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Ask HN: What is your goto website builder?
3 points by laksmanv 38 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Do you use a specific framework to code landing pages, or perhaps squarespace/wix/wordpress/webflow?

Big fan of Astro.

If you want to move fast, have clients/team members give Versoly a try (founder here).

The visual editor is based on editable HTML/Vue code. Low learning curve for developers and no vendor lock-in (main selling point is I can't increase prices, change license etc)

Open source is great but if the project dies or changes license it is useless, whereas open standards will live on. Which can be seen from tools using Redis APIs to create whole new backends on top of it.

html + css (and jquery if i'm lazy)

For my side projects, I like Next.js + MUI, just because it's fast and easy to get them going (once you've learned them). Next 15 just came out though, and they're about to change up the caching model once more, so time to throw away everything I know yet again, I guess...

For clients, I normally point them at Wix.com if they want something completely no-code. Squarespace is fine too, but Wix seems easier to use.

I used to use Wordpress with one of the page builder plugins (or Advanced Custom Fields for something more Jam-stacky), but with all the drama, I wouldn't recommend that anymore. That Matt guy terrifies me.

For simpler sites, Vite and Astro both seem great.

I don't code in vanilla anymore (too much hassle, not-great developer ergonomics), but I respect people who have the patience for that.


IMHO though, people would be better-served choosing a framework based on the needs of a particular project/team/client rather than just imposing their favorite one on everything they build.

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