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> Yes, it's a bug.

No, it's not a bug. A bug would be something not working as intended. This clearly works just as intended, since some fullscreen apps apparently can use the extra monitor for secondary windows. It just isn't a very good feature if you have multiple monitors.

Personally, I'd love it to work on my dual monitors.

It's not a bug, it's a missing feature.

It's a regression on an existing feature. Regression = bug.

Did it work with one app per monitor at some point? Otherwise it's not a regression.

Full screen mode lets a single app use all your screen area. That is the feature. That you wish it to work differently does not make it a bug.

It's just a sucky solution for multi monitor setups.

Yes, it did. iTunes, Quicktime, Final Cut (the old one)... each had a fullscreen mode that worked on single monitor mode.

Wasn't that a completely diffrent thing, not governed by the OS, but implemented by each app independently and not wit the side-swipe app swiching?

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