Interesting list that we all should familiarize ourselves with. But doesn't that list apply to all "authoritarian" governments. Whether fascist, communist, capitalist, socialist, democratic, and so on.
No, not really. Communism fight against tradition usually, don't have a rejection of modernism at all (its Hagelien by definition), do not pander to the middle class, does not have a weird anti-elite fetish, tend to like difference in a weird, feodal way (but that might only be the USSR to 'show up' to the CCP). Point 7 kinda apply (it's not as simple, and mostly stalinism/cesarism but still). The point 8 could apply to it, except it doesn't, not exactly: in communism, the enemy is strong, the strongest even, but the 'march of history' will defeat him. Point 11 to 13, works the same for communism (you could say it isn't true for Vietnam, and you'd be right, but Vietnam is weird because religion and culture came and inferred with the already bastardized Chinese communism. Imho Vietnam-style communism could outlast the CCP). Point 14 don't apply ar all,it's the reverse, communism created a ton of neologisms, new way to talk, and weird 'futurism'.
Capitalism is a production method, if you're talking about political liberalism, it clearly does not apply.