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Ask HN: How to check who the black bar is honoring?
65 points by alstonite 58 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments
I noticed the black bar is up today and I don't see any death posts. Is there an easy way to see who this is honoring? It would be nice to have a feature that on hover said who it was or something of the like.

I agree, that would be a good feature.

Thomas E. Kurtz has died https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42141761

I checked a few pages of https://news.ycombinator.com/front?day=2024-11-14

And didn't see anything stand out.

It would be a nice feature. If you feel strongly, email dang: hn@ycombinator.com

p.s. thanks @mtmail for sharing the submission for this case.

I believe it is for Thomas Kurtz, one of the two people who created the BASIC language.


My very first programming language was Liberty BASIC from a “for dummies” book. He’s had such a big influence on so many developers. Rip in peace

I had the same Problem. Had to check all the headlines until I found it one page back.

I would also like this feature.

I could be wrong (and probably am) but I think the black bar stays up for 24 hours.

So it is not surprising if the article moved to the second page when the person does not have instant name recognition.

Like a lot of things on HN, despite being enough effort that someone might complain, going to the second page is not a terrible inconvenience for the minimally curious.

The article was up all day yesterday, but the bar only appeared today.

To me that makes some sense because the news had to break first…

A simple title attribute would be an easy addition.

Exactly, this is what I was expecting upon hovering over it.

I didn't know either. I searched has died and limited the search to 24 hours and figured it that way.

About the black bar unchanging:


Or pin the thread to top 5 articles while the bar is in effect.

We have already suggested this below my original comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35305018

Still waiting... :(

Once in a while I try to click on the black band, hoping that my long awaited feature has been implemented. That it will point to a page that lists the memorials.

This is a great idea. A log of moderator actions on HN generally would be a good idea, imo.

I think that would be exploited by bad actors- they could e.g. figure out what time of day mods are inactive to best circumvent rules, and know when things were removed in order to re-add them immediately.

I would posit that bad actors already know these all of these things in the status quo absence of desired transparency, with none of the upside or insights that transparency would bring.

That would be great for transparency indeed, the question is whether or not they want to be transparent.

The feature requests mentioned are pretty easy to implement.

This is usually added when there's been a significant death relevant to the HN crowd. However, I don't see a related post, so it's possible that it's a mistake this time.

Agree, did the same.


Not a bug lol, I see it too!

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