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Starlark Programming Language (starlark-lang.org)
136 points by laurentlb 34 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 121 comments

Starlark is definitely a mixed experience IMO, from my 7 years working with it in Bazel

On one hand, having a "hermetic" subset of Python is nice. You can be sure your Bazel starlark codebase isn't going to be making network calls or reading files or shelling out to subprocesses and all that. The fact that it is hermetic does help make things reproducible and deterministic, and enables paralleization and caching and other things. Everyone already knows Python syntax, and its certainly nicer than the templated-bash-in-templated-yaml files common elsewhere in the build tooling/infra space

On the other hand, a large Starlark codebase is a large Python codebase, and large Python codebases are imperative, untyped, and can get messy even without all the things mentioned above. Even though your Starlark is pure and deterministic, it still easily ends up a rats nest of sphagetti. Starlark goes the extra mile to be non-turing-complete, but that doesn't mean it's performant or easy to understand. And starlark's minimalism is also a curse as it lacks many features that help you manage large Python codebases such as PEP484 type annotations, which also means IDEs also cannot provide much help since they rely on types to understand the code

For https://mill-build.org we went the opposite route: not enforcing purity, but using a language with strong types and a strong functional bent to it. So far it's been working out OK, but it remains to be seen how well it scales to ever larger and more complex build setups

I have been building an internal tools development and deployment platform [1]. It is built in Go, using Starlark for configuration and API business logic.

Starlark has been great to build with. You get the readability of having a simple subset of python, without python's dependency management challenges. It is easily extensible with plugin APIs. Concurrent API performance is great without the python async challenges.

One challenge wrt using Starlark as an general purpose embedded scripting language is that it does not support usual error handling features. There are no exceptions and no multi value return for error values, all errors result in an abort. This works for a config language, where a fail-fast behavior is good. But for a general purpose script, you need more fine grained error handling. Since I am using Starlark for API logic only, I came up with a user definable error handling behavior. This uses thread locals to keep track of error state [2], which might not work for more general purpose scripting use cases.

[1] https://github.com/claceio/clace

[2] https://clace.io/docs/plugins/overview/#automatic-error-hand...

Doing much the same thing. Face similar issues.

A lot of the complaints about Starlark as a programming language, and the proposed alternatives, seem to me to miss out on the UX advantages of having pythonic scripting (which so many folks who have taken a random "coding" class understand intuitively) whereas, e.g., using a lisp or lua would not. Further, having a language and runtime designed for safe use is absolutely critical, and trying to embed another runtime (js/wasm) and manage to lock it down successfully, is a much larger undertaking than I think folks realize.

> Further, having a language and runtime designed for safe use is absolutely critical, and trying to embed another runtime (js/wasm) and manage to lock it down successfully, is a much larger undertaking than I think folks realize.

For what it’s worth both Deno and workerd from Cloudflare give you starting points to run JS in a very locked down sandbox.

This is also one of my major complaints at this point. I'm building a developer tool with starklark resting at its core and I had already came across your work.

I wish the starklark team had addressed it at this point.

We solved this by introducing a Result library.

  load("@.../result", result=result)

  def throw(arg):
      return 1/0
  if result.Result(throw).map(arg).is_ok:
     # proceed

I wrote up the approach I used at https://clace.io/blog/errors/, started a discussion at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42370488 since it could apply outside of Starlark also

> a large Starlark codebase is a large Python codebase, and large Python codebases are imperative, untyped, and can get messy even without all the things mentioned above. Even though your Starlark is pure and deterministic, it still easily ends up a rats nest of sphagetti

This brings it to the point. I'm still wondering why the achievements of software engineering of the past fifty years, like modularization and static type checking had apparently so little influence on build systems. I implemented https://github.com/rochus-keller/BUSY for this reason, but it seems to require a greater cultural shift than most developers are already willing to make.

It did have influence. Take a look at Gradle, which is widely used in the JVM space. It uses a general, strongly typed language (Kotlin) to configure it and it has a very sophisticated plugin and modules system for the build system itself, not just for the apps it's building.

Gradle has its problems, and I often curse it for various reasons, but I'm pretty glad it uses regular languages that I can reuse in non-build system contexts. And the fact that it just bites the bullet and treats build systems as special programs with all the same support that it gives to the programs it's building does have its advantages, even if the results can get quite complex.

Interesting. Using a regular language has some advantages, but also many disadvantages. One of the intentions of BUSY was - similar to e.g. Meson - to avoid a fully Turing complete language, because then people start to implement complex things, thus leaving the declarative character of a build specification, which again makes the build more difficult to understand and maintain.

The basic assumption behind Gradle, I think, is that people usually implement complex things in build systems because their needs are genuinely complex. Build systems are at heart parallel task execution and caching engines that auto-generate a CLI based on script-like programs, and that's a very useful thing. No surprise people use them to automate all kinds of things. You can lean into that or you can try to stop people using them in that way. Gradle leans in to it and then tries to make the resulting mess somewhat optimizable and tractable.

You can of course get people who are just bad at software and make things over-complex for no reason, but if you have such people on a team then the actual software you're building will be your primary problem, not your build system.

>if you have such people on a team then the actual software you're building will be your primary problem, not your build system.

But if you can't get such people fired, the more tasks you can safely assign to such people the better, thus the advantage of a build system without a Turing-complete language :)

When did it get support for Kotlin? I thought that was comparatively recent and that Groovy was the DSL for forever before that.

Build systems are sort of like type expressions, templates, or constant expressions in a programming language. Either a program compiles or it doesn’t. What might happen when you change the code in some unlikely way isn’t immediately relevant to whether the program works now, so it’s easy to skimp on that kind of checking until things get out of hand due to greater scale.

Also, in Starlark, any runtime check you write is a build-time check and calling fail reports a build-time error, which is good enough for users, but not for understanding how to use Starlark functions within Starlark code.

There is also the need to understand a build and to navigate a build system. Try e.g. to understand how the Chromium build works, and which options are enabled in which case. I even built a tool (see https://github.com/rochus-keller/GnTools) to analyze it (and some other large GN projects) but even so reached the limits of a dynamic specification language pretty quickly. This won't happen in BUSY.

Yes, gn is less good than bazel for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is tooling like `blaze query --output=build` and the more restricted evaluation model in starlark which is easier to evaluate.

Since starlark and bazel restrict the amount of "weird" things you can do, type-inference is pretty straightforward (moreso than in regular python), since almost everything is either a struct or a basic type and there isn't any of the common magic.

I think it's a cultural thing. People like to think of a language for the build system as a little language that somehow doesn't "deserve" a type system. And even they do think a type system is necessary, they think such a language doesn't "deserve" a complicated type system (say Java-like with subtyping and generics) which makes that type system less useful.

I'm curious, what kind of type system does BUSY use?

It's a rather traditional type system; the specification is here: http://software.rochus-keller.ch/busy_spec.html. The main advantage are the combination of modularization, types and formal declarations, so that if you make a change in a large build (such as my https://github.com/rochus-keller/LeanQt or https://github.com/rochus-keller/LeanCreator systems) incompatibilites are immediately found by the compiler. Without these features you can never be sure whether all effects were checked.

Which tool did you use to create that busy_spec.html file? They remind me of Engelbart's blue numbering system for documents, if I remember the name correctly.

It's https://github.com/rochus-keller/crossline/, a tool which I implemented and used for many years in my projects. It's inspired by Netmanage Ecco and implements features which can also be found in Ted Nelson's Xanadu or in Ivar Jacobson's Objectory.

I wonder why people love to create languages to be embed in applications when there are plenty of languages that are already useful and well known.

So in the end, you have to fight the half-assed small language that was created and have to find a way to connect to some real language to get things done.

Small languages, if they are suitably constrained, offer far more reasoning power and optimisation potential. This is why we need more small languages, not less. Python aims for maximum flexibility and maximum ease of use. This comes with real and serious trade offs. Python programs are very very difficult to reason about, for both people and machines.

A textbook example for you are (proper) regular expressions. This little language guarantees O(n) matching. The Python and Perl communities added backtracking without truly understanding why backtracking was missing in the first place. Now their misnamed "regular expressions" cause security issues for their users.

Even Thompson didn't use the linear time algorithm that's named after him in Ed and Grep. The Python and Perl implementations were inspired by Henry Spencer's regex, which was in turn reimplementing Thompson's backtracking implementations.

Are you sure it was Thompson who added backtracking to grep? Note also that the POSIX standard intentionally omits backtracking regex. It is a shame that others have not deprecated them.

We're talking about backtracking and not back references, right? The original implementations of Ed and Grep in Unix did backtracking, not back references.

Oops I mean't back references, since that is the problem feature (that requires backtracking).

I don't think it's purely cultural. Starlark is interpreted, which presents some challenges to type checking. You either need to make the interpreter more complex, or have an out-of-band type checking step.

The tyranny of the one-small-change use case having outsized importance. Usually the build system is no one's job, which means that all hurdles grow.

The Rust version of Starlark used in Buck2 apparently supports type annotations. I've never used it though and I have no idea about IDE support.

Allegedly it has an LSP and vscode support but I also have never used either.


Python has always been strongly, dynamically typed. It isn’t untyped.

The sort of "untyped" that your last sentence is referring to is a dead term, though. The only "untyped" language still in common use is assembler, and that's not commonly written by hand anymore (and when it is, it's primarily running on numbers, not complex structs and complex values). There aren't any extant languages anymore that just accept numbers in RAM and just treat them as whatever.

So increasingly, this objection is meaningless, because nobody is using "untyped" that way anymore. The way in which people do use the term, Python is only "optionally" typed, and a lot of real-world Python code is "untyped".

I think the objection is to the conflation of strong/weak with dynamic/static and it being unclear exactly what typed/untyped means, since it can refer to either. Python has always been strongly typed at runtime (dynamic), vs say JavaScript which is relatively weakly typed at runtime.

Obviously lihaoyi was referring to static/dynamic when they wrote untyped (as made clear by the reference to type annotations) but kstrauser is objecting to using the term "untyped" since that can be interpreted to mean weak typing as well, which Python is not.

$0.02 anyway.

Strong/weak is a meaningless dichotomy that could be replaced by nice/icky while conveying the same meaning. It just distinguishes whether I, personally, believe a given language has sufficient protections against dumb programmer errors. What counts as strong or weak depends entirely on who's talking. Some will say that everything from C on is strong, others draw the line at Java, still others aren't comfortable until you get to Haskell, and then there are some who want to go even further before it's truly "strong".

Typed versus untyped is, on the other hand, a rigorously defined academic distinction, and one that very clearly places pre-type-hints Python in the untyped category. That's not a bad thing—untyped isn't inherently a derogatory term—but because untyped languages have fallen out of vogue there's a huge effort to rebrand them.

Untyped computation in the academic sense you refer to is untyped in the sense of Forth and assembler. The untyped lambda calculus doesn't even have numbers. Pragmatically, a language in which type errors occur is a typed language.

Nor does it make sense to conflate "typed and untyped" with "statically typed and dynamically typed". These are simply very different things. Julia is an example of a dynamically typed language with a quite sophisticated type system and pervasive use of type annotations, it would be insane to call it untyped. Typescript is an example of a dynamic language which is nonetheless statically typed: because type errors in Typescript prevent the program from compiling, they're part of the static analysis of the program, not part of its dynamic runtime.

The fact that it's uncommon to use untyped languages now is not a good reason to start describing certain type systems as 'untyped'! A good term for a language like annotation-free Python is unityped: it definitely has a (dynamic) type system, but the type of all variables and parameters is "any". Using this term involves typing one extra letter, and the payoff is you get to make a correct statement rather than one which is wrong. I think that's a worthwhile tradeoff.

From Benjamin Pierce's Types and Programming Languages, which is basically the definitive work on types:

> A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviors by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute.

And later on:

> A type system can be regarded as calculating a kind of static approximation to the runtime behaviors of the terms in a program. ... Terms like "dynamically typed" are arguably misnomers and should probably be replaced by "dynamically checked," but the usage is standard.

The definitions you're using are the ones that he identifies as "arguably misnomers" but "standard". That is, they're fine as colloquial definitions but they are not the ones used in academic works. Academically speaking, a type system is a method of statically approximating the behavior of a computer program in order to rule out certain classes of behavior. Dynamic checks do not count.

As I've said elsewhere, I don't have a problem with people using the colloquial definitions. I do have a problem with people actively correcting someone who's using the more correct academic definitions. We should have both sets in our lexicons and be understanding when someone uses one versus the other.

Benjamin Pierce is entitled to his opinion, which you have posted over and over as though it were carved upon stone tablets. "One guy says that dynamic typing is arguably a misnomer" is not a strong case.

The Wikipedia article on type systems is well sourced and fairly well written:


It has this section:


Here's a pull quote:

> Dynamic type checking is the process of verifying the type safety of a program at runtime. Implementations of dynamically type-checked languages generally associate each runtime object with a type tag (i.e., a reference to a type) containing its type information.

This accords with ordinary usage in the profession, agreeing with the person you're disagreeing with. You should read it. It provides no support at all for the argument that Python is untyped in any sense. It quotes Pierce several times, including the first citation, so it isn't ignorance on the editor's part.

You are advancing the argument that type theory, as you understand it (there being many paper-publishing respectable academics who do not agree with you on this), trumps type systems in practice, but other than insistence you give no reason why anyone should agree with this premise. Computer scientists aren't discovering laws of nature, nor are they writing proscriptive regulations as to how engineering should be accomplished or discussed. They have their own world and vocabulary to go along with it, but they do not have standing (as you do not) to dictate how terms should be used by others.

I don't accept that argument. If someone wants to make a narrower statement like "according to Pierce you could call Python untyped" I might question its relevance but I'd let it pass. Without such qualification, if someone says Python is untyped I will laugh at them and say "what's it doing when it throws a TypeError then, offering an opinion?". Or on a message board just reply that, no, it's dynamically typed, or unityped if you must, but untyped means something else. Which, indeed, it does.

After taking a programming languages course I came away with the impression that Python is untyped. Type annotations are not required or enforced, and expression types are not evaluated prior to execution. So here’s another vote for the academics.

The result of the expression is not compared to an annotation if there isn't one, but that result absolutely has a type of its own.

And the objects inside an expression assuredly care about their types:

  >>> '1' + 1
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Strong/weak typing is very specific thing. It refers to the ability to create invalid types within a language. In strongly typed languages it is hard to defeat the type system. In weakly typed languages it is easy to defeat the type system.

Python is strongly typed (hard to escape the bounds of the type system) but (traditionally) dynamically typed (types are checked at runtime).

C is weakly typed (easy to escape the type system), but statically typed (types are checked at compile time).

That is a possible definition for strongly typed, yes. It is not widespread or generally agreed upon—you'll see plenty of people use them in ways that contradict your definitions, and you won't see any serious work attempting to define them at all. Even Wikipedia doesn't [0]:

> However, there is no precise technical definition of what the terms mean and different authors disagree about the implied meaning of the terms and the relative rankings of the "strength" of the type systems of mainstream programming languages. For this reason, writers who wish to write unambiguously about type systems often eschew the terms "strong typing" and "weak typing" in favor of specific expressions such as "type safety".

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_and_weak_typing

> Strong/weak is a meaningless dichotomy

Strong/weak is not a dichotomy. It's a spectrum. That's why folks argue over where a language lands in the spectrum. OTOH, static (compile-time) vs dynamic (run-time) is a dichotomy. There's not really any in between. It's clear when and where typing occurs. So there's nothing to argue over.

> Typed versus untyped is, on the other hand, a rigorously defined academic distinction

A typed language is one that has a type system. Python has a type system. It's typed.

Academically, no, a type system is by definition static. See the definition Benjamin Pierce gives in TAPL that I've placed in many comments in this subthread [0] and won't repeat here.

Colloquially, yes, python has a type system. All I'm saying is it's unhelpful to correct someone for using the more correct definition rather than the colloquial one. Both definitions are valid, but if we're going to be pedantic we should at least use the academic definition for our pedantry.

And you're correct, I should have said spectrum, but the point is still the same: even Wikipedia refuses to define "strongly" or "weakly" typed, suggesting people use terminology that isn't hopelessly muddled.

[0] Here's one: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42368689

...but Python is obviously typed. It has types. In fact everything has a type, and even the types are of "type" type. It has type errors. Saying it's "untyped" invokes a wrong impression. Your usage is very non-standard in programmer circles.

What's wrong with universally understood and well defined concepts of "statically" and "dynamically" typed languages?

As I said in another comment [0], it depends on what definition of types we're using. But if we're going to pedantically jump down someone's throat correcting their usage (in this case OP's usage of "untyped"), we should at least use the most pedantically correct definition, which is the one used by academics who study type systems and which pointedly excludes dynamic checks.

I have no problem with people using the other terminology in casual usage—I do so myself more often than not. I do have a problem with people pedantically correcting usage that is actually more correct than their preferred usage. I dislike pedantry in general, but I especially dislike incorrect pedantry.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42367659

It's not "obviously" typed. Values in python have (runtime) types, sure. But contrast that with a statically typed language in which expressions (and functions) have types. Expressions in python do not have types at all (at least before annotations were added).

There's lots of programming languages still around with untyped elements to them. Javascript is one of them, with its string/number conversions and the way arrays are defined. Then there's all the stringly typed stuff. Make, CMake, Excel, TCL, bash. You're probably right that the original use of the term came from assembly vs. high level, but that objection is meaningless, because nobody is using "untyped" that way anymore....

What makes changing the meaning of "untyped" extra confusing is that dynamically typed programming languages often have types as 1st class objects, and they get used all the time for practical everyday programming. Calling these languages "untyped" is just wrong on the face of it -- they're full of types.

> changing the meaning of "untyped" extra confusing is that dynamically typed programming languages often have types as 1st class objects, and they get used all the time for practical everyday programming. Calling these languages "untyped" is just wrong on the face of it -- they're full of types.

Just to be clear, it's the dynamically typed languages that changed the meaning of untyped. OP's usage is closer to the original and to the current usage of the terminology in the study of programming languages.

Types and Programming Languages, one of the best regarded texts on types, has this helpful explanation:

> A type system can be regarded as calculating a kind of static approximation to the runtime behaviors of the terms in a program. ... Terms like "dynamically typed" are arguably misnomers and should probably be replaced by "dynamically checked," but the usage is standard.

In other words both are standard, but that's because the meaning of "types" has changed over time from its original sense and when it comes to the formal study of programming languages we still use the original terminology.

Just to be even clearer.

In the time of the original use, there were only static types. Languages had very little in terms of UDT's. Even a struct in C was barely a type of its own. I don't recall the details, but there was something about struct member names not being local to the struct. Interpreted languages didn't have records or classes at all(*), and certainly not types as first class objects.

We cannot really talk about how dynamically typed languages with rich type systems were originally labelled, back when they didn't exist at all.

(*) I'm looking forward to someone pointing out an interesting counterexample.

I could even argue that Asm is to some extent typed. Depends on the processor, but some cisc have operations for different types. But also the comment is correct: Python is strongly, dynamic typed.

Yes, agreed.

I guess the typing would be for the size of the integer that you work with. For example, x86_64 assembly has different prefixes to indicate what part of a larger register you are using: 8 (lower), 8 (upper), 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit itself.

There are other "typed" operations, such as branching for unsigned vs. signed integers (think JA vs JG), or SAR vs SHR (signed arithmetic shift vs. unsigned arithmetic shift—one preserved the division logic of shifting for signed integers by repeating the MSB instead of adding zeroes when shifting).

While I'm not too familiar with them (but have been meaning to learn more for years!!), SIMD instructions probably also have similar ideas of having different types for sizes of arrays.

Lisp CPUs had type bits stored with values, but I can't think of any typed CPUs still in use. What are you thinking of?

This "strong typing" message from the Python community has always sounded like propaganda to me - designed to confuse management. Strong typing is about machine checked proofs of invariants, not whether you avoid a few daft built-in coercions.

There is a static vs dynamic distinction and strong vs weak typing

There is also a semi humorously named "stringly typed" which means weakly typed in such a way that incompatible types are promoted to strings before being operated on.

I'm not aware of any static weakly typed language, but it's logically possible to have one

It depends on what definition of "type system" you're using. Colloquially many programmers use it to refer to any system that checks whether objects have specific shapes. Academics, on the other hand, have a very specific definition of a type system that excludes dynamic detect languages. From TAPL (one of the authoritative works on the subject):

> A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviors by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute.

And later on:

> A type system can be regarded as calculating a kind of static approximation to the runtime behaviors of the terms in a program. ... Terms like "dynamically typed" are arguably misnomers and should probably be replaced by "dynamically checked," but the usage is standard.

In other words, you're both correct in your definitions depending on who you're talking to, but if we're going to get pedantic (which you seem to be) OP is slightly more correct.

Personally, it feels like dynamically typed language advocates have been getting more and more vocal about their language of choice being "typed" as static typing has grown in popularity in recent years. This seems like misdirected energy—static typing advocates know what they're advocating for and know that dynamically typed languages don't fill their need. You're not accomplishing much by trying to force them to use inclusive language.

Rather than trying to push Python as a typed language it seems like it would be more effective to show why dynamic checks have value.

Here's a Stack Overflow question about it from 15 years ago: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2025353/is-python-a-weak...

It was an old discussion before then, even. It has nothing to do with advocacy and it's certainly not recent. It's about accuracy so that people stop hearing and then repeating the same incorrect ideas. There's no common definition of types by which Python is untyped, as though it doesn't have types at all when in fact every Python object has a type.

> There's no common definition of types by which Python is untyped

You mean besides the one used by every programming languages researcher and hobbyist? Sure, you can define "common" to exclude them, but I would give at least some credence to the definitions put forward by the teams of people who invent type theory.

As I've said here and elsewhere, I have no problem with people casually using "dynamically typed" as a term—I do so as well. But there's no cause to correct someone for using the more correct terminology.

If hearing it makes you feel defensive of python, that implies that you perceive "untyped" as a pejorative that needs defending against. In that case, your efforts would be better spent correcting the evolving consensus that (statically) typed is better than they would be spent trying to shout people down for using the academic definitions of typed and untyped.

> a "hermetic" subset of Python

That's funny: I've been using bazel (and previously blaze) for well over a decade, but it has never once occurred to me to think of starlark as having anything at all to do with Python! I can't see anything about it which is distinctively pythonic.

Erm... the syntax?

I'm curious - what about it strikes you that way?

To my eyes, starlark bears more resemblance to YAML, or TOML, or any other generic configuration language, than to Python.

You've probably looked only at the Bazel BUILD files. They are indeed quite declarative (as the syntax is restricted even more).

If you open other Starlark files that have functions (in Bazel, that would be in .bzl files), you should recognize the Python syntax (e.g. `def` statements + space indentation).

Erm what? It's very very obviously based on Python. The docs even explicitly say that. This is the example they give:

  def fizz_buzz(n):
    """Print Fizz Buzz numbers from 1 to n."""
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
      s = ""
      if i % 3 == 0:
        s += "Fizz"
      if i % 5 == 0:
        s += "Buzz"
      print(s if s else i)

Does that look like YAML or TOML?

Your mileage may vary, but Starlark was one of the most complicated languages I've ever read. No types, just layers and layers of indirection, with the goal of making a very complex build rule look "simple". I don't like hiding non-accidental complexity, in particular when the abstraction leaks everywhere. Perhaps it was only due to the Starlark I was exposed to (I worked at Google, probably most of the Starlark code I've read has been written by SREs).

What you describe is really all large-scale Python projects look like. No types, just layers and layers of indirection, with the goal of making the interface simple and Pythonic while hiding implementation complexity. I don't think this is necessarily a fault given that this language explicitly decides to look like Python (and was in fact simplified from Python).

The worst Starlark code I've read has been written not by SREs, but by the Boq team as they have a fetish for accomplishing complicated configuration at build time. This was one of the reasons I've avoided Boq: an incomplete code base that's under development doesn't even begin to build, which is far worse than building something and seeing a real compiler error.

> No types

It's pretty easy to add types to Python nowadays. I'd consider it bad practice not to do so in a large project.

It would be nice if python would show types in the documentation. Not only do I need that all the time, it would show python was taking type safety serious.

For example, knowing the return type of a function is Union[DataFrame,Series] rather than simply DataFrame would save a lot of bad errors.

That's only true for greenfield projects where people start a new project with types in mind. It's absolutely a nightmare for old projects because, without the need to write types, people write all kinds of code that cannot fit within what's possible in python's type annotations.

In my opinion it's a bad practice, and rewriting code to be typeable is a good idea for refactoring.

But I write Python for some time now, and I know what you mean. I have nightmares about codebases with dynamically generated class fields for example (though I heard ruby is even worse)

Starlark, unfortunately, does not really support (Python style) types yet. Facebook's version has some kind of types, but ideally Starlark would just learn to do mypy types.

What you describe is really what all programming languages, compilers, interpreters, etc. look like. Layers and layers of indirection, with the goal of making the interface simple while hiding implementation complexity, all the way down to assembly.

How much of this was how bazel works vs. starlark itself?

I find the starlark language is very simple (though inconsistent between the various implementations in bazel, go, and rust) but it takes a bit to understand how the magic between defining rules and implementations works in bazel. and TBH, that is also one place I've really needed auto-completion/static typing in starlark to understand what I can/cannot do.

bazel-lsp gives quite good autocompletion in my experience, for what that's worth. About the only trouble I have still is that sometimes paths in load() calls don't complete properly.

This appears to be the same language that started as a custom build rule DSL for bazel (and evolving from lessons learned in blaze's Python extension), the page positions it as a much more general-purpose embedded language.

I'm all for using the right tool for the job, and I'll acknowledge the benefits of hermeticity and parallelism in many contexts. But, I also think that you need to weigh the cost of adding another language to a project. I don't imagine myself using this anywhere outside of a build system, and even then I would first try to take the declarative rules of that build system as far as I can. It's probably better than shell scripts, though, at least most of the time? May depend on your team's prior familiarity with shell and/or love of Python.

There are three implementations (Go, Rust, Java) which could be a good thing if the language doesn't change often. They would have to be kept in sync for any changes, as well as keep from drifting due to changes in the host language's semantics.

I also think that the closeness in syntax with Python can be a disadvantage, especially if users are expecting more recent Python additions like the walrus operator or pattern matching to be available.

I like to design languages, too, so these comments come from a place of love and understanding. I think it would help if there were some more specific justification (or examples) of why this is better than something more established (e.g. Lua or MicroPython) or more distinct (e.g. pure data in configs instead of embedded code). I do like that the language attempts to remain as simple as needed.

If I understand correctly, Starlark is a strict subset of Python (at least very close to Python). Can anything be more established than Python?

Also I don't think pure data is an option. The point is that you want to generate data, which has many benefits (avoid duplication, easier to test).

It seems that Starlark is a good trade-off given the constraints. My main grief is that it doesn't have type.

The syntax is a pure subset but the implementations are bespoke, so I wouldn't equate the established position of Python with whether Starlark is considered established.

I agree that sometimes pure data isn't an option, and I've had to write some Skylark to assist blaze build rules too, but every time it also added tech debt, reduced the number of people on the team who completely understood the build system, and wasn't convenient/practical to test the build extension. The problem I'm referring to above is when the use of a source-controlled data file would have been sufficient but someone had to write a build extension because it's fun or something new to do (or whatever reason seemed convincing at the time).

Then there are people who think that those same data files shouldn't be part of the build process at all and should be part of system turn-up/tear-down, stored in a global config or DB where versioning is alongside the data instead of alongside the program build. Certain kinds of migration are made more difficult if everything is built into the binary. Of course, that strategy comes with its own caveats.

The rust implementation has types

>There are three implementations (Go, Rust, Java)

There are so many people at Google just goofing around, lol. People just doing hobby stuff for $350k/year.

There is no justification to implement this custom dialect of Python for a build system that drives everyone crazy 3 times. Reminds me of when it was revealed that 400 people were working on Fuschia — a hobby OS that only shipped on a single smart home device.

One of my hobbies while at Google (2010-2015) was to watch the multiple failed attempts to get rid of Borg Config Language and actual Python in Blaze. It took a lot of work until they eventually succeeded. You're probably underestimating the rigor, the pain, and also the value involved in cleaning those things up: being able to cleanly operate programmatically at scale in the Google monorepo is extremely necessary.

(This is also why I don't trust configuration languages built by people who _didn't_ observe the years of pain. Cue and jsonnet are notable projects that were able to incorporate a lot of lessons.)

Also, I think the Rust version was built as a side-project, then handed off to Facebook.

With regards to Fuchsia… I used to think building a new OS from the ground up was madness. Now I think _not_ doing that eventually is madness. I'd be a lot happier if Zircon and Fuchsia were done in Rust though…

A good deal of fuchsia is done in rust (roughly 50% and increasing over time). People over emphasize the importance of zircon needing to be in rust. It's more important for new code to be rust than for existing code to be rewritten. Zircon isn't a very fast growing part of the entire OS.

Fair. That study on writing only new things in Rust was surprising! https://security.googleblog.com/2024/09/eliminating-memory-s...

I do think for an OS/Kernel, it's worth having everything in a memory-safe language, and possibly worth formal verification too, if the very core of it is small enough…

I can appreciate the pain of actually getting things through in a large (100k+ people) organization.

What do you consider the be the justification for three separate implementations of the same build config language? Genuine question. I am not doubting the need for the DSL itself.

(Note that the Rust implementation is by Facebook, not by Google.)

If you're looking to embed a scripting language in a Go program, having a embedded language implementation written in Java isn't very useful. And vice versa.

Ah I missed that this thing is actually embedded. I thought they were just doing multiple implementations for shits and gigs.

Carry on, Google

Yep. Basically the same reason there are so many lua implementations, or WASM ones.

IIRC initially blaze was literally using python as a config layer. That made it too easy to write build scripts that were too slow and too hard to optimize and that negatively affected the overall build experience.

An increase in edit/build/run cycle efficiency of thousands of employees justifies an investment of a few engineers.

They could have invented a new bespoke DSL. Instead they choose to stick to a well known and familiar language and just limit its expressiveness to a subset that would be easier to optimize. I think that's quite reasonable

I also remember blaze directly eval'ing Python pre-Skylark, but I think the bigger problem was build hermeticity. This was compounded by env-related issues making it hard to build Python hermetically in the first place, and the importance of cached object files and build outputs in managing the incredibly large monorepo that is Google's source tree. And that's all before considering the Py2->Py3 migration (which, fortunately, was tackled afterwards).

I think a new bespoke DSL would have been a non-starter since so many build scripts had already been written by the time Skylark was being conceived.

Of the three, only two are Google produced. The rust implementation is written by Facebook for use in their build system. The java implementation is the original but is pretty tied to the the bazel build system and not really very suitable to other uses. The go implementation is meant to be embeddable into a varying number of applications.

An example application is https://github.com/shac-project/shac

Within Google, there a large number of similar tools which are written in go and harness the starlark language. While there are plenty of other options, I will say I think starlark is often a great choice.

I'm not sure. I understand what you are trying to say - do you think we should give up on OS diversity? Are you making fun of a company for actually investing in something ambitious which can benefit many if successful?

While I'm not sure you are in the same crowd, I always think it's interesting that the HN hivemind tends to be upset with the browser monoculture, but doesn't bat an eye at OS monoculture. It feels like you're really just channeling feelings about the company rather than the projects.

Starklark isn't exactly "functional" but by design it is hermetic. You can't call any code that would have a side-effect (other than burning compute resources) or get data that wasn't part of your initial input.

It could make a of sense as a "contract language", or as intended: part of a build system.

I believe Starlark allows side effects the first time it evaluates a file but not subsequent times. Otherwise something as simple as calling .append on a list won't work because that returns None but has an input-mutating side effect. I think it's a good choice.

Starlark (originally Skylark) is the configuration/extension language of Google's build tool Bazel.

It's a bespoke Python subset... functions but no recursion, dicts but no sets, etc.

It's also been adopted by the latest version of Buck (Meta's Bazel analog).

I use it daily.

It's an option for lightweight embeddable scripting language, with implementations in Java and Go. If you want Python familiarity, consider it as an option.

Starlark is Turing-incomplete, which makes it somewhat unique among embeddable languages. It's definitely a draw for me for something I'm working on.

The primitive-recursive property of Cue (https://cuelang.org) is a big draw for me, and may be an alternative worth checking out. The authors have spent a great amount of attention to the type system (they learned a lot of lessons from previous config language designs that did not take lattice theory and unification into account).

The tl;dr is that inheritance is bad in config, whether it be from OOP or layering yaml files like Helm. The reason being that it is hard to understand where a value is coming from and where one must make an edit to correct it in high-stress SRE situations like downtime. Marcel worked on both major config languages at Google, and iirc Starlark is based on GCL ideas

The Logic of CUE is a great read: https://cuelang.org/docs/concept/the-logic-of-cue/

Dhall is another configuration language that's deliberately Turing-incomplete. Though its Haskell-inspired syntax turns people off who aren't already Haskell programmers. It's based on calculus of constructions.

I love Starlark. I was a major implementor of it at VGS (the repo is open: https://github.com/verygoodsecurity/starlarky). It had unique distinct features that made it much easier to control and sandbox than many other languages out there.

I even built a codemod library that does a very basic python -> starlark so that one can develop using python ecosystem libraries and just copy & paste into a secure execution environment. It was a huge success at my last company.

I'm very thankful to Laurent Le-brun and Alan Donovan -- both of whom are exceptional engineers that I learned so much from. I thought I was skilled but both of those individuals are just on another level.

What is this codemod library called?

To those pointing out that it's dynamically typed, meta's rust implementation - that they use in buck2 - supports type annotations.


Starlark Language - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40700549 - June 2024 (49 comments)

An Overview of the Starlark Language - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40573689 - June 2024 (49 comments)

(The) Starlark Language - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39457410 - Feb 2024 (1 comment)

RepoKitteh: Github workflow automation using Starlark - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26674781 - April 2021 (7 comments)

I would have thought for sure this was submitted due to the Bazel 8 release but this thread predates that one by quite a bit

Anyway, I guess "see also:" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42370744

The timing was a coincidence. It's unrelated to the release of Bazel 8.

I ran into the language very differently than many posts here. The Tidbyt [0], a retro-style smart display designed to provide at-a-glance information on the weather, sports scores, transit schedules, etc., uses it to enable people to create their own custom displays.

For those purposes, it is simple. The simplicity reminds me of Lua. It is a perfect choice for the device.

[0] https://tidbyt.dev/docs/build/build-for-tidbyt

I have the opposite perception from you; I tried to create apps for Tidbyt, only to run into obscure differences between Starlark and Python, inability to parse data from API endpoint, inability to debug. I followed your link and saw that the platform somewhat matured so I'll give it one more try

Yeah, perhaps my "advantage" is that I am a Ruby guy. So, I had little real Python knowledge to trip me up. :-)

This is interesting as I was evaluating starlark few days ago. The fact that has a customizable implementation in golang, and a python similar syntax makes it an interesting choice for agents generated code.

This looks like a great language for a game about programming.

Indeed, that's something I had in the back of my mind too.

(if anyone has ideas in the area, you can reach out to me)

https://tilt.dev/ also uses Starlark.

Can you use Starlark inside Python? We have a rules engine where we'd like the rules themselves to be maintained outside the regular codebase, but we'd rather not invent a new DSL for them.

Yes, you can try these bindings:

- https://github.com/caketop/python-starlark-go

- https://github.com/inducer/starlark-pyo3

(I haven't tried them myself)

I feel like no other embedded scripting language will ever surpass lua. Neovim, roblox and all my projects that needed scripting support use lua, its my first choice.

> Deterministic evaluation - Executing the same code twice will give the same results.

What’s this all about? Don’t most languages?

Try this in Python:

id("ab") # not deterministic

hash("ab") # not deterministic

def foo(): pass

str(foo) # not deterministic

Another sneaky one is the `is` operator in Python, where the Python documentation says:

> Due to automatic garbage-collection, free lists, and the dynamic nature of descriptors, you may notice seemingly unusual behaviour in certain uses of the `is` operator

Related to that is the `__del__` method: when exactly is it called?

It's quite easy to get non-deterministic code in Python and in many languages. And of course, there are lots of non-deterministic functions in the standard library (Starlark doesn't provide them).

You don't get access to randomness or time functions or anything that could change the output of a function with the same input

One specific example: many languages use randomized seeds in builtin dict/map types, leading to randomized iteration order.

Yeah, also Starlark is embedded like Lua, and doesn't come with batteries included like Python

So that means you can control the APIs, and say opendir() closedir() in Unix returns filenames in different orders. Depending on what the data structure in the kernel is

So many programs in other languages aren't deterministic just because they use APIs that aren't deterministic

It can be very valuable to know that if you put the same files in, you get _exactly_ byte-for-byte identical artifacts out of your build system. Even letting your language access the actual current date/time can break that.

(IIRC, I don't believe Bazel actually has fully deterministic builds yet, though.)

Apparently not. Wow. No wonder China is hacking into everything.

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