Hi HN,
I've built local-first route optimization that runs in the browser, without backend. No mobile version, only desktops/tablets.
It's basic at the moment, but is completely free, and will stay free for most of the functionality in the future, because there's no backend costs for optimization.
Some highlights:
- import/export of Excel files;
- no imported data saved on backend;
- OSM and some open-source components for matrix, routing, and geocoding;
- constraints: time windows, capacity, driver's shifts, simultaneous pickup and delivery, optional orders, and many more.
About solver:
- competitive solver quality with leading commercial and OSS solvers that require backend - plan to have a performance evaluation page that runs G&H, Sintef and other benchmarks;
- c++/wasm/wasi-sdk;
Feel free to play with it, tasks up to 3000 orders or 100-200 vehicles are optimized fine even on 10-years old laptop in the browser.