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Overchitecture captures the perfect mix of overspecified and impractical design
6 points by snappr021 35 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Engineers everywhere can finally put a word to it!

Overchitecture (noun) /ˈəʊvərˌtʃɪtɛkʧər/

Definition: The practice of creating architectural specifications that are unnecessarily complex, elaborate, or excessive, often adding no practical value to the project and leading to increased costs and inefficiencies. Commonly results in frustration among engineers tasked with implementing the design.

Example in a sentence: “The project suffered from overchitecture, with elaborate specifications that didn’t serve any real function.”

Over-architecture is already in use.

What's your reason for leaving out the "ar" in architecture?

While over abstracting is one type of architectural problem, another unique, yet altogether different issue, is what looks like effective engineering, but turns out to be pseudo-engineering. Overchitecture is more like “Catch me if you can.”

The appearance of competence to the average Joe, that is total “Bullshit McAuley”

Over-architecture is the side-effect of overthinking.

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