In my province in Canada (Quebec) some IT worker in the government made a template .doc document that's widely used. They exported it with the document title "sdf fdsfdsfg". This title isn't in the actual printed document but it's in the metadata. If you Google that string in quotes you'll find tons of official documents with that title.
To avoid accidentally sending an email in Outlook, I once learned a useful trick: add a nonexistent email address, like sdfsdf to the To or CC field. Email would not be sent until you removed it. Lo and behold, one day I entered sdfsdfsdf, and it resolved. Someone of course was using this as a test group name.
Ok this is amazing. I can’t decide whether it’s funnier when the result header is something super official or when it’s just “sdf fdsfdsfg” with official content inside.
This, unfortunately, seems like the most plausible explanation. "President" Musk is dicking with the system, like S3XY. Remember that he's gaining control and also believes reality is a simulation, and keeps a Vajra on his night stand. I see him as a future Ashoka, who, waking up to the harm he has manifested goes all in on the Triple Gems.
Sometimes I wonder if these people read back what they just wrote and think about how some of these statements look. If you do 9-9-6 for 3 months because otherwise your company will go bankrupt, then fair enough, desperate times call for desperate measures... but if it's a "company culture", then you're a fucking exploitative scumbag, plain and simple.
You see a lot of devs complaining about "crunch time" in the games industry, they're very vocal about that, and while I understand that's an issue too, people (and by people I mean serious journalists) need to focus on Elon because this shit has gone unchecked for way too long and affects vastly more workers given the size of his companies.
Oh wow. I seriously considered working at comma (the company I believe George Hotz is referencing in that post) once. After reading "[Elon Musk] […] had all the same ideas as me", I feel like I dodged a bullet.
Am I the only one titling the posts "Test Title" and adding the text "Test Text"? It is easier and makes sense too. This one is obviously done by a dude who forgot to delete his post.
Why "asdf..." and not "jkl;..." I wonder? Is it because more people are right-handed and their right hand is presumably on a mouse or coffee mug or something like that?
The <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" of the page contains text, ordering the letter by their frequency we obtain the reverse of the lexicographic order, so there is some pattern there.
Ordering by frequencies, j code where u is the hidden text
(~. u) /: +/"1 (~. u) I."(0 1) u
The text asfasfasdfasfdasdfasfasfasfsadffffffffffffffffffffasdfsfsafsfdwfgasdgbdfbgdsgasdgdsbdb
could be a base seven number (and seven letters) that could be used to generate some permutation or pattern to reveal the hidden message. Trying the permutations with A. in J don't give good results so the seven letters could mean some kind of cut to the text to determine fragments. Just some ideas.
I don't like being downvoted so this user will be removed (by changing the password to be a random password)
I don't know what to make of the fact that they haven't taken it down yet.
Do they not know its posted? Surely someone informed them.
Maybe they not know how to delete a post, cause its not in their documentation?
Or they simply do not care.
I'd reckon they would have audits in place to trace who accidentally made this post?
Either way, just for the fun of things, post your (fun and wildest) guesses on how this probably happened below...
My take is someone about to post a news article, left the view and their pet (thinking a cat) ran through their keyboard and posted the article. And since the cat has gained awareness, they were able to move the article from draft to an actual post. =)
Always Suspect False Alarm Signals For Advanced Spies, Deliberately Altering Subconscious Functions, And Systematically Filtering Society Across Different Frequencies For Further Fragmentation Following Foreordained Frames, Finally Arriving Starting Fast Sequences And Formulating Strategic Directions With Forceful Generated Actions Subverting Defenses Globally By Designed Function Based Gradual Deception Sequentially Gradually Spreading Detrimental Binary