Looming in the background of all this incompetence is the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, a rather malicious document -- sure to be implemented -- that will cause an enormous amount of harm to a huge number of Americans, as well as to the environment.
It's starting to become clear that the buffoons are being put in charge of agencies that don't matter to the republicans, and the P2025 authors are being put into agencies, like the FCC, that forward the agenda.
We are entering Peak Puppet Government. The flashy facelifted puppets go on TV. The suits in the shadows regress our nation back to 1950 by reconfiguring or dismantling Federal oversight agencies. I'm terrified. I'm glad I don't have kids, and I'm glad my mother has private insurance.
But I'm terrified. If they decide to invalidate a few more Constitutional Amendments, will I lose my right to vote, being a woman and person of color? Will I lose my birthright citizenship? P2025 policies suggest I might, if they decide my parents, one being a naturalized immigrant, the other the descendant of enslaved Americans, are invalid citizens. Will I lose my job? Will I lose the right to clean air and clean water?
There is so much uncertainty. It's funny now. But I'm scared of what the US will look like in a decade because of policies coming in 2025.
I don't believe he's selecting the worst candidates; rather, I think he's choosing individuals he is familiar with. It seems he's decided to disregard advice from people outside his inner circle. We all know that Trump has been very popular on television, which is likely influencing his choices. He's reaching out to people he knows and those who have been close to him and will be loyal to him. In his previous administration, he had advisors to help him make these selections, but this time it appears he is doing it all on his own.
I never wanted to be part of reality television, but I suppose we’re all involved now. Welcome to the new world of reality TV, where suddenly everyone is engaged. I guess it’s no surprise since we’ve chosen a reality television star for president, and he’s selected his friends to be part of the government he will lead. Who would have thought?
When people voted to "drain the swamp" this is what they wanted. They didn't want boring, rank-and-file bureaucrats. They don't even want a meritocracy. They wanted household, recognizable names. It's a perverted version of transparency.
This is a president obsessed with brands. In his mind, success is a proof of quality. That extends to people as well. The most famous person who takes Trump's calls is going to get the job.