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Show HN: Routing24 – Free route optimization in the browser (routing24.com)
54 points by dennis16384 77 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments
Hi HN!

I built Routing24 to make route optimization easier and accessible for small businesses and solo drivers.

With Google Maps, you can plan routes between a few locations for free, but it doesn’t support efficient multi-stop planning, handling multiple vehicles, or adding specific business rules like delivery time windows.

Many tools offer route optimization for around $30 per vehicle per month, but Routing24 provides it completely free. Optimization happens fully on the client-side, using your device’s resources instead of cloud servers.

The interface is simple for now: you can import/export using Excel, and there’s a web UI to edit and view imported data and optimized routes. Data is saved or uploaded anywhere, and one browser tab runs one optimization. Map data comes from OpenStreetMap, and the solver is built in C++/WASM, using public domain algorithms.

I’d love to hear any feedback as I keep developing it. Thanks, and I hope it’s useful!

Very cool! It's a bit off topic, but I used to enjoy Google's travel app, which had a feature that found the shortest path between many popular tourism destinations in a city. That way as close as I'll personally come to route optimization ;)

Thanks! I just not sure Amazon DSP drivers can use that mobile app from Google with their 300-stops Flex itineraries.

By the way Routing24 works on mobile, optimizing when offline too. It's just the current app is designed for desktop and route planners. Solver itself works on any 5 y.o. brick with shattered camera like a charm.

When you say it is working offline, do you mean it fetches the OSM data offline and calculates the distance matrix offline or only the route optimization e.g. for when reordering or adding constraints?

btw: thanks for using photon for geocoding ;)

Hi there, and thank you for being a Photon contributor! I plan to contribute back OpenAddresses import soon.

Currently distance/duration matrix is built server-side yes. Eventually this part will be fully local too.

Working on "tiled" CH first and then CCH. I haven't even investigated patent and license situation around customizable contraction hierarchies yet.

Really cool, what about allowing people to code their own rules in JS? So I could code the performance and consumption profile of a truck, for example.

Thanks! Eventually, yes - in any language supported by LLVM.

Nice work! Maybe add one pre-computed route for demo version would be better.

BTW, I was thinking "it must be a German project" when I saw the name xxxx24 and it turns out to be true :)

Thanks! Yes I'm designing landing at the moment to showcase ready optimization results straight away.

You're right, I must've been living in Germany long enough to have it imprinted in my subconscious :)

This is very cool. What optimization algos are being used?

All from public domain and competitive programming + some proprietary modifications + multithreading is custom too. It's free but not open source yet.

have you tried this? https://github.com/reinterpretcat/vrp

they have wasm version and support a lot of options

Sure, I'm aware of that one and no, not using it.

This is so well-designed! Love it!

Thanks very much!

This is awesome! Any plans to open-source it? I would love to get involved.

Yes eventually.

It will be an open-core model once monetization is figured out.

With this said, the idea is to have all functionality you see at the moment (and even more in the future) as forever free.

I still use Basecamp for this kind of stuff.

Do you mean Garmin Basecamp or Basecamp{dot}com?

Garmin basecamp

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Garmin Basecamp does not do route optimization at all. You can't use it to plan routes for 5 delivery vehicles and throw in some business rules like capacity, orders size, time windows, driver's shifts etc.

-create a bunch of waypoints

-select them, create route from selected waypoints

-then right click your route, Optimize Route

You can optimize based on car or truck presets (yeah you can't truck everywhere), shortest/fastest, and export GPX. MMS it to drivers etc. The rest are some bells and whistles.

Thanks for clarifying - yes this looks like single-vehicle TSP without any business rules/side constraints. Not usable for many vehicles either.

Sure, but r24 ignores road restrictions and outputs spreadsheets (lol) instead of proper GPX.

Both sounds like proper features which are not covered yet, thanks for your input!

I already have support for >1 vehicle profiles that uses more than 1 distance/duration matrix for different vehicle types.

This is a wider subject however, that includes road closures and time-dependent access. Also truck routing attributes have questionable quality in default OSM, therefor we do not specifically advertise truck routing for now.

I'll definitely consider an option to have GPX export when will be implementing dispatching to drivers in the future.

However it is always better to dispatch to your own mobile app and call external navigation for point-to-point route, this is a more standard use case rather than opening a multi-stop route directly in navigation app.

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