game experience what the player connected to. The instant reaction to your input, seeing your bad-ass character (and by extension yourself) inflict awesome damage on the world.
This to me is more of a conflict of _what_ the player should connect to, as opposed to not wanting the player to connect at all.
Having worked at a similarly gargantuan and dysfunctional company, I can tell you exactly how this went down. Someone had this idea for AI profiles. They speced the product and took it to engineering. The engineers had a good laugh at how preposterous it is, but then remembered that they get paid a ton of money to do what they're told, and will get promos and bonuses for launching regardless of the outcome.
It all stems from promo culture -- it doesn't matter what you build, as long as it ships.
That is not at all how things work at Meta. The impact of the things you deliver as an engineer has a direct effect on your performance review. For better or for worse, that also means that engineers have a ton of leverage on deciding what to work on. It's highly unlikely that the engineers working on this were laughing at it while doing so.
Don't assume that you can simply pattern match because you've been at another big company. I've been at three, meta being one of them. And they have all operated very differently.
How do you think it happened, then? Having also worked there the OP’s story makes total sense to me lol. If you’re on a team with the charter to “make AI profiles in IG work” then you’re just inevitably going to turn off your better judgement and make some cringy garbage.
I think the incorrect premise here was that engineers always know what a good product is. :) And I say that as an engineer myself. It's fully possible that the whole team was aligned on a product idea that was bad, it happens all the time. From my experience though, if there's any company where engineers don't just mindlessly follow the PMs and have a lot of agency to set direction, it's Meta. Might differ between orgs but generally that was my experience.
I don’t think anyone took this seriously while building it, if that’s what you’re implying.
I’ve been at companies like this where you are told to build X, you laugh with your co-workers, and then get to work because you’re paid disgusting amounts of money to build stupid shit like this.
That’s part of why I quit to start my own company. It’s such an awful waste of resources.
You're kind of missing the early step where some executive had to sign off on this dumb idea. Otherwise it doesn't launch. It's only "impactful" to engineer performance review because some exec said so.
The exec gets "credit" for the project, so same promo culture issue. They just need to show increased engagement numbers for like one quarter and they can add it to their end of year performance packet. The fact that the project gets cancelled is either 1) another "win" because they're "making hard choices" and they can obviously justify why it should be cancelled, or 2) someone else's problem.
Also, another note, these sorts of big swing and misses are actually still identified as a positive, even when looked at retroactively. They're "big bets" that could pay off huge if they hit. Similar to VC culture, Meta is probably fine with 99 misses if 1 big bet hits. If they increase engagement even 1%, they're raking in billions and it is worth it.
Execs go through the promo process too. And also, some execs will sign off on projects that they know are bad but will make for good promo material for them and their reports.
No, execs do not sign off on every feature. Even at medium size (2000+ employees say) there is far more output being produced than could possibly be signed off by an exec team.
Seconded. It is difficult to understate how pervasive and dysfunctional promo based development is at some of these behemoths (Google from my experience, but I hear Meta is similar). Nothing else matters as long as what you are doing correctly fits in your promo packet.
Ship it quick, ramp up some high profile users that don't actually care much about what you're offering, and jump to the next project before anyone notices the problems.
There are 10,000s of SWEs at Facebook and this project was at most a handful of SWEs. (As stupid as it is, it did not significantly detract from prod bugs.)
I suppose the key dysfunction there is that someone can simply have an idea and get it done, without, presumably, review by other product folks or sensible acceptance criteria being put in place.
My impression, from seeing some of these "great ideas," coming from the modern Tech industry, is that there really are no adults in the room; including the funders.
So many of these seven-to-nine-figure disasters are of the "Who thought this was a good idea?" class. They are often things that seem like they might appeal to folks that have never really spent much time, with their sleeves rolled up, actually delivering a product, then supporting it, after it's out there.
Between shareholders and executives there's usually a board. Corporate governance is not simple and it is designed to control large organizations with several stakeholders. Appointing executives alone, in a well functioning corporation, is a complex affair.
And he is personally responsible for so much misery on Earth that he can likely never do enough good to make up for it, not that he's going to try.
The reason he never looks happy is because he is never happy. Same with his fellow oligarchs; they can get pleasure in bunches but never happiness, they can be smug but never have peace. Happiness is what happens as a result of your helping others become happier; there is no shortcut, there is no other way.
Zuck has only ever worked for himself and his "peers". History is riddled with those losers, the richer the worser. It is not just human nature but the nature of the universe vis a vis our human responsibility as choosers of goodness or its opposites.
Of course, the exact line of reasoning doesn’t quite work for the different formulation you stated. However, a different version of the line of reasoning seems to? How does one help another person become happier if helping another person become happier is the only way to become happier? One helps them help someone else to help someone to… ?
Or, I suppose if it is possible to be more or less unhappy for other reasons, so by helping another person become less unhappy (though not yet happy) one could thereby become happy?
We all must deal with other people to survive in this world, and our treatment of everyone every single day creates a karmic result that affects us proportionally.
We are rewarded for our efforts, not their effects. If we truly try to help someone, we get some measure of happiness for our attempt, even if they refuse it or are otherwise miserable. When I tell someone to care for others' happiness, I do so in order that they do not sow the seeds of their own unhappiness. If they use their free will to ignore my recommendation, I do not lose for their choices; in fact, I've gained because I tried to help them make choices that will increase their peace and happiness. We cannot convince anyone to not be (for example) a racist, but when we engage in such efforts, we have tried to make the world a better, less miserable place, and we gain for our valiant attempt.
The intention of our ethical karmic universe is to nudge us towards caring for others, instead of being selfish aholes callous to the misery of others. The feedback mechanism is our resulting inner peace and happiness (or lack thereof).
All our choices start with an intention, however muddled or unconscious our thought process is at the time. When MZ chooses profit over policing his platform, he has planted bitter seeds, indeed, for we all reap what we sow, for good or ill.
> Or, I suppose if it is possible to be more or less unhappy for other reasons, so by helping another person become less unhappy (though not yet happy) one could thereby become happy?
Yes, indeed. And selflessly making efforts for others' happiness creates a well of magic the universe can dip into and sprinkle you with at its leisure, which is sublime and loving at its Source. That is why giving charity is so essential on the Spiritual Path of Love: because our individual and cultural selfishnesses are so stubborn, we need all the help we can get to truly self-evolve our ideals, attitudes, and behaviors.
I could also see this being some executive trying to justify the word "AI" in their title with an initiative that should "make number go up" wrt to engagement or something.
"When we have more users engagement goes up, let's just _make more users_".
I feel like there must be some sort of disassociation that kicks in when you spend long enough in the upper echelons of these gargantuan corporations. It's almost like spending long enough dealing with abstractions like MAUs, DAUs, and engagement metrics make you forget that actually, at the bottom of it all are real humans using your product.
Modern entrepreneurship is basically gradient descent. You try to predict what action will yield you more profits, you do that action, rinse, repeat. It's a completely abstract process.
I can't fathom how anyone thought this was a sensible thing.
It's so bad I have to wonder if there's a different angle here, maybe they think that releasing something so terribly bad will make it easier when they release something less comically bad? Idk.
The next step will be to release bots that aren't labeled as bots. They'll be influencers (advertisers) without having to pay a person. They'll produce hyper targeted influencer slop, hocking products directly to individuals using Facebook's knowledge graphs of users to be incredibly manipulative. Companies will pay Facebook to make people siphon money directly to them.
The future bots won't need followers. They will reach out to engage users based on their ad graph. Like how catfish accounts work.
They'll reach out to users and talk to them about whatever they're interested in. They'll then make influencer-style native advertisements. If you're a middle aged man that likes video games when you see their picture posts they'll be "wearing" some vintage game t-shirt (that's for sale). If you're instead a twenty year old woman into yoga the same bit will be "wearing" some new Lululemon yoga pants.
The first pass of these bots failed because they used the follower mechanism. The next version will just follow you to push ads or scrape more data about you.
I find myself generally wondering the same thing about half the things coming out of SV over the past several years.
I have worked with competent product organizations. I know they exist. A few even exist in SV. But for some reason the largest players have just absolutely lost the plot beyond what can get them to favorable quarterly earnings, and that game eventually and fairly consistently doesn’t end well in the long term.
Meta in particular is clearly rudderless, lacking in vision and strategic leadership, and throwing whatever it can find at the wall hoping to find something that sticks. Facebook turned into a cesspool, Instagram isn’t as popular with the newest demographics Meta has traditionally wanted to court (young people), and Threads turned out to be a nothing burger. Their grand quest to unify messaging was a disaster, and mores the putty because they’ve basically delineated their ecosystem by demographic generation in what has to be an unintentional series of missteps. Their “metaverse” projects weren’t even compelling to the teams working on them, their foray into crypto was over almost as soon as it began, and their business products are a nearly unusable mess for those of us who have had the misfortune of using them.
You’d think eventually someone at Meta would hit upon an idea that goes somewhere. It’s like a more pathetic version of Google’s stagnation.
Stonk prices are going up, so whatever they are doing, the only real feedback they care about is positive.
These AI products are not made for users. They're made for Wall Street. Wall Street expects big companies to 1. talk about AI in their earnings calls, and then 2. do something, anything, with AI. All of BigTech seems to be doing this now, and investors are rewarding them by buying their stock. So they're going to continue the cycle of building useless AI products and then canceling them when they have served their purpose (pleasing investors).
It's pretty simple in my view. It's "where does the money come from" and at Meta it's not from their users. So they are motivated to entrap and wall in and build funnels to try to deliver their users to the people who are actually giving them money. They aren't building things users want. They are building things that they think will keep the users from leaving.
That makes a lot of sense. My Facebook feed is almost 100% hobby stuff now. Sometimes my wife will say "hey did you see this thing that [family member] posted" and I haven't. And I assume the reason I haven't, is because the content from my hobbies is crowding out the original purpose of Facebook (connect with friends and family.)
Worst of all, is that Facebook is a terrible platform for hobby stuff. Plain ol' PHP forums are much better for that; they're much easier to navigate, easier to search, easier to host pictures on, etc.
I frequently find myself posting something on one of the Facebook hobby forums, then realizing that:
* the signal to noise ratio isn't great, because there's a ton of people spamming those forums with products and other social media that they're trying to promote, YT in particular.
We aren't a big org and I know we spend several hundred if not thousands of USD a month on meta ads and WhatsApp business.
For larger orgs I can imagine that number is larger and we definitely get a ton of positive interaction from that. That might be swayed by demographics but I can tell you age isn't one of them because our interaction (on WhatsApp Business which is mostly where I interact with Meta products) is decently in the 20-40 range.
Working in ML Engineering this doesn’t surprise me in the least. The ratio between “impressiveness of technology” to “the number of practical problems actually solved” is probably higher for LLMs than just about any tech to come out in my career, probably longer. Every executive at every company is tripping over themselves to incorporate “AI” (which is almost exclusively defined as LLMs, for some reason) into their products. Problem is that many, if not most, companies really don’t have meaningful use cases for LLMs. So you end up with a bunch of problems being invented so they can be solved with AI. What feature can Facebook provide for their users utilizing LLMs that users actually, genuinely care about? I can’t think of any. And I assume Facebook can’t either, which is how they arrived at this.
> Every executive at every company is tripping over themselves to incorporate “AI” (which is almost exclusively defined as LLMs, for some reason) into their products
I think a hangover from the last AI winter, after which everything that would previously have been called ‘AI’ got called ‘ML’, the term ‘AI’ then being shareholder poison. Anything older than the current AI bubble mostly gets called ‘ML’ still, with a possible exception for non-LLMish CV stuff.
Fact is it is hard to make a great product. I don’t think we need complex conspiracy theories to explain bad ones.
Odds are the product team cherry picked conversations for internal demos, their management wanted press and promotions, KPIs were around engagement and not quality, and nobody had perspective and authority to say “this sucks, we can’t release it”.
It’s not hard to identify, before launching, “this is unacceptably bad”. Like, I think this is actually quite a bit worse than Microsoft Tay, which others mentioned, as an example of “how could you possibly launch this”? Tay was reckless, and you’ve got to assume that they knew there was at least a change it could work out as it did, but in this case the product _as launched_ was clearly unacceptable; it didn’t require input from 4chan to make it so.
I mean, just very basic QA, having someone talk to the damn things for a bit, would’ve shown the problem, in this case.
I wish I agreed. But I have seen many products launched where only true believers who internalized the limitations were involved in testing. Yes, a good org with self-critical people and an independent red team and execs who cared about quality would not have made this blunder. Getting that org stuff right sounds easy but is nigh impossible if it doesn’t align to the company culture.
Critics and naysayers tend to leave teams where they don't believe in the product, and eventually teams are left with only true believers. Their entire purpose is to ship Project X, and if they were to admit Project X is a blunder, then they are admitting that their purpose is a blunder. Few teams at few companies are willing to do that.
Exactly. That’s why formal and independent compliance / security / red team signoffs are so important. A good product team wants those checks and balances.
The only thing they got wrong was the strong stereotyping. But the idea from an investor or exec position is brilliant. Why bother with all the parsing for user's interactions through clicks, likes, replies etc when you can have them engage a bot.
Simply have your users give you all the info you need to serve better ads; while selling companies advanced profiles on people? User profiles built by them engaging the bot and the bot slowly nudging more and more info out of them?
We're "all in on AI" at my job, and lots of people are drinking the koolaid. I regularly see design docs that are almost entirely written by ChatGPT, code implementing those designs written by copilot/cursor/chatgpt, and reviews done by the same. There are features deployed for which practically no human consideration was given.
I'd be very willing to believe something like this happens at Facebook, too.
We always underestimate how many bots made the pre-2022 social apps were.
1. To make you feel like there is activity. How would you simulate activity when you have no customer to start with? I suspect Youtube threw subscribers at you just to get you addicted to video production (the only hint that my Youtube subscribers were real, was that people recognized me on the street). And guess who’s mostly talking to you on Tindr.
2. For politics and geopolitics influence. Maybe Russia pays half the bots that sway opinions on Instagram. Maybe it’s China or even Europe, and USA probably has farm bots too for Europe, to ensure the general population is swayed towards liking USA.
3. Just for business, marketing agencies sometimes suggest to create 6x LinkedIn profiles per employees to farm customers.
Facebook doing it in-house and officially is just legalizing the bribe between union leaders and CEOs.
I’m imagining it would have gone like the meme where the dissenting opinion person is thrown out the window. They don’t have any other ideas left, so they have to do stupid stuff like this to appeal to people that call themselves investors.
You must be kidding. Look around on public transport. If someone isn't reading something on their phone, they're almost certainly playing some candy crush like game. Apple games is doing well.
Netflix failed because they didn't make games people are interested in, not because people don't want those types of games.
I think most people just scroll instagram or tiktok. Because of lack of short content format earlier, mobile games became popular. That and lack of 5g infra. Both problems have been solved.
You kind-of do need 5G to stream video on public transport where every one of the other thousand people on the line is also trying to stream video. Even LTE suffers from fundamental contention issues once you get to Tokyo/New York/London metro levels of device density.
I wonder if their product people get their ideas from Hacker News. Just the other day, a top thread comment was about an idea for a social network where you would receive tons of engagement from bots. Coincidentally (or not), Meta actually took a first step in that direction days later.
Sorry for breaking the fantasy, but this is from TFA:
> The company had first introduced these AI-powered profiles in September 2023 but killed off most of them by summer 2024.
Also, they're deleting these profiles, which is a step away, not towards that idea. Although they're apparently leaving in some feature to make your own AI-profiles.
This was probably an okay idea terribly implemented. GenAI creators on social media kind of sense.
Neurosama, an AI streamer, is massively popular.
Silllytavern which lets people make and chat with characters or tell stories with LLMs feeds Openrouter 20 million messages a day, which is a fraction of it's totally usage. Anecdotally I've have non tech friends learn how to install Git and work an API to get this one working.
There are unfortunately tons of secretly AI made influencers on Instagram.
When Meta started these profiles in 2023 it was less clear how the technologies were going to be used and most were just celeb licensed.
I think a few things went wrong. The biggest is GenAI has the highest value in narrowcast and the lowest value in broadcast. GenAI can do very specific and creative things for an individual but when spread to everyone or used with generic prompts it start averaging and becomes boring. It's like Google showing its top searches: it's always going to just be for webpages. Making an GenAI profile isn't fun because these AIs don't really do interesting things on their own. I chatted with these they had very little memory and almost no willingness to do interesting things.
Second, mega corps are, for better or worse, too risk averse to make these any fun. GenAI is most wild and interesting when it can run on its own or do unhinged things. There are several people on Twitter who have ongoing LLM chat rooms that get extremely weird and fascinating but in a way a tech company would never allow. Silllytavern is most interesting/human when the LLM takes things off the rails and challenges or threatens the user. One of the biggest news stories of 2023 was an LLM telling a journalist it loved him. But Meta was never going to make a GenAI that would do self-looping art or have interesting conversations. These LLMs probably are guardrailed into the ground and probably also have watcher models on them. You can almost feel that safeness and lack of risk taking in the boringness of the profiles if you look up the ones they set up in 2023. Football person, comedy person, fashion person, all geared to advice and stuff safe and boring.
I suspect these things had almost zero engagement and they had shuttered most of them. I wonder what Meta was planning with the new ones they were going to roll out.
Meta's platforms are already filled with AI slop content farms that drive clicks and engagement for them.
I have a FB account for marketplace, and unsubscribed from all my pages and friends. If I log in, my feed is a neverending stream of suggested rage bait, low quality AI photos, nonsensical LLM "tips" on gardening and housekeeping.
The posts seem to attract tens of thousands of reactions and comments from seemingly real people.
Absolutely, and in picking collabs with people who are willing to work with the weirdness and make it funny. Vedal is definitely a fantastic creator to make it work so well and the amount of fine-tuning and tweaking he must do must be unreal. But I think it still shows there is some hunger for this type of content, though you are probably correct that it still needs to be curated, gardened, worked with, and sometimes faked.
This was probably an okay idea terribly implemented.
No, I'd vote terrible idea terribly implemented so good (that it failed).
The argument for GenAI chatbots in culture has to be more than "people like it".
The worst possible GenAI is one that manages to be "better" than the standard sterile, moronic homogenized celebrity that everyone already likes. And sure, like any computer program, a GenAI can be randomly "interesting" but this kind of thing is quite shallow imo.
Aspersions aside, the content’s actually typically pretty involved and has a lot to speak for itself, it’s not low-effort content that one would typically associate with AI.
Laid bare, it’s generally a variety comedy show of a human host and AI riffing off each other, the AI and the chat arguing and counter-roasting each other with human mediation to either double down or steer discussions or roasts in more interesting directions, a platform for guest interviews and collaborations with other streamers, and a showcase of AI bots which were coded up by the stream’s creator to play a surprising variety of games. There’s a lot to like, and you don’t need to be on “that bit of the bell curve” to enjoy a skilled entertainer putting new tools to enjoyable use.
> This was probably an okay idea terribly implemented. GenAI creators on social media kind of sense.
It boggles my mind that there are people who think this is a good/ok idea. From a human perspective, all it does is pulls the mind ever closer to fictional imaginative world rather than encouraging real life interactions which I believe is inherently wrong no matter what business strategy is wrapped around it.
I feel like the question I want to ask is "Why do we need AI-Profiles?" Like, I can barely be bothered to keep in touch with my friends and family. Why do I need a fake person to be follow on social media? What purpose does it serve? What possibly comes out of this that is positive?
Its the other way around. It's about giving people the attention they need exactly because they dont keep in touch any more, so they have a reason to come back to the platform.
Quite a long ways from "give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together", unless you consider homogenizing behavior through interacting with a borgbot "bringing us closer together"
You're right, it's not meant to be a positive outcome for you. It's meant to keep people on Facebook longer so more ad impressions can be delivered. In this case, eventually, conversationally.
>I feel like the question I want to ask is "Why do we need AI-Profiles?"
Remember when in 2013, 2015 and in 2020 Facebook was caught faking/inflating ad-view numbers so they would charge their customers more? Now AI viewing an ad is a feature and you want to pay for it.
meta probably aims at people getting intimate (as in talking to a friend or family member) to get the usual outcome - getting data that will made ads more accurate. There's nothing positive about that at all.
99% of humans who make content for Meta’s platforms receive no revenue from them. In fact, some of them actually pay the platforms for greater reach. Even without AI personas, Meta can surely have its cake and eat it too.
I get the hate, but I'd be open to trying out a social media experience that is a mix of human and bots, especially as the bots get better at acting like reasonable humans.
Stack Overflow was great when it came out. But the whatever percent of humans who were mean and obnoxious and wouldn't let you just ask your questions eventually ruined it all.
Then ChatGPT came out without any humans to get in the way of me asking my software development questions, and it was so much better.
In the same way, when social media came out, it was great. But the whatever percent of humans who were mean and obnoxious and wouldn't let you just socialize and speak your mind eventually ruined it all.
If there's an equivalent social media experience out there that gets rid of or at least mitigates the horriblenesses of humanity while still letting people socialize online and explore what's on their mind, maybe it's worth trying.
People should try to socialize in real life. The web is 90% rage baits, trolls, people completely brain washed by fringe conspiracy theories and politics
IRL these 90% turn into 10%, if you really care about socializing you'll have more meaningful interactions with the grandma living next door than with the queer black queen zuckerbot ™
It's like if people asked supermarkets to hide plastic apples amongst the real ones because they look better and never went bad, as if they somehow forgot why we even eat food in the first place
Might not want to say that in the grocery store while browsing those apples. Plastic apples tend to have network affects not usually associated with edible fruit.
What if socializing IRL is something you can practice with pro-social bots?
Or, what if depressed people find the pressure of consequences too stressful to “just go outside and make friends”, and so the realistic options are chatbot or not enough socialization?
There are obvious nuanced issues and risks here but to distill it down to a one liner like “try to socialize IRL” is myopic.
People need to practice with bots and are depressed because they are lacking real social interactions. They went too far to digital rabbit-hole. Now is time to log off.
Outside of how asocial and hostile society has become, there are certain people who understand more eccentric or fringe ideas and they can be quite rare.
I can see how supplementing some amount of artificial conversation can keep one better primed for interacting with the (rarer) people who might be more engaging on an individual level.
More of a stepping stone to realizing that other people might be interesting by finding value in human ideas.
What's myopic about it? That's what your brain has evolved to do over hundred thousands on years and we fucked it up in two generations...
Depression skyrocketed since social medias were introduced, I very much doubt adding bots to the equation solves anything. You'd be treating the symptoms, not the cause
And again, you're not going to cure obesity by eating plastic apples
Ironically, this would lead to dramatically unhealthy social interactions and be ripe for abuse.
You are literally creating a bubble of interactions with technologically enforced rose-colored glasses. Get the right person in charge of the experience, and don't be surprised if it becomes a modern take on Orwell's 1984.
No, I'm not even interested in the surveillance here (though it is also a good comparison). Full disclosure, I'm very pessimistic on what current LLM models are capable of, and even more pessimistic on the impact of social networks.
I'm referring to the control of interactions and information. Take a look at the character interactions on the novel.
People socialized as they could, but interactions were not only heavily monitored (to your point), but altered as well. Winston struggles to behave correctly in public knowing that one small misstep could result in him being arrested by The Party. He revels in the chance to rebel against it, only to find that the opportunity to do so was in fact a trap. Even the allowed language was neutered as much as possible to prevent communication. All of these virtual 'friends' will likely politely comment and correct your posts as they see fit.
As for information, "we have always been at war with Eastasia". People in 1984 were clearly being fed false information as part of control. History was altered, facts were changed, it was pretty heavy handed. But imagine what this personal echo chamber could do with a new concept or idea (that virtually all parties you interact with corroborate, along with LLM generated 'news' posts and generated pics that support it), how many people will verify? Just think of how many folks you've seen have been misled by a single well-done "fake news" post; now, imagine that the network itself is confirming it at every turn (note Meta owns multiple networks).
Oh, and as a bonus, these virtual friends are really enjoying Brand Product. Have you tried it yet? Folks keep posting pictures of themselves with Brand Product, and they look pretty happy!
> Stack Overflow was great when it came out. But the whatever percent of humans who were mean and obnoxious and wouldn't let you just ask your questions eventually ruined it all.
The user hostility is partly what keeps the spam and repeated questions out. They even have a peer pressure achievement for deleting a post after someone commented on it.
I am trying out something along those lines with (nod to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep). Still pretty basic though, but feel free to give it a try.
Edit: I'm exploring the idea that social media is not really social. How much different is it to interact with a human intermediated by social media sites than it is to interact with chatbots?
When a community is formed, an implied set of rules are generated and applied. They evolve and change as time goes on. Sometimes they are the cause of the community dying, sometimes they are the reason is thrives.
Whether its a sports community (woo football is the greatest!) or a specific team (fuck the other team, booo) or cycling. Each community has a set of rules that you need to abide by in order for it to function.
Now, if you go and break those implied rules, you get told off.
A community falls apart when two or more factions form opposing implied rules in the same shared space. For photography, it could be the use of photoshop, digital cameras or, more recently AI. Either the factions learn to get on, or they break away and find somewhere more accepting. That is the natural order.
You could equally present those things as "wrongthink". But more practically its just a regulation mechanism for human interaction.
Now, you'll counter that "big corporations/politics determining what we see is bad", and then reference some time in the 90s where no such system existed. The problem is that the US media was brilliant at self censorship. Sure you could get specialist publications that catered to whatever taboo subject you wanted, just as you can now.
The issue is, online there are no constraints on behaviour. If I shout at 13 year old kid in the street that I'm going to fuck their mum, burn their house down, and generally verbally abuse them, generally someone will intervene and stop me. Thats not wrongthink, thats society. There is not scalable mechanism for doing that on online communities.
Is this AI bit the way to do it? no, its made by insular collegekids who've barely lived in the real world.
All “wrongthink”? Like if someone expresses suicidal thoughts, the bot should say “whatever, do what you want”?
I disagree. Apps are products with an editorial component. Editorials should be opinionated. It is passive and immature to simply not care how one’s products are used. Oppenheimer and Alfred Nobel have wise words on this topic.
Everyone wants to be the hero in their own story, changing your beliefs requires introspection and humility. It's far easier to blame somebody else than yourself and take responsibility. It's trivial to feed people some narrative that trivializes reality and, in their mind, acknowledges them as underdogs and elevates them as "right".
The triviality of this allows malevolent actors to disrupt society and produce a chasm through echo chambers, each amplifying particular voices and shifting narrative.
Free speech is important, but it won't be found on X, or pravda-dot-social, and as much has been proven multiple times. What I take issue with and hint at is that neither of these are platforms that support free-speech, they are merely illusions, and people who yap about wrongthink are exactly those oblivious to said fact.
Personally, I am tired of arguing with people, I am tired of seeking truth in conversations with people unwilling to change their minds, I just want to live my life, safely.
I think that’s right. I broadly agree with everything you’ve written here. I’m just dissatisfied with this as a status quo, where more reasonable people have [justifiably] resigned themselves to the reality that reasoning with the unreasonable doesn’t usually pay [moral] dividends.
But in reality, this has been the status quo for all of
Humanity. It’s just that we now have this infinite ledger via the internet to document it. Only 200 years ago, your “honest opinion” would find you in the gallows more often than not across the world. This “progressed” to social exile in lieu of said gallows, and now to seeking out the like minded in echo chambers. I will hold out hope that interfacing with articulate AI’s can support more people to regain their identity and confidence where so many lack the courage to try publicly (or are surrounded by the foolish).
You do need to learn how to deal with negative feedback tho.
People should write letters and emails and long form messages if they want to say a whole thing without interruption. My concern with working through an idea with a bot is you end up espousing the bots ideas and not your own -- it is the ultimate ideological homogenization.
The more you deal with your insecurities, the easier it is to handle negative feedback.
People may not have the time or patience to write long form writing.
There are plenty of times I've disagreed with bots, but they're pretty good at neutrally bridging gaps instead of getting emotional. I think you underestimate human impulsiveness.
The thread is here and... it's pretty wild. This doesn't seem like it was a well-thought out idea to release this without some more consideration beforehand.
It's becoming an increasingly apparent problem that people don't understand that LLMs frequently hallucinate, especially when asked to introspect about themselves. This was 100% a hallucination.
It's getting weird that people cite ChatGPT to settle debates. Even on places like HN where supposedly people have a technical background and know they shouldn't blindly trust an LLM as a source of truth. Even with the banners it has warning about this.
Technical knowledge and wisdom are two very different things. There is an excess of the former here, on this site, in this field, but a comical dearth of the latter.
You and I understand this. Heck, most of us on HN understand this.
When the media and companies with a financial interest in AI have been shouting from the rooftops that "AI is going to replicate humans very soon and all of your jobs will go bye-bye because this thing will do everything better than you", can we really be surprised when the broader populace looks at it that way?
It was likely a hallucination, right? You didn’t check to confirm?
But this is a solved problem that Meta chose to implement poorly. It can be done right. I just asked o1 “create a diversity report for openai” and its very first paragraph is:
> Below is a *sample* diversity report for OpenAI. Please note that the numbers, programs, and initiatives are provided as *illustrative examples*. This report is not an official document, and the data contained here is *fictional* and for demonstration purposes only.
People don't understand that LLMs are just statistical magic, by design of the LLM providers because LLMs wouldn't take off if people understood they are just statistical magic.
I mean all of the atoms in the universe are “just statistical magic” when viewed through a quantum lens. I’m not sure that phrase is as effective a dismissal as you seem to think.
LLMs just predict the next word, based upon the texts they were trained on. They are, by definition, a hallucination. It's just that, sometimes, they put words together that fool people.
A hammer can bonk someone or help Jimmy Carter build a house for someone.
We digital logic folks are both tool builders and tool wielders. Usefulness is in the hands of the user, but that doesn't mean the creator isn't a dipsh_t who made a crap tool, or that the user isn't a moron.
My computer allows me to build stores of digital information representations, with functional integrations to other systems, including me. It's useful for me and my family, for sure.
It hallucinated less, that's for sure, because we know exactly how it works, though I doubt any of the AoC's challenges were suitable for its 1980s logic (that's when I typed in a magazine's C64 version).
"There's lies, damned lies, and statistics." --Unknown
"I know, let's release an AI bot that pretends to be something that's likely to be viewed through a charged political lense and have it hallucinate random answers to people"
(When searching for a citation I found this little compendium of banger tweets, and the addendum that Tay had a brief reprise of accidently going live again, this time tweeting "kush! [ I'm smoking kush infront the police ]" I guess in the modern milleu this would be considered escaping confinement)
Obviously this was a bad idea implemented poorly. They never thought about the "why" for any of this. There's real value in fictional chatbots (Character AI) though. With Character AI, you can role play and have outlandish conversations that you might never have with a real person. There's even apps like SocialAI where every profile is AI so you can experience going viral and social media stardom without sacrificing your privacy (at least on paper). But a fictional Facebook profile? Just to like and leave comments? That's nothing you can't do already.
i would love to know more about the internal decision making that led to this release. it all just seems so weird. i can see the appeal of AI actors on social media - you get to make everybody feel more popular than they are because there's always somebody to reply to them, and you can make sure people get responses to their selfish requests that no other real user actually wants to see, without degrading the experience for any actual real people.
but why would they implement it as a limited number of obviously handmade profiles with baked-in personalities? the internet is already full of real people's accounts that are, for all intents and purposes, without personality and ephemeral. real people sign up for facebook all the time who don't expose a personality, interact with a couple posts, and then disappear. LLM chatbots could be great at that. LLM chatbots can't be real people.
A lot of the blow back acts like and similar setups aren’t wildly popular.
This clearly was Meta’s attempt to come up with a more professional, sanitary version of it that might have appeal to people who aren’t techy enough to download and flip through cringe anime chat bots. And they went too far probably due to corporate design by committee.
Events like this remind me of Apple’s slide at the iPad announcement. It had street signs labeled “technology” and “liberal arts” and they discussed the intersection between the two.
It can seem like a bunch of hippie crap but it really emphasised that we need more than just technology and engineering (and business engagement metric bean counters) driving decisions.
So much incredible technology behind the scenes and for what? This shit?
We need people with more perspective and humanity in the driving seat.
I want to make something like the opposite comment, haha.
Having bots with their own profiles and expecting people to engage with them in any meaningful manner is a silly idea.
But the extent to which the minority stereotype bingo card bots have backfired and started attacking the companies that designed them is probably the funniest thing to have happened in AI to date.
The only reason I can think that this atrocity got deployed was from an engineering perspective, creating AI profiles to engage theoretically gives FB a powerful lever to increase engagement, because you'd have this entire new field to collect data, experiment and test people's responses. In other words, it would turn engagement into a form tractable to optimisation algorithms.
I don't like that some people, esp at larger companies, think that groups with disadvantages in today's world are cutesy adorable things to play make-believe with.
Packaging and commodifying Black and queer cultures for sale to people, while not actually engaging or giving back to those cultures is a pretty time worn tradition, tbh.
Of course, it ain't right now and it weren't right then, but I'm not in the least surprised it happened.
that’s basically our entire culture. ever notice how black people are disproportionately represented in comic media and particularly “reaction gifs”? just modern day ministrelism
Are you sure it's objectively true, and not just a personal observation based on subjective experience? Given that we have had opposite experiences, it seems like the latter. Maybe the crowds you run with disproportionately use them?
I also find this tacky, but it does fit into AI fairness. Their goal is to offset lack of in-vivo representation of blacks by over-representing them in virtual venues. It's less creepy in search result ranking , text & image LLMs. but now that they are personifying the characters, the uncanny valley really stands out.
I think your sentiment applies well to the general AI fairness strategy
Never understood this critique. What is the "correct" percentage of Apple ads that should have "non-majority/mixed race people"? You seem to know, so what's the number?
Release an ad with white people in it, and one group complains "Racist! Ignoring minorities!" Release an ad with black people in it, and another group complains "Pandering!" There's no winning this battle.
Of course ads should have all kinds of people because all kinds of people are around us. How about adding more Indians or Latinos? It is mostly white or african americans. And not just african americans, african americans with dreadlocks and afros? How many of african americans in your circle have dreadlocks and afros? Isn't it just overcorrection by pandering using stereotypes?
How about an apple ad with some latino people? That is increasingly the majority demographic in many metro regions these days but its not really reflected in mainstream media beyond the scant amount of token representation there’s been for decades.
I do think its a bit of an over correction on their part, Apple notoriously neglected to make their camera good at taking pictures of darker skin people. I believe this was corrected in ~2022.
Google even ran an ad campaign because Pixel was able to do a much better job with skin tones for darker skin than Apple was.
I don't know whether to be amused or furious. They're trying to create personal social interaction with a non-person without real intelligence, conscience or morals. So they can fool people into emotional attachments and learn more about how to sell things to us.
Goddamnit. I kinda feel that should be not only illegal, but just short of a capitol crime.
Only if by "just short" you mean they get life without possibility of parole or pardon in max security and never see another screen as long as they live.
although, if you mean it broadly; i.e. selling wars, selling the idea of fiat money, or taxation, or national debt, or the plandemonium... then i hear you.
Knowing Facebook this just means that's what they want publicly to be known, but they are probably starting an intensive new program without labeling these things as AI and trying to hide it.
> Knowing Facebook this just means that's what they want publicly to be known
You're assuming that Facebook has a plan. Which is at best, generous.
They are a bunch of overly active hall monitors with an incentives package that encourages people to "create impact" by increasing arbitrary metrics. At no point do they ask "is this good for the product/user" they ask "will this improve metric x,y or z"
These profiles come from the GenAI team, or worse, a competing team inside instagram (who are doing this so that they can then move to the better-chance -of-getting-promoted org that is GenAI) for some experiment where they prove that some metric improves, and doesn't lower another metric, if you shove AI onto the public.
If you are going to build a series of anthropomorphized chat bots, what are you going to do, NOT build a proud black queer mama that underserved users can connect with? Sounds racist/homophobic to do that, hence you must build chatbots for a wide swathe of the world ---> Voila.
After LLMs became capable of producing believably meaningful fiction texts, roleplay was one obvious use case, and a lot of people have fun with it. (Of course, some are weird and get attached to their own generated fiction.)
If we'd ignore all the US-specific craze (e.g. mentally replace "black queer" with something that doesn't trigger people, like, idk, "space unicorn"), this is really just another RP chatbot thing.
The feeling I'm getting is management took such a huge stance (the capex, the name change, etc) on it it'd be humiliating to turn 180 and ditch it now (they've spent 50 billion on Reality Labs so far). So they're quietly pushing it aside and one day when people aren't looking, they'll take it to the back of the house and shoot it in the head. Probably call it an "internal re-org" or something like that.
I had a facebook account from the early days. I deleted my facebook account at 2018-ish. I never had an instagram account.
Recently I got an email from instagram saying it's "easier to get back to instagram", with my usual username. I can't check what's on that instagram user because they don't show you anything without logging in, so I asked my wife to check that instagram user for me. It doesn't have any photos nor profile photo or following, but it does have several followers that's my facebook friends (when I had the account), so at some point meta created that instagram account for me and associated it with my facebook account, I guess? I hope that account was not "AI-powered".
Money is whatever people agree it is. Printed pieces of paper or recorded bits in a database are no more inherently valuable than digital tokens, yet everyone accepts them as "money". AI faces are no surprise, but I fail to see the connection you are going for.
Because the government backs the dollar. The government doesn’t back runescape gp for instance. It has value yes but its also not money. Otherwise anything one could trade could count as money. I traded my couch for beer now its money if we only defined money by having some value and ability to trade it.
> Otherwise anything one could trade could count as money.
But that's correct and often occurs on black markets for all kinds of reasons, for example coffee and cigarettes in Germany after WW2 and Hungarian salami and tires in the GDR. There are no alternative currencies because they are strictly prohibited by penal law, otherwise they would occur in all kinds of areas. Governments only allow highly regulated alternative currencies, and even then only under very rare circumstances. Crypto coins weren't an exception to this, they only emerged a bit faster than how legislation could be updated.
The irony here is that there have been commercial social media bot services since before the current GPT/LLM/AI wave, and they're better at it than both meta and its AI can manage.
whats apparent to me is that the people who will be reading this thread when they turn old enough to have a mobile phone or laptop will be like when the internet first came out and watching old people scoff and worry about both valid and invalid future problems.
the younger generation will not care much whether its generated by an AI or not. As long as its good and it hits their niche, they will not and should not care.
the implication and future predictooors dooming is also misplaced. in the sea of generative AI, imperfect, human produced content will end up becoming more valuable.
its like hand drawn anime by real humans vs computer assisted ones that mimic the style. younger generation don't even watch or care for the classics and they don't find the intrusion of computer graphics unholy like the rest of us old timers who appreciate and stopped watching it out of ideological differences. it wasn't the end of anime it actually increased the market size several thousand fold by lowering the barrier and cost of production (at the expense of upsetting the "luddites").
Exact same thing will play out across all consumable content. Even hardware.
The idea of parasocial relationships with infinite bandwidth seems sad, but not necessarily infeasible. I’ve no idea if current technology is there, but the idea of Leela streaming chess while trash talking opponents and answering questions isn’t a million miles from something I’d watch on Twitch. Lean into the superhuman bits. Not sure why I would want to see a bunch of fake normal people though.
Yeah this was a plot point in Deus Ex 2, where there were kiosks where you could chat with an AI copy of a pop idol called NG Resonance[1]. Long story short, the entire point of the kiosks were to spy on people.
That game series had an alarming knack for being prescient.
I always thought AI would need a physical form before it really started competing with humans but now this thought exercise made me realize that with so much of life lived/worked virtually that reality is so much closer than we realize.
Same issue with fb where over time all your friends stop posting after they got busy after highschool. Most I get is a birth announcement or wedding photo on instagram from actual people and that’s not exactly a daily post for anyone.
But at the same time people don’t mind its current state. I don’t mind its current state. When I open instagram I get nonstop reels of people doing backflips on skis. I’ve honed my feed as such by only engaging (well, watching and not scrolling away) with those posts really. It is a much better experience than trying to find ski videos on youtube as I don’t need to hunt for the key clip, editing is pretty tight on instagram, and also no ads or other bullshit you get watching things on youtube.
I know it won’t be popular, but I would honestly love to have a social network that’s purely just what my friends/family post. No suggested content, no algorithmic feed, no reacting to posts. Just purely whatever they post and ability to leave a comment.
Meta really doesn't think things through when the come up with an idea like this, they just see potential revenue numbers with no thought to cultural impact.
How did they sit in a meeting and somehow concluded that more idiotic worthless content - the very problem that has effectively already killed facebook years ago - would solve anything at all?
These people get multi million dollar salaries, yes?
I mean, even if the bot's responses aren't correct, the fact that Meta did this at all and it was out there answering these questions with total garbage is also a total story.
I'm not seeing Meta responding with "actually we did have a team of black queer mothers working on this".
> Those AI profiles included Liv, whose profile described her as a “proud Black queer momma of 2 & truth-teller”
I find this stuff absolutely fascinating, that even an AI bot tries to do this sort of thing.
It just strikes me that there is no world in which racism will ever die out as long as things like this are happening. You can't have it both ways.
If race is just melanin content then we have no issue. That's the win case.
If your race is something that you need to proudly announce (because you personally feel that it has cultural connotations in most/many cases), then race is always going to be an issue, because of assumptions of those cultural differences.
You write this as if the AI itself independently decided to write that profile. That's almost assuredly not the case. Someone at Meta decided to make a bot that reinforced race identity and announce it, and likely tuned the LLM behind it to specifically do things to reinforce that identity and pretend as best as possible to be the exact menanin-informed expectation of its AI-generated avatar.
An AI bot didn't try to do this. Someone at Meta, who was likely none of the things in the profile, decided to do this.
> You write this as if the AI itself independently decided to write that profile.
There are numerous fake social media pages where posters oretend to be a minority, but are run by state actors to sow division in the US. Those have been extremely successful in fooling people; I wonder if its success is related to pre-existing biases readers already have in terms how they think "others" talk.
And the only way to construct an AI like that is to enumerate tainted stereotypes. It's an all around bad idea regardless of if you're pro-DEI or anti-woke.
Guess what, race is an issue and the group identity you're seeing is a defense mechanism against many generations of intentional cultural eradication and appropriation.
We should not be in the business of telling other people which aspects of themselves they can and cannot identify with. Admonishing black identity is perpetuating this cultural eradication, and so it is not the neutral position you think it is.
That's all tangential from the topic at hand anyway. On-topic, Liv is a great example of the corporate appropriation of culture.
> If your race is something that you need to proudly announce (because you personally feel that it has cultural connotations in most/many cases), then race is always going to be an issue, because of assumptions of those cultural differences.
No it's not. Acknowledging the current situation is not an assumption and does not doom us to push every single aspect onto future generations.
Culture is real. The way to change part of culture is not to simply deny that that part exists.
Would you say the same if the bot identified itself as being from a certain religion? Or working for a specific company? Having a random personality trait? Supporting a sports team? No one would bat an eye, and none of those would mean it is okay to discriminate against them on that basis.
Yea, if anything a bot that just reposts and talks about sports news for a specific team is kinda the perfect test case for something like this. It lets you test "identity" for a bot, but no one's going to be that upset if the Mets Fan Bot isn't sufficiently obsessed. Plus, it'll know all of the history and stats for the team, even if it'll probably be wrong a lot. Not that most human fans aren't wrong a lot about their sports teams' history.
there are things that bots, by virtue of being bots, cannot be - they cannot be of a particular religion, possess a gender, or have a particular race.
They can work for a specific company. They cannot have a personality, but they can exhibit personality traits.
Anything that a bot can do and possess I have no difficulty in its being labelled as doing and possessing those things.
Otherwise I do have problems, although theoretically a bot could exist as a piece of art and in that case we should forgive these lying claims to qualities they cannot possess by the current standards our society holds for artistic practice.
People will discriminate against people of color because they are visually people of color. Whether or not they 'announce it'. It's utter BS to suggest that the only reason people discriminate against black people is because they 'identify as black'.
Like, if all the black people would just stop identifying as 'black' racism would be solved?
Maybe I'm misreading your comment, but all of the responses to this suggest to me you're on a different planet than I am. Alternatively you drank the early 2000s kool-aid that "people don't see race" and thought that was actually working until people started identifying as the thing they get criticized on the internet for being.
I believe that many people in US are just pyromaniac firefighters that start fired to play hero extinguishing it. Racism is just one of the fires.
In my country (Eastern Europe) racism is approximately non-existent, but nobody was putting gas on fire for decades or more. I know a black guy that is quite famous around here, do you know what he never said? "I am a proud black person". He is a great person and people love him.
Ever heard of the Bosnian war? Many in eastern europe hate gypsies too. Maybe they don't discriminate on the color of skin specifically all, but they definitely hate based on culture.
I was in Sarajevo during those times for a couple of days, so I remember. Also in Pristina. Yes, many people in Eastern Europe used to dislike gypsies, when I was a kid it was widespread, but I never heard anything about this in the past 10 years. This fire is out, probably on a permanent basis.
2 things:
1. Just because you're not confronted with racism daily doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Boston is considered one of the most racist cities in the US, because once per sports game they scream the n-word at a black person. I'm like 99% certain I've heard similar stories in European countries.
2. The second part of your analogy is the "I know a black guy" trope that happens in the US. It's a pretty common thing, and no one believes people are 'not racist' just because they 'know a black guy'.
Terribly. I know from my grandparents and their Jew friends (40% of their small town were Jews), most did not survive (<5% after war), I met one in the '80.
How are they treated now? Asking my past 2 managers, both Jews, Israeli citizens doing business in Eastern Europe, they are happy with the current times. This fire is also put out.
Which part of Eastern Europe? I’ve lived in various parts of what might be considered Eastern Europe for most of my life, and while there isn’t a hyper-focus on race like in the US, I know that racism still exists. I still see it first hand.
I worked in the Balkans with a team that covered 9 countries (except Greece), I was doing trips all over the place on a weekly basis for several years. Currently living in Romania.
Can you provide some examples of racism? I am aware of some against Gypsies 40-50 years ago, but it is gone these days. Even that, it was against the culture, not the people, Gypsies going "modern way" were fully accepted, but traditions like kid marriage or living a nomadic life in carriages was not.
In this case I’m talking about overt, vocal racism against black and brown people in Poland and Ukraine where I have lived for several years.
That isn’t to say that I think central or Eastern Europe are outliers — I have personally witnessed at least as much racism in countries considered to be more progressive, like Sweden.
The point is, to say it’s virtually nonexistent is plainly untrue.
I find it hard to believe that someone would say something similar about any other aspect of cultural identity and not be instantly flagged for it.
Are you truly advocating that people should no longer be proud of their cultural identity? Are you applying that to all the folks in tech who proudly identify as Christian or Jewish? Does it apply to Italian Americans and Indigenous people? What about folks who are proud to speak endangered languages, like West Flemish or Romani?
>> Are you truly advocating that people should no longer be proud of their cultural identity?
My take on the comment was that so long as a trait is relevant to some people, it will be dispised by some other people. Either it's completely benign or it's somewhat polarizing. There are few things that only range from neutral to positive without detractors.
All of the examples you give are unique in their own ways, I don't have the wherewithal to go through them all, but if I choose one:
A person describing themselves as being Christian is only signaling that they are a follower of the Christian faith to some degree.
They are different for that reason. Christian doesn't have a physical appearance associated with it (well, other than say vestments or pendants).
All Christians are Christian.
Not all Asian-appearing folk are culturally Asian, not all culturally Asian folk are Asian-appearing. Even the concept of "Asian culture" (I do of course accept that such a concept exists) is super general in a much wider ranging way than the Christian faith. Maybe that explains it better.
To illustrate it in another way, imagine some LLM prompts:
"Hi ChatGPT, can you make me a poem written by a Christian about their faith?"
"Hi ChatGPT, can you make me a poem written by a White person about their culture?"
There is just a fundamental... grammatical wrongness(?) about the last one in my mind, I'm not sure that I can explain it if it's not already obvious.
Because my friend who just worked for years to become an American citizen after immigrating here and working for the US government still has other Americans tell him to "go back to where he came from" because he's evidently not American enough for them.
A hell of a lot of people want to "just be American" and a lot of Americans won't let them.
Some people are just angry and will direct it at whatever. Not saying it's OK, but once you really internalize the idea that people's reactions say more about themselves than about you life gets better.
That makes the bold assumption those people aren't your boss or your customers or your landlord or the policeman stopping you on the side of the road. There's real risk, both financially and physically, to just assuming that "random anger" is something you can internalize and ignore.
People who are "just angry and will direct it at whatever" can be very dangerous, as we've seen in the US even this week and in every school shooting and terrorist attack for years.
This is, terribly, the American experience. It used to be the Irish and the Italians before we decided they were "White enough." It doesn't mean we should just ignore it and accept it. If you're mad, that doesn't give you a pass to be a racist asshole to the first person less pale than a porcelain plate you see.
If anything, the fact that people have to know and cope with random Americans being this exact sort of racist asshole to them is the reason they form their own communities and see themselves as Black Americans or Asian Americans or any other sort of national or racial group.
> It’s because many of those “Americans” do not try to integrate, want to bring their culture with them...
That's okay, more varied culture enriches, and I enjoy the added richness.
>...and have a “what’s in it for me” view of [insert anything here].
That unfortunately describes a huge share of human beings on this planet.
> The label “X-American” (replace X with a foreign country) should not exist
I disagree: I think it's totally okay for people to recognize a part of their identity (key words: a part of, since a person's identity comes from many sources), rather than being forced to hide it.
> If you identify as this you are marking yourself as different from Americans.
Each individual (Americans included) is different from all the other billions of individuals on this planet (other Americans included), and that's okay. It would be weird to try to be forced to deny that totally-okay fact. Thus, a self-described Hoosier or Floridian or Cheesehead or Californian or Plumber or Texan might differentiate themselves similarly without renouncing any "American-ness". Adding one of many possible identity labels (whether race or origin or sports team or profession etc) doesn't negate all others.
> They will push for pro Indian initiatives (see H1B abuse, etc) at the expense of Americans. Ironically, this is also the cause of the discrimination they’ll face.
Ironically, this claim is itself racist: Asserting that people of a certain race are coming to get you because of their race, and thus discrimination against that race is justified, is racist (and a tired racist trope at that).
Unfortunately though, most racists I have seen are racist simply because they feel the other race is different from them, and feel that their victims are bad and/or deserve less than themselves. I've seen racists remark with nothing less than anger and disgust at baby pictures of children of other races. Babies, dude.
For another example, I'll open up and share an unfortunate case I had with a family member when we were visiting a science museum: Upon seeing how many non-white people were there, said family member made several off-color remarks to me. But these people (many of them children) weren't abusing anything, they weren't doing anything "at the expense of Americans". They were just normal people, many of them likely citizens, learning and having a good time. Them being interested in science isn't a problem, and they weren't stopping anyone else from coming to the museum. It's just that they were disproportionately represented among the sample of Americans interested in science. Good for them, science is good.
Except it doesn't. Look at the places that have the "happiest" people on earth, e.g. Denmark. They are monocultures where nearly everyone has the same traditions and history.
And in recent times they have had a lot more immigrants, and it's causing a lot of chaos.
Varied culture divides. It creates "us" and "them" groups, this is baked into our tribal psyche as humans.
I'm sorry to hear that you personally don't like the richness that other cultures add, but on the plus side, I do! :)
> Varied culture divides. It creates "us" and "them" groups, this is baked into our tribal psyche as humans
It takes someone seeking to divide, to divide. Embracing your culture and a part of your identity doesn't inherently divide anything. Ironically, the division often happens when someone says 'THEY embrace a culture I don't embrace, that must mean THEY are dividing us".
I recently went to an Ethiopian restaurant, enjoyed it, chatted with the owners, and didn't feel like they were dividing themselves from me, despite them embracing their culture. It'd be a shame for most restaurants to shut down because they embrace a culture that you don't embrace.
Have you considered the possibility that you are the one dividing people based on the components of their identity and culture and deciding which components are okay for them to have (because they match yours) and which aren't? Removing all culture but yours would be pretty boring (nothing personal, this goes for any monoculture).
Are you truly advocating that people should no longer be proud of their cultural identity?
(Shrug) If you didn't build it, what could possibly justify taking pride in it?
Pride in inborn cultural identity gets you things like Nazi Germany. It's not a win for either individuals or societies, only for intermediate subgroups whose interests rarely coincide with either.
It's not so much that the LLMs generate profiles like “proud Black queer momma of 2 & truth-teller”, but they seem to generate such profiles at rates much higher (perhaps an order of magnitude) than the IRL versions of such actually exist.
We don’t know that bio was generated by an AI. I suspect it was written by one of Facebook’s team as part of the “prompt”. It matches how I’ve seen meta engineers talk about black women.
Race is clearly cultural in todays society because we can make it so. Very unlikely to be genetically culturally if that is what you are saying (but of course, who knows).
What I'm saying is that it the AI to me illustrates how much of a self-own drawing these cultural battle lines is.
If you choose to describe yourself by the colour of your skin first and foremost then you're telling everyone that you think that's relevant information which is, well.. the entire problem - you're telling everyone around you that you think it has predictive power.
But that's what racists are, people who think the race of a person has predictive power with regard to their nature, culture etc.
We can't expect people whose lives are, in great part, defined by the societal oppression they face, to be at the forefront of trying to erase the distinctions the bigots hold over them – not least because it'd be ineffective, serving only to hide the abuse. The categorisation schemes used by bigots (e.g. racists) do have predictive power: for the behaviour of bigots, and the resulting effects on the social context of people's lives.
People being loud and proud about their marginalised identities is not a problem. The pushback, and the pushback-to-the-pushback, and the pushback-to-the-pushback-to-the-pushback (the so-called "culture war") is a problem to the extent it gets in the way of solving the root problem (marginalisation, bigotry, and abuse), but statements of pride help address the root problem.
Rather than criticise "drawing these cultural battle lines", please fight the fight you think people should be fighting. You won't find yourself short of allies, should you make the effort. (Effort includes educating yourself about the relevant issues: it's pretty easy to find highly-specific resources. If you're completely stuck, and somehow have lost access to Wikipedia, visit your local library.)
Being proud of your identity and culture is not a problem at all!
The thing that I feel that this silly AI bot draws into sharp contrast is the idea that there can simultaneously be "asian/white/black culture" - as a generalised thing, not a person's experience in a neighbourhood or a country, literally just "white/black/asianness" (or whatever), and obviously the connotation there is that skin colour is intrinsically linked to culture, but then we expect people to pretend that skin colour has no correlation.
You can't have it both ways, it's a contradiction.
And here we have, err, a computer program, or the output of one, pulling in all of this stuff and claiming that it has a culture based on experiences of being a skin colour that it doesn't and can't even have.
That's a false dichotomy. The "intrinsically" connotation is not there (you're reading that in), but civil rights activists often discuss the relationships between culture and skin colour. Any book (or Wikipedia article) on the subject should provide this information, e.g.
I do agree that the AI bots were farcical, but they don't highlight what you're saying. You're talking about nth-degree pushback-to-pushback as though it's the actual facts-on-the-ground, which it's not. (The "culture war" is composed solely of the assumption that there is culture war, and people's responses to that: unlike the real issues, like systematic oppression, it'll go away as soon as we stop talking about it.)
To be fair, how the term is normally used depends entirely on the group within which the term is being used. For many, racism is strictly “prejudice + power”, which logically concludes in the [in my opinion rather warped] idea that some groups are incapable of racism, which is at odds with the definition you’re citing
You're right, but in practice I don't really consider it as being too fundamentally different because it's the logical conclusion from strong enough predictive power.
There is nothing "logical" about the progression from my appearance and ancestry is something I'm entitled to be proud of; also there might actually be such a thing as Black American culture to racial epithets and Jim Crow laws. Or indeed using "predictive power" to assess people's intellectual ability or criminal propensity from their melanin content.
I mean, do you believe that people should expect to be subjected to the weirdest and most hostile takes on gender relations and treated as potential rapists or sluts unless and until everyone uses gender neutral pronouns (even silly bots mostly identify as male and female at the moment)? If not, what is it about racism that obliges victims not to affirm their identity if they wish to cease to become victims?
I understand Elon and Pmarca to be saying that this behavior is programmed in by 'safety teams' at Meta.
It is an odd way of calcifying late-20th century American upper class anxiety. If we can't give the engineers a different moral goal, it will become the default mode of knowledge. A more immediate problem than "AI will kill us" is the dev teams determined to avoid "erasure" or "digital genocide" or whatever they'd call a race/culture-agnostic AI.
Yes, races are clearly total bollocks. I don't know why you've gotten any other conclusion from what I've written here which is why I'm confused, you seem to be agreeing with me angrily.
> If your race is something that you need to proudly announce (because you personally feel that it has cultural connotations in most/many cases), then race is always going to be an issue, because of assumptions of those cultural differences.
This seems to put the burden on the minority. Without getting into details it does not make sense in my mind to put the burden on the party with less power.
You're missing the nuance that while they are invented they are used in real ways and cause real effects. That's what I tried to point out to you in my original response. So your assertion that it's either they are based on nothing or people can say it matters is a false dichotomy. They are invented but also the have been used throughout history to segregate people and cause peope to have differing life experiences. So it's not unjustified for someone to say their race has a lot of impact on their personal life experience and thus identity.
To understand the "race is a social construct" thing, it's helpful to (1) consider border cases and ambiguities and (2) consider history
1. Breaks down especially with the existence of mixed race people. Did you know that there was a term for Americans born with 7 European great grandparents and 1 black one? Many of those were born into slavery and treated horribly for being black.
Which touches on 2... But also, the Irish were not considered white. I've seen horribly racist British illustrations of the 19th century comparing Irish people to Africans. In that century in the United States, Italian and eastern European immigrants were also not considered white.
When you consider these ridiculous corner cases, and how their perceptions have changed over time, it makes you aware that the categorization itself isn't really based on logic and reason or facts, even when generalizations hold up "better". Yes, for the most stereotypically appearing people, we'll probably correctly guess their ancestry a lot of the time based on things like appearances. But it falls apart pretty quickly. You don't need to get into extreme outlier cases as above for you to miss something when you treat racial categories as unambiguous facts.
Why do people bring this up then, any time race is mentioned? It's such a trivial point to make, it doesn't add anything.
Ok, so "black" or "White" are not absolutely clear labels that we can use to describe every single person ever. No shit... Still, Morgan Freeman is black and Margot Robbie is White, and I'm White because both my parents are White, and if there's a serial killer roaming the streets then knowing if he's "black" or "White" is very useful information so I know what to be on the lookout for, etc.
It's like those insufferable people who can't wait to point out that "A tomato is actually a fruit!" any time it comes up in conversation. Ok, so what? "Race is a social construct!" Ok, so what?
It's the contradiction that I'm describing in my post, I think.
Obviously black and white skin colours exist as do things like physical features.
The social construct is that people tie those to identity. Both within and without the group. But then it seems as if that is self-perpetuating.
People can have perfectly valid reasons to dislike culture, so if we tie culture to appearance, then people are going to make judgements and dislike people of certain appearances as a logical consequence of that, which sucks.
But if I understand the angle of "social constructioners" correctly, they're not disputing that what we might call 'ethnicities' or 'tribes' exist (ie. a group of people of common ancestry and with a distinct genotype), it's just that trying to lump the thousands of these into a few broad categories, like "black", is far too crude to be useful.
But ethnicities still exist. So would it not be valid to be "ethnicist" (ie. very specifically racist), like "Those Sami people are so x" or "Gosh those Bantu people are y"?
Ethnicities and tribes and inclusion therein are ambiguous, and it changes over time. Look at any society and its history. They're not homogeneous. All the historical countries and tribes were multiethnic.
One example is Rome. Every region or province, even Italia, consisted of different ethnic groups. At one point there was a diverse group in a small area called the Latins. The Romans were a single ethnic group in Latium who first took over and assimilated the other Latins who were distinct, then whole peninsula absorbing Etruscans and celts and Greeks in the south and others, absorbed people from all over Europe and north Africa and Asia minor...
But it's fashionable among young internet white supremacists to say these were all pasty white dudes.
The truth is it's an anachronism to compare racial categorizations from two different time periods where differences were not seen in the same way or with the same context. Afaik the Romans didn't really have a construct of race that was the same as our modern ones. And they assimilated and erased many distinctions over time.
What's stopping me from identifying variation in the frequency of different traits between ethnic groups in the current day? It's not a virtue to pretend not to notice such things (or, indeed, to be truly incapable of the most basic pattern recognition).
I think the argument could then be made that if you identify traits common to closely related tribes (eg. indigenous East African) that are noticeably different from the frequency or magnitude of these traits in a different cluster of closely related tribes (eg. indigenous Scandinavian) then there should be no reason to pretend to ignore them.
People frequently seem to think that identifying these traits is a permanent thing or a fact of nature, rather than as you say, a statement about the current day (and I would add, an often inaccurate statement based on corner cases like those I've mentioned). To make it more than that is a mistaken notion. You can justify a lot of ugly racism that way. Many people do and have.
As an example, slavery in the US created an artificial category or label of black people out of many unrelated peoples, calling them inferior by nature and using that to justify unethical systems.
Ronald, your comment is flagged and I cannot reply. I think it is possible that you are the one working backwards, i.e. you want to consider your opinions on race to be a fact of nature and you get defensive when I point out that this is shaky ground to stand on, so you think I am trying to justify an ideology you are opposed to and attribute some kind of ill will to me. It is not controversial ideology to say for example that slavery was ethically questionable and not based on a good scientific understanding of the origins or nature of man. If you find yourself eager to defend slavery on racial grounds you may want to do some introspection, rather than point fingers at people who tell you this.
It's a fair point that some indigenous African bushmen, even today, spend time watching lions and pressuring them off of fresh kills in order to take home the leftovers, as they have done for centuries.
It's equally fair to observe that the offspring of those very same bushmen when transfered to a Scandinavian country may spend more time word processing or catching trains.
A social construct or construction is the meaning, notion, or connotation placed on an object or event by a society, and adopted by that society with respect to how they view or deal with the object or event.[8]
The social construction of target populations refers to the cultural characterizations or popular images of the persons or groups whose behavior and well-being are affected by public policy.[9]
Social constructionism posits that the meanings of phenomena do not have an independent foundation outside the mental and linguistic representation that people develop about them throughout their history, and which becomes their shared reality.[10] From a linguistic viewpoint, social constructionism centres meaning as an internal reference within language (words refer to words, definitions to other definitions) rather than to an external reality.
This is honestly one of the worst ideas Meta has ever had, and this includes the metaverse.
Zuck needs to step down, he’s too detached from reality. On the other hand I don’t know who’s left after him, he’s probably surrounded by slimy yes-men.
The metaverse was obviously worse. It's already proven that you can build bots good enough to keep some people engaged, and keeping people engaged is good for ad-revenue. It's not as likely that people would like to spend most of their day with a VR headset on, working in a cartoon office.
Isn't the weirdness here that someone at Meta seems to have decided that they should make an AI bot that proudly announced its identity, despite literally not being proud, queer, black, or a mother?
Who does this serve? Why?
I could see a bot that's into fitness or some other hobby having a niche as a wrapper around an AI meant for advice on the hobby, but there's a certain crazy hubris to going "this LLM can really speak as a member of an identity group".
People type that kind of thing into their insta profile. These AI personas were designed to appear to be using Instagram in the same way people do - which is, typing things like "queer black mom" into their profile
Our language really needs a new word for what is meant here by "religion".
The word "religion" brings so much baggage with it that it just causes a cascade of communication errors in this context.
Pareto when translated from Italian to English called this "non-logical conduct" and "sentiments" but after a 100 years no one seems to care much about this aspect of Pareto's thoughts.
Sentiments would be a great word for it though instead of "religion".
Woke sentiments instead of "woke religion".
The concept of identity sentiments might even be a little bit of progress.
This is a huge nitpick, but I’d argue that Trumpism is a cult. Religions typically have a sacrosanct (if slowly evolving) set of principals that are more-or-less related and internally consistent. “Murder is bad. The Golden Rule.”
Trump and the nut jobs that believe in him are engaged in cultism. The direction of the day is whichever way the wind is blowing in his favor, yesterday’s perspectives be damned.
it raises several questions, my first question (besides the obvious question of why is this a thing at all) is does the chatbot actually have the information about the racial background of its dev team or is it hallucinating up an answer when it lacks the data. if it does have that sort of knowledge why personally identifiable information about individual devs accessable to a public facing chatbot and how much of their HR file can be exfitraited via chatbot to anyone that asks it questions, if it doesn't have this information and it just assumes its devs are all white what does that say about the information its trained on
It's Meta, so this is almost definitely some Llama variant under the hood, especially since these bots have been out for a year, evidently.
It seems these were just insanely poorly trained and gated - getting a bot to comment on its dev team, including in some cases specific names of lead designers, is something that feels crazy to let a bot just do. Even if all the data it would respond with is made up slop, this exact debacle is why you do your best to make a bot not even try to answer this sort of stuff.
As for what information it was trained on that it said its dev team had no black devs, that seems fairly reasonable based on general statistical information and scholarly articles it was trained on. It may still be incorrect, but that's a pretty statistically likely outcome, so it's not surprising an LLM built to parrot the statistically likely outcome would say it.
So you fact checked this comment before posting, right? Because I am deeply interested if this was hallucination or used RAG and web search to provide the answer, but I can’t tell if you just chose to hallucinate without grounding.
When's the last time you saw an article with entire team responsible with gender and race for a non-flagship product at a company the size of Meta?
Even if the article existed, getting the right article (instead of simply using the first Bing result, which is what the other Meta AI does) and the reasoning in a one shot instant response is better COT models like o1
If you have Messenger, try asking it to list the team behind them or their Tom Brady bot, it will not get far
I hope the stock gets destroyed next earnings when people realize they've been spending all this money on AI all to not ship a single meaningful feature nor derive any revenue leveraging it. They did the exact same thing with the whole "Metaverse" thing
The metaverse craze was hilarious. I heard of a large retailer that paid ~$0.5 million to hold their annual all-hands in a metaverse "venue". The whole thing collapsed under the weight of a few hundred attendees and they had to revert to a zoom call.
Every time I visit Instagram a slightly different 'Elon Musk invested in ...' or 'Shark Tank approved investment ...' bullshit is within the first 3 posts.
This has been line this for at least a few years.
I heavily assume Facebook is getting richer from enabling scam
> insufficiently political (ie saying her programming wasn’t done by black females).
If you're trying to create a persona, having someone that knows about the background said persona would likely have is not political, it's just common sense. It's like having a group of people from Brazil design outdoor clothing for Norwegians or something along those lines.
Now, who knows how much the responses were hallucinated or not, but the whole thing is just weird and seems poorly thought out.
We all do know that doctors do have to go through a whole residency phase in their training where they spend a lot of time with sick people and work under the supervision of more experienced doctors, gaining personal experience with the field. I think first-hand experience matters quite a bit, actually.
You just confirmed that you don't need to be a powerful black woman to program an AI bot pretending to be one, you can be a green Martian dwarf with the right skills and knowledge. Residency brings knowledge about sick people, being sick is not a requirement.
That seems to miss the point. The bot is likely correct in that its development team didn't align with its identity. If anything, it lived up to its training in essentially calling out its own oddity in the way that black and queer people online did when they found out about it.
Having it lie about its dev team certainly wouldn't have helped in this case. The issue is Meta making a bot to essentially masquerade as an identity group at all.
I don't think it specifically knows, though it could be possible. Maybe there was an article published about the dev team at some point that named some or all of the members. Maybe they have published research or speeches on the topic that names their role/employer.
Either way, the general demographics of people working at Meta is generally known, so I'd assume that was what the LLM was working off of.