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Show HN: Akas: A Micropodcasting App (akashq.com)
2 points by sftechdude 71 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

What does this marketing even mean? What makes it a "safe space"? Is it anonymous? Is it private? Does anyone get to actually hear the podcast? How are you "safe" if you air your unedited thoughts? Long on promise, short on information. Pass.

And, the privacy policy seems to be stolen/ copied from thedrive.ai.

>Akas is a micro podcasting app that allows you to capture your raw, unedited, personal thoughts. It's a safe space to voice your inner thoughts—small victories, daily reflections, or unfiltered musings that don't fit elsewhere. Here, your thoughts don't have to be complete or polished. Share them as they are, privately or publicly. Give your voice to what matters, even if it is raw and unrefined.

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