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Fight back against? I would say it is actually enabling. A fight back would be regulations that prevent the food industry from making anything other than food. And no, food product is not food. So this drug doesn't actually fight or make the food industry to change. It allows them to continue operating as they like.

These drugs reduce the appetite of the people taking it, which drives sales low: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/05/investing/ozempic-food-co...

But yes, regulating the food industry would have achieved the same health effect than these “miracle drugs” for much cheaper and less adverse effects… But they are too big of a lobby to be targeted by governments unfortunately.

So it's a symbiotic relationship to the food industry, not fighting back. In this way, the food industry can continue to earn profits off its products while bigPharma now as a new revenue stream that benefits from results of the food industry's decisions. Again, I do not see this as fighting back in any shape. It's some clever people seeing a way to profit off of the other industry.

An appetite suppressant does not have a symbiotic relationship with the food industry.

i meant about the company relationship (badly worded) not their end products

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