Author here. Thanks for reading this post. I had fun making this and thought the path that led me to this might be interesting for others.
I’m really interested in feedback and ideas on things I could improve and add. I found this really inspiring as it got me more into programming, discovering electronics, and 3d printing.
I have no desire to ever make this project commercial, but it’s been a great platform for me to learn and experiment new things so I’ll take any idea be it for the gameplay or purely technical. Some features I have in mind are:
- Multiplayer over bluetooth where one device is the ‘game-master’ running the exchange and can monitor and guide players while injecting events.
- Additional quoting algos such as pegging one side of the order book and fighting for position
- A tutorial and better UI. The game is hard to pick up for the first time and probably needs to be made more intuitive etc.
While all of this was made with no practical use in mind (there are a lot of markets and products, and you’d trade them in different ways, so you’d need a different game to speak to a volatility trader for example), some people I work with at various trading desks found it useful for interviews or as an introduction to the idea of market-making for junior people.
This is a really cool project. When I was at Unity, we had a team build a Westworld themed isometric Gameboy game that would let you monitor and admin k8s!
This is great, when I first started in trading in 2006 one of the traders actually used a Gravis gamepad to do click trading. I even remember conversations between devs debating about the latency of the human eye in order to make screen refresh decisions.
Also around the time the was a company called Trading Technologies that had a patent for click to trade on a GUI grid/order book and was suing everyone.
I heard they sued everyone who displayed the book a certain way. The best way, actually: a single column of prices, with bid quantities on one side of the prices in the bottom left and the asks on the top right.
This seemed to be why you had to organise it yourself to show it the "TT way" on any other system instead of having it out of the box.
this is true. they had patented DOM displays to extent other software has to pay royalties for static doms. quite stupid. the main thing was keeping price centered of all things
It's a tough question because most of what I learned was on the job and I don't really remember books specifically on the topic. It also depends on what product and market you are trading, and on what channels (on exchange, over the counter etc.)
I would say it starts with knowing the product you trade and their dynamics inside out. How to make a price for it, what dynamics can change that price etc. It's also a good idea to understand related instruments as typically you would use them for price formation and hedging [1][2].
The second bit is to understand electronic trading infrastructure and the market microstructure such as how orderbooks work, and some trading algos [3]
If you're also interested in the infrastructure behind related to low latency, you can read about FPGAs, Exchange co-location etc. There is a fascinating blog on the network infrastructure [4] and the author (Alexandre Laumonier) also wrote a few books on that topic.
A lot of market-making is bespoke and proprietary. For example your pricing model, hedging model, etc. It's also constantly changing depending on events (e.g. the elections) or market conditions (correlations changing). But a good place to start is to use some simple pricing model such as making a blend of other prices in other venues, or for derivatives making up the price based on the underlying price and other elements which vary depending on what the derivative is.
While you would not be able to gain direct market access to, say, the NYSE, a lot of crypto platforms offer APIs for users to build trading bots as a training ground. For example Bitmex, or Deribit. But before doing this I recommend understanding the contract mechanics inside out. For example, the perpetual futures have a very particular mechanism which means they are priced and traded differently than normal futures you'd read about in the Hull book.
I have a few friends who built bots and make small markets on random cryptos for fun. In this particular case, you'd have to think a bit harder on how you hedge your positions (e.g. can you sell an illiquid coin and hedge with a liquid one for cheap?). One way of doing this may be to look at correlations between coins to find the best hedge. Another consideration for crypto is the fee structure which you'd need to account for in your price.
I don't know if it's a good idea to start doing this in crypto besides for fun though, mostly because it's a business that requires scale to derive a meaningful profit. But as an exercise it's definitely fun.
[1]Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (J. Hull)
[2]The handbook of fixed income securities (Frank J. Fabozzi, Mc Graw-Hill Gb)
There isn't any library for the trading UI or graphics elements. The only library in this case was the display graphics library which allows to draw simple primitives such as squares, lines, circles, text, etc. [1]
The UI is a bunch of elements you would see on various trading systems (orderbook, trade blotter, market depth chart, intraday rolling chart, scrolling news ticker etc). But they had to be implemented from scratch using these primitive shapes and coordinates on screen.
For example, the chart element is rendered by looping over the recent prices, calculating the min/max values to derive a range and adding a buffer on either side. Then calculating the price interval of each pixel (difference min-max divided by the number of pixels of my chart area). I then iterate over the prices, calculate their positions on the display in pixels, and draw series of lines between consecutive prices.
I'm afraid not because it would only run on the device so you'd need to make one using a raspberry pi pico and the exact same display (Pimoroni display pack) as it leverages its graphics library to draw text and shapes. So far, the only way I've been sharing this was by handing out devices as gifts with the game preloaded.
I recently started another version which runs on desktop using python/PyGame which I could package up and share and has very similar mechanics except it's faster-paced and intended to look and feel like a sensory-overload arcade game (sounds, lights, music, flashes, announcer voice etc). It's also a 2-player 'versus' game which can be played locally. The intent behind this was to build an arcade station around it, but it can be played on the computer directly using a keyboard.
It looks like this [1] but it's not yet in a playable state and would be hard to pick up as is. I'll continue working on it and then post a link to the github.
Hey, yes I can do that. I will brush this up, package all the bits (3d files, pcb files, code etc), and add to github.
On another note, would you happen to live in London? If you really want to try this I could hand you one which will save you plenty of time finding the parts, printing the case, ordering PCBs, and soldering. You can reach me on first_name dot last_name hat gmail dot come. The name is at the top of the original post.
Hey of course, happy to meet and exchange about our fun projects. You can send me an email using the address in the above comment and we'll setup something!
Note: for anyone trying to “stand out” to get a job, you don’t need to do this
None of this is typically relevant, even if it gets you a callback, passing subjective technical interviews is more important. No matter how fascinating your lead is, such as the hiring manager, or recruiter, or whatever nepotism you think is so great, you still have to pass that. Other things can get you the callback you need to get that far, such as simple buzzwords on your resume.
If being at entry level is the issue, then don’t be at entry level. Make a contracting company and contract. Use that as experience in your resume.
Interesting project! The kid is only mentioned at the beginning, I wonder if they participated further in the project, or if they enjoyed playing the game?
They did continue participating but it's true that this became a sort of electric train where daddy buys it for the children and ends up playing the most with it.
The trading game did not capture their interest further than watching colourful flashes for a few minutes. It's probably too complicated for their age and hard to understand without knowing some basic financial markets knowledge.
However I used the same device to make other more appropriate games and keep them involved. I could ask them what game they would want, and I would make most of it but involve them in the parts of the code that can be meaningful to them. I found that while they like understanding how it works when I walk them through some small bits of code, writing code (even heavily assisted) is still daunting at their age so they prefer tools like MIT scratch.
As someone who operates in the trading technology space this is really cool. Over the years I have recognized that the top active traders develop a new sense through analyzing order book data (level1-level3) and perhaps gamification like this could help/accelerate that. Just a thought.
Thanks for the feedback. Yes it takes some practice to be able to read and understand an orderbook, and I find that visualisations help a lot, so does making your own derived metrics (for example calculating vwap prices, distance to fair in basis points for each level etc). What this game does is provide a feel for it, for your relative position, and for visualising pockets of liquidity, but it's also quite limited by the form factor.
I drafted another version of this game which is more arcade-based (and does not run on handheld but a computer or arcade box) and the game is essentially about fighting over an orderbook to (a) be in the best position possible to capture the flow that you want, (b) monitoring for orders with a positive edge and sniping them faster than the other player (or even pick off the other player before they have a chance to move). The values next to the bid and ask quantities are the edge in basis points relative to faire value. If you see some positive edge somewhere you want to go and cross the book to pick out the price.
Very interesting journey. Some can be like ben 6502 make into a long series of yet for training and future budding hacker. The whole journey inckudeing issue handling I hope.
You're right and besides that, it's not an interesting game for them. I continued involving him using the same platform, but we made more age-appropriate games. It's easy to upload a different game over a USB cable so I could just remove the trading one and upload some other.
Some of the games we made were a quizz platform (times tables, French words etc.), a version of etch-a-sketch where they can move a cursor around, draw, and change the color, and a 2d space shooter game.
It was a good platform to introduce them to code on some of the more tangible bits such as explaining that the screen is a grid of pixels, and that hitting the move button means incrementing your position variable by a few pixels. It's also quite cool for them to be able to bring this to school and to explain how it works, both from an electrical standpoint, and for some of the simple software bits.
I’m really interested in feedback and ideas on things I could improve and add. I found this really inspiring as it got me more into programming, discovering electronics, and 3d printing.
I have no desire to ever make this project commercial, but it’s been a great platform for me to learn and experiment new things so I’ll take any idea be it for the gameplay or purely technical. Some features I have in mind are:
- Multiplayer over bluetooth where one device is the ‘game-master’ running the exchange and can monitor and guide players while injecting events.
- Additional quoting algos such as pegging one side of the order book and fighting for position
- A tutorial and better UI. The game is hard to pick up for the first time and probably needs to be made more intuitive etc.
While all of this was made with no practical use in mind (there are a lot of markets and products, and you’d trade them in different ways, so you’d need a different game to speak to a volatility trader for example), some people I work with at various trading desks found it useful for interviews or as an introduction to the idea of market-making for junior people.