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The Button Element (heydonworks.com)
2 points by ulrischa 61 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> In 2024, we are now—extremely and inexplicably—confident everyone has JavaScript up and running, all the time, and without fail. So much so that, when JavaScript does inevitably s*t its pants, all we have to offer is a blank white page. Your average professional developer has either never heard of the term “progressive enhancement” or is quick to condescend any old-timer still intent on applying it.

I blame advertising, which demands JS for design tricks, a small amount of its own security, and a larger amount of spying on everyone else.

Then there's internal business software, where there shouldn't be any ads but accessibility tends to fall by the wayside, especially in smaller companies. (And then they find some vendor that promises to use JS to make fancy reports about how their stuff is being used somehow.)

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