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Looks nice! I like the approach.

My holy grail will still be landing on a good multi-layer configuration setup for Rust CLIs. Ideally CLI flags merged over top of environment variables merged over top of configuration files.

Twelf [0] was close in unifying things, but I had some friction. Lately I've been using Schematic [1] to handle the environment + config layers, and then just a manual implementation of Clap arguments layered on top.

[0] https://github.com/bnjjj/twelf.

[1] https://github.com/moonrepo/schematic

"Ideally CLI flags merged over top of environment variables merged over top of configuration files."

I used to wish for that too but I have changed my mind. I think in real world applications with many options it is preferable to not allow every option to be set in every way.

Environment variables shine for properties that vary per instances which share config files and for system properties (think $GOMAXPROCS).

Secrets should never go in the command line nor the environment.

There is no one size fits all. Arguments, environment and config files have different pros and cons and should be used accordingly.

Yeah I agree, and do the same. Likewise some config gets complex and can only be reasonably set through config. I prefer when I have a system with one base configuration struct where certain fields can be tagged as available on the command line, another subset in the environment, etc.

> My holy grail will still be landing on a good multi-layer configuration setup for Rust CLIs. Ideally CLI flags merged over top of environment variables merged over top of configuration files.

I did that for Python if you are interested: https://github.com/kdeldycke/click-extra

You create your CLI with Click as usual, then Click Extra introspects your "--parameters" to build up support for a corresponding configuration file in either TOML, YAML, JSON, INI or XML.

Not a library, but I have a template repo [0] I made precisely for this purpose (since I found libraries aren’t as flexible as I needed). See it in use at [1].

Edit: If there’s demand I’d be willing to better document it.

[0]: https://github.com/kaplanz/rust

[1]: https://github.com/kaplanz/rugby/tree/main/apps/cli

Ah nice, will peep — in the interest of sharing here is my latest "template" that gets copied from project to project: https://github.com/CloudCannon/toolproof/blob/main/toolproof...

I've seen a couple of cli apps recently take the path of "config file is long form arguments, minus the --, separated by newlines, overridden by actual arguments", so if you were doing `dsh` (which doesn't support this) it might look like

    remoteshell ssh
    forklimit 4
TBH, I quite like it. Less to memorize, easy to know what to override, etc.

I've been using Figment [0] Needs a little bit of hand-holding when you have structs with different field names, but otherwise does everything I need for that particular part of the problem.

[0] https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Figment

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