Commodore BASIC, derived from Microsoft's 6502 BASIC, actually has 40-bit floats, with a 32-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponent, not that it would help much, if any, with 64-bit maths.
There are Microsoft BASICs that have 64-bit floats, such as built into ROM on the TRS-80 Model I, III and 4 w/Level 2 BASIC, TRS-80 Model 100/102, TI-99/4(a), Apple III, and MSX systems, or on cartridge such as Microsoft BASIC for the Atari 8-bit computers.
There are Microsoft BASICs that have 64-bit floats, such as built into ROM on the TRS-80 Model I, III and 4 w/Level 2 BASIC, TRS-80 Model 100/102, TI-99/4(a), Apple III, and MSX systems, or on cartridge such as Microsoft BASIC for the Atari 8-bit computers.