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Worldtimeapp.com Easy Timezone Converter (worldtimeapp.com)
23 points by neonitedata 51 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

I've been using WorldTimeBuddy for many years, which has a much more compact interface.


Absolutely beautiful minimalist tool, deserves to be in any multi-timezone firm's wiki if not right on a dynamic desktop!

Agreed; this is great and even helps highlight when daylight savings is taking place.

yeah i second this, worldtimebuddy is incredible for pretty much all timezone related stuff

I like the UI, it is so hard to create a UI for anything related to date and time!

The feature of creating an image/screenshot (a bit confusing) is really useful.

My go to timezone converter is https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter


I remember it by the old URL thetimezoneconverter.com. Used to be a great dashboard widget.


I really liked the Windows 8/10 app for world time, until Microsoft axed that one.

vow that is actually a lot sleeker but the worldtimeapp one gives you a clear picture of what the day for the other guy looks like

Nice UI. I wish it would be possible to reorder the locations so that they can be offsetted correctly. Eg. for me Sydney is the first column. Then New York and I added Bangkok. Bangkok is closer to me timezone wise (i.e. they are a few hours behind) where as New York is nearly a day behind.

sure, will add reordering! it's on the bucketlist, just needs fixing bugs first

It would be nice if this supported continents beyond the following (taken from the source code):

- Europe

- North America

- Asia

- Additional cities in Oceania

- Additional cities in Africa

- Additional cities in South America

- Additional cities in North America

- Additional cities in Japan

- Additional cities in South Korea

If you live in a city of more than a few hundred thousand in Africa, Oceania, or China, you're out of luck!

There are lots of time zone maps with this info available.

I couldn't add "Sydney", "Auckland", "Johannesburg", or "Buenos Aires". Is the entire Southern Hemisphere missing?

I'm in Sydney, and it's the first column in the UI by default for me. However I still can't add Auckland, Johannesburg, or any other Australian cities I've tried.

Reminds me a bit of Hovrly[1]

[1]: https://hovrly.com/

Couldn't find any Latin American city

yeah, there is a bit an issue with the city finder, will be improved this week.

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