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You're Breathtaking [Godot #100000] (github.com/godotengine)
63 points by Philpax 40 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Godot is an amazing project and when learning it from an excellent Udemy course (below if interested) I was shocked at how often I was impressed with the design/consistency and vertical integration of the development experience. Truly an amazing artifact of the open source world. Looking forward to seeing continued adoption, the third party plugin landscape is getting interesting and I think there will be a lot of exciting development closing the gap between unreal/unity for 3d games. https://www.udemy.com/course/create-a-complete-2d-arena-surv...

Congrats! Any good 3D demos?

If you're a developer looking for a 3D reference game, this might be helpful - https://github.com/gdquest-demos/godot-4-3d-third-person-con....

If you're curious what a 'good looking' godot game can look like, PVKK might be a good touchstone - https://godotengine.org/showcase/planetenverteidigungskanone....

Wow. Other than the fantastic name "Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant", that is some seriously good 3D, as well as great storytelling.

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